• 刘建军


    从事凝聚态物理专业研究,主要方向是低维纳米结构受限量子系统的理论计算。先后主持和参加国家、省部级等自然科学基金资助课题十多项,在公开刊物发表论文70余篇,其中40多篇发表在《Physical Review B》、《Journal of Applied Physics》、《The European Physical Journal B》、《Physics Letters A》、《Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter》和《Chinese Physics Letter》等著名物理杂志上,均被SCI、EI收录。兼任《全球信誉最好的网投平台学报》(自然科学版)编委,《半导体技术》理事会理事,Physica E、《Chinese Physics Letter》和《Chinese Physics B》特约审稿人。




  • 张连珠

    张连珠L Z Zhang
     1957年8月出生,1983年3月毕业于河北大学物理系,1992年8月-1993年7月在河北大学物理学系读硕士研究生班,1995年7月-1997年10月在河北大学光学与材料研究所做访问学者,在傅广生教授和于威教授指导下开始从事低温等离子体研究工作。近期在国内外重要学术期刊《Plasma Scienc and Technolgy》、《J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys 》、《Chinese Physics》、《物理学报》、《核聚变与等离子体物理》等发表学术论文30余篇。主持参加河北省自然基金项目多项,主持全球信誉最好的网投平台自然基金项目2项、参加河北省教育厅项目1项。



    E-mail: zhanglianzhu@126.com

  • 郭革新



    E-mail: guogx@mail.hebtu.edu.cn


    多年来,主要从事近代物理实验和固体物理的教学工作以及磁性材料、铁电材料的研究工作。参加并完成国家自然科学基金项目和河北省自然科学基金项目 5 项。 2000 年,合作获河北省科学技术进步二等奖和河北省教育厅科学技术进步一等奖各一项。目前,主持省教育厅和学校基金各一项。

    近年来,与他人合作在 J. Magn. Magn. Mater., J. Appl. Phys., Chin. Phys. Lett., 物理学报 , 物理学报(海外版)和数学物理学报等国内外期刊上发表论文 20 余篇,已有多篇被 SCI , EI 收录 。

  • 吕锋

    吕锋 (Lv Feng) 教授(Professor),1958年11月生于河北石家庄。1982年3月毕业于河北机电学院电气自动化专业,本科学历;2006年取得燕山大学测试计量技术及仪器专业工学硕士学位。现为全球信誉最好的网投平台教授,学术带头,教学名师,硕士生导师,中国自动化学会故障诊断专业委员会委员。主要研究方向:信息处理与智能检测、电气控制及故障诊断技术。
    2002年至2008年期间,先后在清华大学、日本东北大学作访问学者。近年来主持完成国家级课题1项,省级课题3项。获省自然科学三等奖1项, 发表论文50余篇,SCI、EI收录20余篇,出版专著、教材3部,专利2项。



    1.国家自然科学基金面上项目:多传感器信息融合集成故障诊断方法的研究(60974063),2010/01-2012/12 ,已结题,主持

    2.河北省自然科学基金项目: 数据驱动电机设备多故障诊断技术的研究( F2014205115),2014/01-2016/12, 主持

    3.国家自然科学基金面上项目:针对多种异类信息的融合估计与融合理论及应用研究(NO:60274059),2003.1- 2003.12 (参加)

    4.国家自然科学基金项目:多尺度信息融合技术及非线性系统早期故障诊断中应用(NO:60374020) 2004.1-2004.12 (参加)

    5.河北省自然科学基金项目:基于多尺度动态系统故障的综合诊断方法及在电气设备中应用(NO:F2004000180)2004.1-2006.12 已结题 主持

    6.河北省科技攻关:高抗干扰电动机故障监测系统的研究(NO: 04213573) 2004.1-2006.12 已结题 主持

    7.河北省自然科学基金项目:一类非线性系统故障诊断方法的研究(NO:F2008000197)2008.1-2010.12 已结题 主持




    (1) 吕锋,杜文霞,杜海莲. 数据融合驱动电气设备故障的智能诊断,北京: 科学出版社,2013

    (2) 吕锋,李翔,杜文霞. 基于MultiBoost的集成支持向量机分类方法及其应用,控制与决策,2015,30(1):81-85

    (3) 吕锋 ,李华等.基于SVDD-SVM分类器的风力发电机故障诊断方法研究,计算机辅助工程,2015,24(3):67-71

    (4) 吕锋,康凤宁,孙昊. Thepredictive method of power load based on SVM,TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering,2014,12(4):3068-3077

    (5) 吕锋,杜妮,文成林. 一种模糊-证据kNN分类方法,电子学报,2012,40(12):2390-2395

    (6) 吕锋,杜妮,杜海莲. A method of multi-classifier combination based on Dempster-Shafer evidence theory and the application in the faultdiagnosis,Advanced Materials Research,2012,v490-495:1402-1406

    (7) 吕锋,王秀青,辛涛,付超 . Fault Diagnosis Based on Multi-sensor State Fusion Estimation,Sensor Letters,2011,9(5):2006-2011

    (8) 吕锋,孙昊,付超,王秀青. 感应电动机断相故障的在线监测,南京理工大学学报,2011,35:87-91

    (9) 吕锋,李华,孙昊. Method of Fault Diagnosis Based on VDD-SVM , Classifier,Proceedings of the 2015 Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference,扬州,2015

    (10)吕锋,李翔,孙昊,杜海莲,容文杰. Study of Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Ensemble-Multi-SVM Classifiers,Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference,3272-3276,南宁,2014

    (11)吕锋,李翔,王秀青. A survey of intelligent network fault diagnosis technology,2013 25th Chinese Control and Decision Conference(CCDC),4874-4897,贵阳,2013


    (1) 吕锋,孙昊,靳慧龙,辛涛.一种能够抗干扰的电动机故障监测装置,

    (2) 吕锋,杜海莲,杜文霞,李淑娥. 一种感应电动机断相故障的在线监测装置,2012.6,中国,201120357770.3

    通信地址:石家庄南二环东路20号 全球信誉最好的网投平台




  • 张少如

    张少如 上海交通大学控制理论与控制工程专业博士后,天津大学电力电子与电力传动专业博士,全球信誉最好的网投平台电气工程专业硕士生导师。IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics等顶级期刊审稿人;ICIEA 2009”~“ICIEA 2017”的分会场主席。



    国家发改委十二五规划项目“高海拔宇宙线观测站” 中的“电源检测系统” (参研)


    主持河北省高等学校科学技术研究重点项目“高能效并网光伏逆变器关键技术研究” (ZD2017044)








    主持河北省教育厅基金项目“无轴承异步电机转子径向位移控制的研究” (2009141)


























    代表论文(†Corresponding author):


    Shaoru Zhang, Fang Lin Luo, “An Improved Simple Adaptive Control Applied to Power System Stabilizer”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Vol.24, No.2, pp. 369-375, 2009. (SCI)


    Shaoru Zhang, Fang Lin Luo, “Direct Control of Radial Displacement for Bearingless Permanent Magnet-type Synchronous Motors”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol.56, No.2, pp. 542-552, 2009. (SCI)


    Shaoru Zhang, Lingling Liu, Shuai Wang, Yikun Jia, and Chenjie Qie, “Complete Control of Radial Suspension Force for Bearingless Induction Motors”, in: 11th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. pp. 2184-2188, 2016. (EI)


    Shaoru Zhang, Lingling Liu, Yikun Jia, Shuai Wang, and Chenjie Qie, “Compensation Control for Radial Suspension Force in Bearingless Induction Motors”, in: 11th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. pp. 2189-2193, 2016. (EI)


    Shaoru Zhang, Fang Lin Luo, “A Novel Reference Compensation Current Strategy for Three-phase Three-level Unity PF Rectifier”, in: 4th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. pp. 178-183, China, 2009. (EI)


    Shaoru Zhang, Fang Lin Luo, “A Novel Control Strategy for Load Converter of Renewable Energy under Unbalanced Loading”, in: 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. pp. 1506-1511, 2012. (EI)


    Lingling Liu, Shaoru Zhang*, Xiaobo Liu, Yikun Jia,Shuai wang. “Transformerless DC–DC PWM Converters”, in: 10th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. pp. 1386-1390, 2015(EI)


    Qingshen Meng, Shaoru Zhang*. “Fuzzy Self-adaptive PID Control for the Suspending Subsystem of Bearingless Permanent Magnet-type Synchronous Motors”, in: 9th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. pp. 1221-1226, 2014. (EI)


    Ruiye Zhang, Shaoru Zhang*. “A New Active Island Detection Method Which is based on a Novel Disturbance Way”, in: 9th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. pp. 1214-1220, 2014. (EI)


    Shaoru Zhang*. Pingjun Wang. “A Reference Compensation Current Control Strategy for Grid-Connected Inverter of Three-Phase Distributed Generators”,TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.12, No.5, 2014.


    Shuai Wang , Shaoru Zhang* , Lingling Liu , Yikun Jia , Chenjie Qie. “An Improved Active Frequency Drift Anti-islanding Detection Method”, in: 11th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. pp. 2174-2177, 2016. (EI).


    Yikun Jia, Shaoru Zhang*, Lingling Liu, Shuai Wang, Chenjie Qie. “Improved switching boost inverter”, in: 11th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. pp. 2472-2475, 2016. (EI).

  • 杨振军



    1978年9月生,华南师范大学光学专业(国家重点学科)博士毕业,并获理学博士学位,研究方向为非局域空间光孤子、激光光束的传输与变换、超短脉冲光束等。主持国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金、河北师大杰出青年基金和河北师大博士基金各1项,主持河北省自然科学基金2项,曾作为主要研究人员(前三名)参与国家自然科学基金3项和河北省自然科学基金2项,获得河北省自然科学三等奖1项。已在Opt. Express、Phys. Rev. A、Ann. Phys.、Nonlinear Dyn.、Phys. Lett. A、Opt. Commun.、Chin. Phys. Lett.、物理学报等国内外核心以上期刊发表学术论文50余篇,绝大多数被SCI/EI收录,第一作者/通讯作者论文30余篇,全部被SCI/EI收录,并担任Nonlinear Dyn.、Opt. Commun.、光子学报等多个国内外重要学术期刊的审稿人。目前主讲《物理光学》、《应用光学》等理论课程及《光电子技术实验》、《普通物理实验》等实验课程,曾荣获河北省大学生物理竞赛(含实验)优秀指导教师(特等奖指导教师)、石家庄市青年五四奖章提名奖、全球信誉最好的网投平台青年五四奖章、校级优秀共产党员、校级优秀顶岗实习驻县管理教师、院级先进工作者等称号。

  • 邵 琅


    邵 琅,博士、副教授、硕士生导师,1982年出生于江苏南京;2016年度河北省“三三三人才工程”第三层次人选,科技部973计划项目骨干成员


    2017.01-,英国皇家天文学会月报 MNRAS(天文和天体物理学顶级国际期刊),审稿人



    学术论文代表作(最新列表见 NASA Astrophysics Data System:ADS链接论文被引用情况
    1. Shao, Lang; Zhang, Bin-Bin; Wang, Fu-Ri; Wu, Xue-Feng; Cheng, Ye-Hao; Zhang, Xi; Yu, Bang-Yao; Xi, Bao-Jia; Wang, Xue; Feng, Huan-Xue; Zhang, Meng; Xu, Dong:
    "A New Measurement of the Spectral Lag of Gamma-Ray Bursts and its Implications for Spectral Evolution Behaviors",

    The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, submitted, arXiv: 1610.07191 (被引次数:2,NASA/ADS, 2017/5/5)

    2. Shao, Lang; Dai, Zi-Gao; Fan, Yi-Zhong; Zhang, Fu-Wen; Jin, Zhi-Ping; Wei, Da-Ming:
    "Implications of Undertanding Short Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected by Swift",

    The Astrophysical Journal, 2011, 738, 19 (被引次数:8,NASA/ADS, 2017/5/5)

    3. Shao, Lang; Zhang, Fu-Wen; Fan, Yi-Zhong; Wei, Da-Ming:
    "Sw 1644+57/GRB 110328A: the Physical Origin and the Composition of the Relativistic Outflow",

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2011, 734, L33 (被引次数:17,NASA/ADS, 2017/5/5)

    4. Shao, Lang; Fan, Yi-Zhong; Wei, Da-Ming:
    "Underlying Global Features of the X-Ray Light Curves of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts",

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2010, 719, L172 (被引次数:10,NASA/ADS, 2017/5/5)

    5. Shao, Lang; Dai, Zi-Gao; Mirabal, Nestor:
    "Echo Emission from Dust Scattering and X-Ray Afterglows of Gamma-Ray Bursts",

    The Astrophysical Journal, 2008, 675, 507 (被引次数:17,NASA/ADS, 2017/5/5)

    6. Shao, Lang; Dai, Zi-Gao:
    "Behavior of X-Ray Dust Scattering and Implications for X-Ray Afterglows of Gamma-Ray Bursts",

    The Astrophysical Journal, 2007, 660, 1319 (被引次数:58,NASA/ADS, 2017/5/5)

    7. Shao, Lang; Dai, Zi-Gao:
    "A Reverse-Shock Model for the Early Afterglow of GRB 050525A",

    The Astrophysical Journal, 2005, 633, 1027 (被引次数:34,NASA/ADS, 2017/5/5)

    8. Wang, Yuan-Zhu; Zhao, Yi-Nan; Shao, Lang(*); Liang, En-Wei; Lu, Zu-Jia:
    "On the Late-Time Spectral Softening Found in X-Ray Afterglows of Gamma-Ray Bursts",

    The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 818, 167 (被引次数:2,NASA/ADS, 2017/5/5)

    9. Zhao, Yi-Nan; Shao, Lang(*):
    "Spectral Softening in the X-Ray Afterglows of GRB 130925A as Predicted by the Dust Scattering Model",

    The Astrophysical Journal, 2014, 789, 74 (被引次数:7,NASA/ADS, 2017/5/5)

    10. Wei, Jun-Jie; Zhang, Bin-Bin; Shao, Lang; Wu, Xue-Feng; Mészáros, Peter; Kosteleck, V. Alan:
    "Constraining Anisotropic Lorentz Violation via the Spectral-Lag Transition of GRB 160625B",

    The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, submitted, arXiv: 1704.05984

    11. Michałowski, Michał J.; Xu, Dong; Stevens, Jamie; Levan, Andrew; Yang, Jun; Paragi, Zsolt; Kamble, Atish; Dannerbauer, Helmut; van der Horst, Alexander J.; Shao, Lang; Crosby, David; Gentile, Gianfranco; Stanway, Elizabeth; Wiersema, Klaas; Fynbo, Johan P. U.; Tanvir, Nial R.; Kamphuis, Peter; Garrett, Michael:
    "The second closest gamma-ray burst: sub-luminous GRB 111005A with no supernova in a super-solar metallicity environment",

    Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017, submitted, arXiv: 1610.06928 (被引次数:1,NASA/ADS, 2017/5/5)

    12. Wei, Jun-Jie; Zhang, Bin-Bin; Shao, Lang; Wu, Xue-Feng; Mészáros, Peter:
    "A New Test of Lorentz Invariance Violation: The Spectral Lag Transition of GRB 160625B",

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2017, 834, L13 (被引次数:1,NASA/ADS, 2017/5/5)

    13. Liu, Bin; Chen, Wei; Liang, Yun-Feng; Zhou Bei; He, Hao-Ning; Tam, Pak-Hin Thomas; Shao, Lang; Jin, Zhi-Ping; Fan, Yi-Zhong; Wei, Da-Ming:
    "GRB 131231A: Implications of the GeV Emission",

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2014, 787, L6 (被引次数:1,NASA/ADS, 2017/5/5)

    14. Zhang, Fu-Wen; Fan, Yi-Zhong; Shao, Lang; Wei, Da-Ming:
    "Cosmological Time Dilation in Durations of Swift Long Gamma-Ray Bursts",

    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2013, 778, L11 (被引次数:8,NASA/ADS, 2017/5/5)

    15. Zhang, Fu-Wen; Shao, Lang; Yan, Jing-Zhi; Wei, Da-Ming:
    "Revisiting the Long/Soft-Short/Hard Classification of Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era",

    The Astrophysical Journal, 2012, 750, 88 (被引次数:45,NASA/ADS, 2017/5/5)

    现主讲: 天体力学(本科);星系天文学(研究生)

    最后更新: 2017/5/8
  • 李冀

    李冀,男,1966年生人,教授,天体物理硕士研究生导师。 Email:liji@hebtu.edu.cn








    2001年-至今, 全球信誉最好的网投平台物理科学与信息工程学院






    国家重点基础研究发展计划973项目:“基于LAMOST大科学装置的银河系研究及多波段天体证认”(2014CB845700)课题一“银盘的结构、星族及其化学和动力学演化” (2014CB845701,2014.01-2018.08),骨干研究成员。









    河北省高校科研重点项目:大样本银盘恒星的元素丰度与银河系化学演化(ZD2010127, 2012.01-2014.12),主持人。


    国家自然科学基金项目:贫金属环境中子俘获过程相关元素丰度分布特征及物理关联的整体研究(10973006 ,2010.01-2012.12),第一主研人。






    国家自然科学基金项目:贫金属星中子俘获元素丰度分布与星系化学演化(19973002,2000.01-2002.12 ),第一主研人。









    Xiang, M.-S, Liu X.-W, Yuan H.-B, …, Li J, et al. LAMOST Spectroscopic Survey of the Galactic Anticentre (LSS-GAC): the second release of value-added catalogues, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 467(2): 1890-1914. (coauthor 14/32)


    Li Ji, Han Chen, Xiang Mao-sheng, et al. A method of measuring the [/Fe] ratios from the spectra of LAMOST survey. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2016,16(7):110-123.


    Li Ji, Fu Rui-juan, The abundance distribution of [α/Fe] in the Galactic disk stars. IAUS. 2014, 298: 419-420.


    Yan Tai-sheng, Zhang Yan-xia, Zhao Yong-heng, Li Ji. Exploration of SDSS stellar database by AutoClass. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 2011, 54(9):1717.


    Li Ji, Sun Jianan, Fu Ruijuan. The relations between the metallicity and orbital parameters of Galactic disk stars. Science China: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 2010, 53: 1348-1356.


    Li Ji, Liang Bo, Fan Weishi. The age-metallicity relation in the thin disk., IAUS, 2008. 252: 265-266.


    Zhu Xue-liang, Shi Jian-rong, Zhao Gang, Li Ji. The Chemical Composition of the Field Zero-Age Star HD 77407. Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2007, 7(3):405-414.


    Li Ji, Zhao Gang. Radioactive ages of metal-poor halo stars. Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2004, 4(1):75-87.


    Zhang Bo, Li Ji, Zhang Yang-xia, et al. Two r-process components in ultra-metal-poor stars: the neutron capture elements distribution of CS 22892-052. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2002, 280: 325-336.


    Li Ji, Zhang Bo, et al. Abundances of elements in metal-poor star HD 126238. Chinese Physics Letters, 1999, 16.619-621.


    Zhang Bo, Li Ji, et al. A model for calculating the abundances of neutron -capture elements in metal-poor stars. The Astrophysical Journal, 1999, 513: 910-918.


    李冀,孙建安,付瑞娟. 银盘恒星的金属丰度与轨道参数的关系, 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学,2010,40(3): 377-386.


    严太生, 张彦霞, 赵永恒, 李冀. 基于聚类算法(AutoClass)的恒星/信息分类,中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学,2009,39(12): 1794-1799.(通讯作者)


    梁波, 李冀, 曹藏文, 等. 银盘恒星的年龄-金属丰度关系研究, 天文学进展, 2008, 26(3): 244-256. (通讯作者)


    李冀,赵刚. 银河系核纪年研究进展,天文学进展,2003, 21(1): 70-85.

  • 崔文元




    1. 2017.01-2017.12 主持国家自然科学基金项目“基于Ba、Eu的同位素丰度比研究银河系的中子俘获核合成”(11643007)

    2. 2013.01-2015.12 主持国家自然科学基金项目“利用郭守敬望远镜银河系巡天获得的低分辨率红团簇巨星光谱大样本研究银盘的演化历史”(U1231119)

    3. 2011.01-2013.12 主持国家自然科学基金项目“AGB星s-过程和相关轻元素核合成的内在物理关系研究”(11003002)

    4. 2010.01-2012.12 国家自然科学基金项目“贫金属环境中子俘获过程相关元素丰度分布特征及物理关联的整体研究”(10973006;参研)

    5. 2009.01-2009.12 主持国家自然科学基金项目“特殊贫金属星重元素丰度分布及其形成机制探究”(10847119)

    6. 2007.01-2009.12 国家自然科学基金项目“铅星和s+r星的产生原因及形成机制探究”(10673002;参研)

    7. 2007.01-2009.12 国家自然科学基金项目“银盘恒星的化学丰度与运动学和年龄的关系”(10778616;参研)

    8. 2004.01-2006.12 国家自然科学基金项目“AGB星s-过程核合成与中子辐照量分布函数”(10373005;参研)

    9. 2014.01-2019.12 获得河北省人才项目“河北省首批青年拔尖人才”连续两期资助

    10. 2011.01-2013.12 主持河北省杰出青年基金项目“贫金属AGB星元素核合成研究”(A2011205102)

    11. 2010.01-2012.12 主持河北省教育厅人才项目“河北省高校百名优秀创新人才支持计划” (CPRC034)

    12. 2009.01-2011.12 主持河北省自然科学基金项目“极贫金属星重元素丰度分布及其形成机制探究”(A2009000251)

    13. 2008.01-2009.07 主持河北省教育厅自然科学基金项目“贫金属星中子俘获元素丰度分布及来源探究”(2008127)

    14. 2010.01-2012.12 主持全球信誉最好的网投平台重点基金项目“利用元素整体分析法研究贫金属星内部核合成”(L2009Z04)



    1. 根据郭守敬望远镜(LAMOST,大天区面积多目标光纤光谱天文望远镜)获取的光谱巡天数据建立了一个统一的、高纯度的碳星样本。相关成果以“Carbon stars from LAMOST DR2 data”为题发表在国际顶尖天文学期刊ApJS(2016, 226:1, doi:10.3847/0067-0049/226/1/1),期刊2015年度影响因子为11.257,近5年平均影响因子为13.261。目前,该星表已被欧洲南方天文台开展的SDSS III (APOGEE: Probing the Evolution of the Milky Way) 巡天项目用作基础输入星表。该成果被河北日报等新闻媒体广泛报道。

    2. 成功解释了一颗Ba、Eu双增丰极端贫金属星的中子俘获元素来源,相关成果发表在国际著名天体物理期刊ApJ(2010, 708: 51-57)上,获得2010年度校级优秀论文。

    3. 成功给出了一颗极端贫金属恒星的Sr、Eu等中子俘获元素异常的物理机制,相关成果发表在国际著名天体物理期刊ApJ(2007, 657: 1037-1041)上,获得2007年度校级优秀论文。

    4. 培养的硕士生孟晓英的硕士论文《贫金属星钡元素的奇偶同位素丰度比测定和Ba星大气参数的确定》(2015年硕士)分别获2016年河北省优秀硕士学位论文,全球信誉最好的网投平台优秀硕士学位论文。

    5. 参研项目“恒星重元素核合成与中子俘获元素丰度分布”2007年获河北省自然科学奖三等奖。


    • 观测恒星的高分辨率光谱,确定化学丰度,结合年龄和运动学信息,研究银河系的不同星族,探索银河系的形成、结构和演化,检验核合成理论和宇宙学模型。

    1. 高分辨率光谱分析:通过确定重元素的同位素比例研究中子俘获元素异常恒星的形成机制;研究银河系早期重元素形成的r/s之争。

    2. 低分辨率光谱分析:基于元素丰度分布研究银晕和银盘的形成、演化历史

    3. 银河系考古:搜寻、研究形成于银河系早期的低金属丰度恒星


    • 先后主讲过本科生主干课程《普通物理实验(一)(二)》、《数学物理方法》、《基础天文学》和研究生课程《天文数据处理》。2008年获得全球信誉最好的网投平台“顶岗实习支教驻县管理优秀教师”称号。


    1. 第一作者或责任作者论文


    Ji Wei, Cui Wenyuan*, Liu Chao, Luo Ali, Zhao Gang, Zhang Bo
    Carbon stars from LAMOST DR2 data
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2016, 226: 1


    Meng Xiaoying, Cui Wenyuan*, Shi Jianrong, Jiang Xiaohua, Zhao Gang, Zhang Bo, Li Ji
    The odd-isotope fractions of barium in CEMP-r/s star HE 0338-3945 and r-II star CS 31082-001
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 593: A62


    Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo, Shi Jianrong, Zhao Gang, Wang Wenjun, Niu Ping
    Possible discovery of the r-process
    characteristics in the abundances of metal-rich barium stars Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014, 566: A16


    Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo, Zhao Gang
    Investigating the abundance enrichment pattern of heavy elements in the only observed CEMP-r/s star J004441.04-732136.4 of the SMC
    Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astonomy, 2014, 57: 1201-1205


    Cui W. Y., Sivarani, T., Christlieb, N.
    The Hamburg/ESO R-process Enhanced Star survey (HERES) VIII. The r+s star HE 1405−0822
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2013, 558: A36


    Cui Wenyuan, Shi Jianrong, Geng Yuanyuan, Zhang Caixia, Meng Xiaoying, Shao Lang, Zhang Bo
    The study of s-process nucleosynthesis based on barium stars, CEMP-s and CEMP-r/s stars
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 2013, 346: 477-492


    Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Jiang, Zhu Zizhong, Zhang Bo
    Investigation for the enrichment pattern of the element abundances in r+s star HE 0338-3945: a special r-II star?
    The Astrophysical Journal, 2010, 708: 51-57


    Wenyuan Cui, Bo Zhang, Yamin Quan, Guide Zhou, Yanping Chen
    Orbital elements of the mild and strong barium stars formed through a wind accretion scenario
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 2008, 314: 351-359


    Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo, Ma Kun, Zhang Lu
    Investigation of the puzzling abundance pattern of the neutron-capture elements in the ultra-metal-poor star CS 30322-023
    The Astrophysical Journal, 2007, 657: 1037-1041


    Wenyuan Cui, Weijuan Zhang, Bo Zhang
    Evolution of the Distribution of Neutron Exposures in the Galaxy Disc: an Analytical Model
    Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2007, 28: 55-66


    Cui Wenyuan, Cui Dongnuan, Du Yunshuang, Zhang Bo
    Neutron-capture elements in the double-enhanced star HE 1305-0007: a new s- and r-process paradigm
    Chinese Physics Letters, 2007, 24: 1417-1420


    Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Fenghua, Zhang Weijuan, Zhang Lu, Zhang Bo
    Distributions of neutron exposures in AGB stars and the galaxy
    Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2007, 7: 224-234


    Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo
    The origin of the lead-rich stars in the Galactic Halo: investigation of the model parameters for the s-process
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2006, 368: 305-309

    2. 合作论文


    Guochao Yang, Hongjie Li, Nian Liu, Lu
    Zhang, Wenyuan Cui, Yanchun Liang, Ping Niu1, Bo Zhang
    Formation of the Abundance Boundaries of the Heavier Neutron-capture Elements in Metal-poor Stars
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2017, 129: 064201


    Yang Guochao, Li Hongjie, Liu Nian, Cui Wenyuan, Liang Yanchun, Zhang Bo
    Footprints of the weak s-process in the carbon-enhanced metal-poor star ET0097
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 2016, 361: 317


    Niu Ping, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo
    Study of the element abundances in HD 140283: the abundance robustness of the weak r-and main r-process stars
    The Astrophysical Journal, 2015, 813: 1-9


    Niu Ping, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo, Xie Geying
    Astrophysical Origins for the Unusual Chemical Abundance of the Globular Cluster Palomar 1
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2015, 127: 51-57


    Liu Chao, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo, Wan Junchen, Deng Licai, Hou Yonghui, Wang Yuefei, Yang Ming, Zhang Yong
    Spectral classification of stars based on LAMOST spectra
    Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2015, 15: 1137-1153


    Wan Junchen, Liu Chao, Deng Licai, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Yong, Hou Yonghui, Yang Ming, Wu, Yue
    Red clump stars from the LAMOST data I: identification and distance
    Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2015, 15: 1166-1181


    Niu Ping, Liu Weili, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo
    Is germanium (Ge, Z = 32) a neutron-capture element?
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014, 443: 2426-2435


    Li Hongjie, Ma Wenjuan, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo
    Estimating r-Process Yields from Abundances of the Metal-Poor Stars
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014, 126: 544-552


    Li Hongjie, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo
    Investigation of the puzzling abundance pattern in the stars of the fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy
    The Astrophysical Journal, 2013, 775: 1-12


    Li Hongjie, Shen Xiaojing, Liang Shuai, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo
    Study of Neutron-Capture Element Abundances in Metal-Poor Stars
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2013, 125: 143-153


    Li Hongjie, Liang Shuai, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo
    Study of the Abundance Patterns in the Metal-Poor Stellar Stream
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 2013, 30: e015  


    Shen Xiaojing, Zhang Bo, Li Hongjie, Liang Shuai, Cui Wenyuan
    An explanation of the correlations of abundance ratio between neutron-capture elements and iron group elements in Ba stars
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 2013, 343: 541-554


    Zhang Jiang, Zhao Fang, Chen Yanping, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo
    Puzzling Origin of CEMP-r/s Stars: An Interpretation of Abundance and Enrichment of s- and r-Process Elements from Asymptotic Giant
    ranch SupernovaeJournal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 2013, 34: 373-391


    Zhang Fenghua, Zhou Guide, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo
    Calculating Method and Characteristics of the Distribution of Neutron Exposures in the Radiative s-process Nucleosynthesis Model
    or AGB StarsChinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2013, 37: 405-417


    C Liu, F Yang, L Deng, Y Xu, W Cui
    The identification of K giant stars in LAMOST pilot survey
    IAUS 298 Setting the scence for Gaia and LAMOST, Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 298, 2014, Lijiang, China, 2013.5.20-2013.5.24


    Yang Guochao, Liang Yanchun, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo
    Abundance analysis of barium stars
    IAUS 298 Setting the scence for Gaia and
    LAMOST, Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 298, 2014, Lijiang, China, 2013.5.20-2013.5.24


    Liang Shuai, Li Hongjie, Shen Xiaojing, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo
    Abundance Analysis of r+s Stars: r-Process Abundance Comparison between r+s Stars and r-rich Stars
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2012, 124: 304-315


    Zhang Jiang, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo
    Study of isotopic fractions and abundances of the neutron-capture elements in HD 175305
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010, 402: 956-960


    Jiang Zhang, Wenyuan Cui, Bo Zhang
    A Holistic Abundance Analysis to r-rich Stars
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010, 409: 1068-1076


    Cui Dongnuan, Geng Yuanyuan, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo
    Mass Fraction of 13C-Pocket in Metal-Poor AGB Stars and the Primary Nature of Neutron Source
    Chinese Physics Letters, 2009, 26: 039701


    Kun Ma, Wenyuan Cui, Bo Zhang
    Investigation of the single neutron exposure model for the s-process: the primary nature of the neutron source
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2007, 375: 1418-1422


    Chen Zhe, Zhang Jiang, Chen Yanping, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo
    The yields of r-process elements and chemical evolution of the galaxy
    Astrophysics and Space Science, 2006,306: 33-39

  • 崔树旺


      崔树旺,河北省沧州市孟村回族自治县人,出生于 1973 年 6 月,中国共产党党员。理学博士,副教授,天体物理专业硕士研究生导师。

      从事专业为宇宙线与高能天体物理,主要研究方向是甚高能宇宙线 GAMMA 天文。目前主持国家重大合作项目子课题一项和参加国家自然科学基金课题一项。其科研内容的主要部分是参加西藏羊八井宇宙线国际合作实验的数据处理和物理分析的研究工作。

      近年来,参与发表学术论文 20 余篇,其中大部分发表在国际高影响因子期刊(影响因子6 .0 以上)上。作为主要工作的贡献者之一,在分析羊八井中日合作实验数据,实现全天区扫描找源工作的研究中,发现了全天区高能宇宙线强度分布的各向异性,该研究结果发表在 2006 年 10 月 20 日 出版的国际权威杂志《 Science (科学)》上,并于 2007 年 3 月 19 日 被中国科学院评为该院 2006 年度十大重要创新成果(排名第三)之一。



  • 张波

    张波,男,1957年3月出生,1980 年1月重庆师范学院物理系毕业, 1984 年 9 月考取全球信誉最好的网投平台物理系硕士研究生,1987年7月毕业。1987年开始在全球信誉最好的网投平台物理系任教。理论物理专业博士研究生导师,校学术带头人,一档教授,理论物理研究所所长。中科院国家天文台博士生导师,中国天文学会理事,国际天文联合会(IAU)会员,中国高等科技中心协联成员。















































    [1] A model for calculating the abundances of neutron -capture elements in metal-poor stars


    The Astrophysical Journal, 1999, 513: 910-918


    Zhang Bo, Li Ji, Zhang Caixia, Liang Yanchun, Peng Qiuhe


    [2] Neutron Capture Elements in the s- and r-Process-Rich Stars: Constraints on Neutron-Capture Nucleosynthesis Processes


    The Astrophysical Journal2006,642:1075-1081


    Zhang Bo, Ma Kun, Zhou Guide


    [3] Investigation for the Puzzling Abundance Pattern of the Neutron-Capture Elements in the Ultra Metal-Poor Star: CS 30322-023


    The Astrophysical Journal, 2007, 657:1037-1041


    Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo, Ma Kun, Zhang Lu


    [4] Investigation for the Enrichment Pattern of the Elements Abundances in r+s Star HE 0338-3945: A Special r-II Star


    The Astrophysical Journal, 2010, 708: 51-57


    Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Jiang, Zhu Zizhong, Zhang Bo


    [5] The oxygen abundance calibrations and N/O abundance ratios of 40000 SDSS star-forming galaxies


    The Astrophysical Journal, 2006, 652:257-269


    Liang Yanchun, Yin ShaoyingF.Hammer, Deng LicaiH.Flores, Zhang Bo


    [6]  The heavy-element abundances of AGB Stars and the angular conservation model of wind accretion for barium stars


    Astronomy and Astrophysics,2000363: 555-567


    Liang Yanchun, Zhao Gang, Zhang Bo


    [7]  Orbital elements of barium stars formed through a wind accretion scenario.


    Astronomy and Astrophysics,2000363: 660-666


    Liu Junhong, Zhang Bo, Liang Yanchun, Peng Qiuhe


    [8]  Chemical compositions of four barium stars.


    Astronomy and Astrophysics,2003397: 257-265


    Liang Yanchun, Zhao Gang ,Chen Yuqin, Qiu Hong-mei, Zhang Bo


    [9] Empirical strong-line oxygen abundance calibrations from galaxies with electron-temperature measurements


    Astronomy and Astrophysics,2007, 462: 535-546


    Yin Shaoying, Liang YanchunF.Hammer,J.Brinchmann, Zhang Bo, Deng LicaiH.Flores


    [10] The origin of the lead-rich stars in the Galactic Halo: investigation of the model parameters for the s-process .


    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2006,368:305-309


    Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo


    [11] Investigation of the single neutron exposure model for the s-process: the primary nature of the neutron source.


    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2007, 375:1418-1422


    Ma Kun, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo


    [12] Study of Isotopic Fractions and Abundances of the Neutron-capture Elements in HD175305


    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2009, in press


    Zhang Jiang, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo


    [13] Evolution of the distribution of neutron exposures in the Galaxy disc: an analytical model


    Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2007, 28:1-12


    Cui Wenyuan, Zhang WeijuanZhang Bo


    [14]Two r-process components in ultra-metal-poor stars:the neutron-capture element distribution of CS 22892-052.


    Astrophysics and Space Science, 2002, 280:325-336.


    Zhang Bo, Li Ji, Wang Yuexiang, Zhang Yanxia, Liu Junhong, Peng Qiuhe


    [15] The yields of r- process elements and chemical evolution of the Galaxy.


    Astrophysics and Space Science, 2006, 306:33-39


    Chen ZheZhang JiangChen YanpingCui WenyuanZhang Bo


    [16] Orbital elements of the mild and strong barium stars formed through a wind accretion scenario


    Astrophysics and Space Science, 2008, 314: 351-359


    Cui WenyuanZhang Bo, Quan Yamin, Zhou Guide, Chen Yanping


    [17] Abundances of heavy elements in ultra-metal poor star CS22892-52


    = 极贫金属星CS 22892-052的重元素丰度研究.


    Science in ChinaA,1999,42:401-406.=中国科学(A), 1998, 28:1102-1106.


    Zhang Bo,Zhang Caixia, Li Ji, Liang Yanchun, Peng Qiuhe


    [18] Correlativity of nucleosynthesis in low-mass AGB stars


    = 低质量 AGB 星核合成事件的相关性研究


    Science in ChinaA, 1996,39:1112-1120.=中国科学(A), 1996,26: 1050-1156.


    Liu YongxinZhang Bo,, Peng Qiuhe


    [19] Inverse Correlation of abundances in AGB Stars.


    Chinese Physics Letters, 1998, 15: 76-78.


    Zhang Bo,Liu Junhong, Liang Yanchun, Peng Qiuhe


    [20] Abundances of elements in metal-poor star HD 126238.


    Chinese Physics Letters, 1999, 16.619-621.


    Li Ji, Zhang Bo, Wei Guoqiang,Zhang Liping,, Peng Qiuhe


    [21] Abundances distribution of slow-process main heavy elements in AGB stars.  


    Chinese Physics Letters 2003, 20.962-964.


    Zhang Miaojing, Zhang Bo,Li Guanglie


    [22] R-Process Nucleosynthesis and Galactic Chemical Evolution of the Ba Peak Elements.


    Chinese Physics Letters, 2003,202084-2087.


    Song Hanfeng, Zhang Bo, Zhang Jiang, Wu Haibin, Peng Qiuhe


    [23] Neutron Capture Elements in the Double Enhenced Star HE1305-0007: a new s- and r-Process Paradigm.


    Chinese Physics Letters, 2007,241417-1420.


    Cui Wenyuan, Cui Dongnuan, Du Yunshuang, Zhang Bo


    [24] Mass Fraction of 13C-Pocket in Metal-Poor AGB Stars and the Primary Nature of Neutron Source


    Chinese Physics Letters, 2009,26039701, 1-4


    Cui Dongnuan, Geng Yuanyuan, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo


    [25] Galactic chemical evolution of the lighter neutron capture elements Sr,Y,Zr.


    Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics,2003,5:431-442.


    Du Cui-huaZhang Bo, Song Hanfeng, Peng Qiuhe


    [26]New variable stars discovered as by-product of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory Supernova survey


    Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics,2002,2:463-473.


    Kong MinzhiQiu YuleiShen Chuanjian,Deng Jinsong,Zhang Bo


    [27] A statistical model for predicting the average abundances patterns of the heavy elements in metal-poor-stars


    Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics,2002,2:429-440


    Zhang Bo, Zhang Yan-xia,Li Ji, Peng Qiuhe


    [28] The Distributions of Neutron Exposures in AGB stars and the Galaxy


    Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics,2007,7:224-233




    [29] Model of wind accretion in extrinsic AGB stars under conservation of total angular momentum


    = 外赋AGB星星风吸积的角动量守恒模型.


    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics,1999,23:189-194=天文学报,1998,39:424-429.


    Zhang Bo, Liu Junhong, Liang Yanchun, Peng Qiuhe


    [30] A methed of evaluating abundances of heavy elements in metal-poor stars


    = 一种研究贫金属星重元素丰度分布的方法.


    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2000,24:88-94=天文学报,1999,40:256-262.


    Zhang Bo,Li Ji, Zhang Caixia, Liang Yanchun, Peng Qiuhe


    [31] The abundance distribution of Neutron-capture elements in metal Poor stars


    = 贫金属星中子俘获元素丰度分布


    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2001,25:298-304=天文学报,2001,42:22-28.


    Zhang Bo, Zhang Yanxia, Liu Junhong, Li Ji, Peng Qiuhe


    [32] The nucleosynthesis of elements in low-mass AGB stars= 低质量 AGB 星重元素的核合成.


    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics,1997,21:59-69=天文学报,1996,37:243-253.


    Wang Xinge, Zhang Bo, Peng Qiuhe


    [33] Monte Carlo simulations of the orbital elements and abundances of Barium stars


    = 钡星系统轨道根数及丰度分布的Monte-Carlo模拟计算.


    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics,2003,27:292-302=天文学报200344:116-125.


    Shi Weibin, Niu Ping, Zhang Bo, Liu Junhong, Peng Qiuhe


    [34] Evolution of the s-element abundances of 3M asymptotic giant branch stars


    = 3 MAGB 星表面重元素丰度的演化.


    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1998,22:49-55.=天文学报, 1997,38:232-238.


    Zhang Bo, Chang Ruixiang, Peng Qiuhe


    [35] A new formula for computing mean neutron exposure = 计算平均中子辐照量的新公式


    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2008, 32:369-379.=天文学报, 2008, 49: 133-143


    Zhang Fenghua, Zhou Guide, Zhang Bo


    [36] The color-magnitude relation of disk galaxies= 盘状星系的颜色星等关系


    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2007, 31:236-243 =天文学报, 2007, 48: 11-17


    Wu Haibin, Liu Chengze, Zhang Bo, Chang Ruixiang


    [37] The overbundance of s-process elements in Ba stars through wind accretion


    = 星风吸积引起的钡星重元素超丰.


    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1997,21:453-460=天体物理学报,1997,17:284-290.


    Chang Ruixiang, Zhang Bo,  Peng Qiuhe


    [38]The average abundance of heavy elements in metal poor stars in different metallicity ranges




    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2001,25:187-193=天体物理学报,2000,20:277-284.


    Zhang Yanxia, Zhang Bo, Li Ji, Liu Junhong, Peng Qiuhe


    [39] Period variation of x-ray pulsars and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the accretion disk boundary


    = X-射线脉冲星周期的变化与吸积盘的K-H不稳定性.


    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics,1989,13:366-372=天体物理学报,1989,9:244-250.


    Zhang Bo, Ge Yunzao


    [40] Nucleosynthesis of fluorine in low-mass AGB stars during the thermal pulse phase


    = 小质量AGB星热脉冲阶段氟的核合成.


    Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics,1996,20:231-238=天体物理学报,1996,16:58-64


    Liu Yongxing, Zhang Bo, Peng Qiuhe


    [41] Ba星星风吸积机制的再研究. 天体物理学报,1999,19:213-219. 梁艳春, 张波,彭秋和






    [44]贫金属星的中子俘获元素. 高能物理与核物理,20042830-36.张妙静,张波,厉光烈


    [45] AGB星演化过程中的核合成.  原子核物理评论,2002,13321-328. 张妙静,张波,厉光烈


    [46] AGB 星核合成理论的研究进展. 天文学进展,1996,14:275-285.  张波,常瑞香,彭秋和


    [47]贫金属星中子俘获元素丰度. 天文学进展.2000,18:238-248.  张波,李冀,张彦霞,彭秋和


    [48] AGB s-过程核合成相关问题的研究进展. 天文学进展 2006,24:54-61.张波,崔文元




  • 袁国勇

    袁国勇  中国工程物理研究院理论物理专业博士,全球信誉最好的网投平台理论物理专业硕士生导师、教授。


    1、主持国家自然科学基金项目“不均匀媒质中螺旋波的动力学及螺旋波的控制” (11005030)

    2、主持国家自然科学基金项目“螺旋波动力学及其在医学中的应用” (10647127)





















    Guoyong Yuan(*),Huan Zhang,Aiguo Xu,Guangrui Wang,

    Attractive and  repulsive contributions of localized excitability inhomogeneities and elimination of spiral waves in excitable media,Physical Review E,2013.8.26,88(2):022920


    Yuan,Guoyong(*),Xu, Aiguo,Wang, Guangrui,Chen, Shigang,Control of spiral-wave dynamics using feedback signals from line detectors,Europhysics Letters,2010.5.5,90(1):10013


    Yuan,GY(*),Wang, GR,Chen, SG,Control of spiral waves and spatiotemporal chaos by periodic perturbation near the boundary,EUROPHYSICS LETTERS,2005.12.15,72(6):908~914


    Yuan,Guoyong(*),Bao, Xueping,Yang, Shiping,Wang, Guangrui,Chen,Shaoying,Dynamics of pulses and spiral waves in excitable media with an anomalous diffusion,International Journal of Modern Physics B,2016.8.10,30(20):1650127


    Yuan,Guoyong(*),Bai, Tianxing,Zhou, Liwei,Wang, Guangrui,Yang, Shiping,Synchronization of spiral waves in an excitable bilayer with multiple coupled patches,Nonlinear Dynamics,2015.10.01,82(1-2):909~918


    Yuan, Guoyong(*),Ma, Litao,Xu, Lijun,Wang, Guangrui,Yang, Shiping,Dynamics of meandering spiral waves under the modulation of a dichotomous noise,Physica Scripta,2014.4.01,89(4):045201


    Yuan, Guo-Yong(*),Wang, Xiao-Ming,Wang, Guang-Rui,Yang, Shi-Ping,Effect of external periodic pulses on spiral dynamics and control of spiral waves,International Journal of Modern Physics B,2013.11.10,27(28):1350158


    Yuan Guo-Yong(*),Zhang Huan,Wang Guang-Rui,Spiral-wave dynamics in an excitable medium with many excitability obstacles,Acta Physica Sinica,2013.8.01,62(16):160502


    Guoyong Yuan(*),Yaping Liu,Aiguo Xu,Guangrui Wang,Dynamics of spiral waves driven by a dichotomous periodic signal,Nonlinear Dynamics,2012.11.01,70(3):1719~1730


    GUOYONG YUAN(*),ZHICHENG FENG,AIGUO XU,GUANGRUI WANG,SHAOYING CHEN,Dynamics in excitable media subjected to a specific spatiotemporal wave under two schemes,International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2012.6.01,22(6):1250148


    Yuan, Guo-Yong(*),Xu, Lin,Liu, Ya-Ping,He, Xiao-Yan,Yang, Shi-Ping,Transition to chaos in a shell model of turbulence with the change of the  viscosity International Journal of Modern Physics B,2011.11.10,25(28):3785~3795


    Yuan, Guoyong(*),Xu, Lin,Xu, Aiguo,Wang, Guangrui,Yang, Shiping,Spiral waves in excitable media due to noise and periodic forcing,Chaos Solitons & Fractals,2011.9.01,44(9):728~738


    Yuan Guo-Yong(*),Spiral-wave dynamics in excitable medium with excitability modulated by rectangle wave,Chinese Physics B,2011.4.01,20(4):040503


    Yuan Guo-Yong(*),Dynamics of Meandering Spiral Waves Driven by Two-Point Feedback,Communications in Theoretical Physics,2011.9.01,56(3):467~475


    Yuan Guo-Yong(*),Chen Shi-Gang,Non-Gaussian Phase Screen Based on log-Poisson Distribution and Effect on Imaging,Communications in Theoretical Physics,2009.12.01,52(6):1093~1101


    Yuan Guo-Yong(*),Yang Shi-Ping,Wang Guang-Rui,Chen Shi-Gang,Segmented spiral waves and anti-phase synchronization in a model system with two identical time-delayed coupled layers,Communications in Theoretical Physics,2008.1.15,49(1):174~180


    Yuan Guo-Yong(*),Yang Shi-Ping,Wang Guang-Rui,Chen Shi-Gang,Elimination of spiral waves and spatiotemporal chaos by the pulse with a specific spatiotemporal configuration,Chinese Physics B,2008.5.01,17(5):1925~1934


    Yuan, G. Y. (*) ,Chen, S. G.,Yang, S. P.,Eliminating spiral waves and spatiotemporal chaos using feedback signal,European Physical Journal B,2007.8.01,58(3):331~336


    Yuan, GY(*)Zhang, GC,Wang, GR,Chen, SG,Synchronization and asynchronization in two coupled excitable systems,Communications in Theoretical Physics,2005.3.15,43(3):459~465


    Yuan, GY(*),Yang, SP,Wang, GR,Chen, SC,Dynamics of two  FitzHugh-Nagumo systems with delayed coupling,Acta Physica Sinica,2005.4.01,54(4):1510~1522


    Yuan, GY(*),Wang, GR,Chen, SG,Control of spiral waves and spatioternporal chaos by exciting travel wave trains,Communications in Theoretical Physics,2005.11.15,44(5):858~862


    Yuan, GY(*),Zhang, GC,Wang, GR,Chen, SG,Sun, P,Elimination of spiral waves and competition between travelling wave impulses and spiral waves,Chinese Physics Letters,2005.2.01,22(2):291~294


    Yuan, GY(*),Yang, SP,Fan, HL,Chang, H,Quantum chaos in non-symmetric potential well in a tilted magnetic field,International Journal of Modern Physics B,2004.7.30,18(17-19):     2752~2756


    Guoyong Yuan(*), Effect of Constant External Force on Dynamics of Spiral Waves,Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA), 2011 Fourth International Workshop on,Hangzhou,2011.10.19-2011.10.22


    Yuan, Guoyong (*),Xu, Lin,Liu, Yaping,Yang, Shiping,Time-Varying Stochastic Turbulence Model Considering Intermittency,International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications,Shenyang,2009.11.6-2009.11.8


    Yuan, Guo-Yong (*),Yang, Shi-Ping,Chen, Shi-Gang,Dynamical behaviors of spiral waves driven by complex signals,5th International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics (ICNM-V),ShangHai,2007.6.11-2007.6.14


    Guoyong Yuan(*), Effect of Constant External Force on Dynamics of Spiral Waves,Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA), 2011 Fourth International Workshop on,Hangzhou,2011.10.19-2011.10.22


    Yuan, Guoyong (*),Xu, Lin,Liu, Yaping,Yang, Shiping,Time-Varying Stochastic Turbulence Model Considering Intermittency,International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications,Shenyang,2009.11.6-2009.11.8


    Yuan, Guo-Yong (*),Yang, Shi-Ping,Chen, Shi-Gang,Dynamical behaviors of spiral waves driven by complex signals,5th International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics (ICNM-V),ShangHai,2007.6.11-2007.6.14


    Yang, SP(*),Yuan, GY(*),Li, Z,Chang, H,Liu, D,Energy spectral statistics in the quantum system with two particles,International Journal of Modern Physics B,2004.7.30,18(17-19):2740~2744


    Huan Zhang,Guoyong Yuan (*),Hongling Fan,Shaoying Chen,Effect of Two-Part Inhomogeneity on Spiral Wave Dynamics in Excitable Media,Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA), 2011 Fourth International Workshop on,HangZhou,2011.10.19-2011.10.22


    Yang, Shi-Ping(*) ,Li, Yan(*) ,Chang, Hong,Tian, Gang,Yuan, Guo-Yong, The study of coupled oscillators on classical chaos and quantum characteristic,International Journal of Modern Physics B,2006.9.30,20(24):3465~3475

  • 郭志辉







    2004/9 - 2009/7  北京大学,理论物理学专业,博士

    2000/9-2004/7  南开大学,物理学专业,本科; 天津大学,工商管理专业,本科双学位


    2022/6-至今  全球信誉最好的网投平台,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,教授

    2021/1-2022/5  东南大学,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,教授

    2010/1-2020/12  全球信誉最好的网投平台,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,副教授、教授








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    2016-2019 国家自然科学基金-面上项目

    2015-2017 河北省自然科学基金-杰出青年基金项目

    2012-2014 国家自然科学基金-青年基金项目


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  • 白彦魁


     从事量子信息理论研究,在多体量子纠缠相关领域开展了一系列工作,已发表SCI论文34篇,其中Phys. Rev. Lett. 1篇,Phys. Rev. A/B 14篇。2010年以来,先后主持国家自然科学基金2项和河北省自然科学基金2项。2013年获得“第十一届河北省青年科技奖”,2016年获得“河北省杰出青年科学基金”。


    2003/09—2006/07, 中科院半导体研究所,凝聚态物理专业,博士;

    2000/09—2003/06, 全球信誉最好的网投平台,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,理论物理专业,硕士;

    1996/09—2000/06, 全球信誉最好的网投平台,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,物理学,学士;


    2008/07—至今, 全球信誉最好的网投平台,物理科学与信息工程学院,教授;

    2006/09—2008/08, 香港大学,物理系,博士后(Research Associate);

    2006/02—2006/04, 香港大学,物理系,研究助理(Research Assistant)。

    多次(2009/04-06, 2012/05-08,2014/03-07,2016/03-05)赴香港大学物理系汪子丹教授研究组进行访问研究。


    1. 多体系统中量子纠缠的分布特性及其应用的理论研究(11575051),国家自然科学基金(面上项目),2016/01—2019/12,在研;

    2. 多量子比特系统中纠缠分布与多体纠缠结构的理论研究(A2016205215),河北省杰出青年科学基金,2016/01—2018/12,在研;

    3. 多体系统中量子纠缠与量子关联动力学特性的研究(A2012205062),河北省自然科学基金(面上项目),2012/01—2014/12,结题;

    4. 多量子比特系统中纠缠描述的研究(10905016),国家自然科学基金(青年项目),2010/01—2012/12,结题。




    1. Yan-Kui Bai, Shu-Shen Li, and Hou-Zhi Zheng, Noiseless method for checking the Peres separability criterion by local operations and classical communication, Phys. Rev. A 72, 052320 (2005).

    2. Yan-Kui Bai, Dong Yang, and Z. D. Wang*, Multipartite quantum correlation and entanglement in four-qubit pure states, Phys. Rev. A 76, 022336 (2007).

    3. Yan-Kui Bai and Z. D. Wang*, Multipartite entanglement in four-qubit cluster-class states, Phys. Rev. A 77, 032313 (2008).

    4. Yan-Kui Bai, Ming-Yong Ye, and Z. D. Wang*, Entanglement in a class of multiqubit mixed states without multipartite tangles, Phys. Rev. A 78, 062325 (2008).

    5. Yan-Kui Bai, Ming-Yong Ye, and Z. D. Wang, Entanglement monogamy and entanglement evolution in multipartite systems, Phys. Rev. A 80, 044301 (2009).

    6. Yan-Kui Bai*, Na Zhang(硕士生), Ming-Yong Ye, and Z. D. Wang*, Exploring multipartite quantum correlations with the square of quantum discord, Phys. Rev. A 88, 012123 (2013).

    7. Yan-Kui Bai*, Yuan-Fei Xu(硕士生), and Z. D. Wang*, General monogamy relation for the entanglement of formation in multiqubit systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 100503 (2014).

    8. Yan-Kui Bai*, Yuan-Fei Xu(硕士生), and Z. D. Wang*, Hierarchical monogamy relations for the squared entanglement of formation in multipartite systems, Phys. Rev. A 90, 062343 (2014).

    9. Wei Song*, Yan-Kui Bai*, Mou Yang, Ming Yang, and Zhuo-Liang Cao, General monogamy relation of multiqubit systems in terms of squared Renyi-alpha entanglement, Phys. Rev. A 93, 022306 (2016).

    10. Li-Die Wang(硕士生), Li-Tao Wang(硕士生), Mou Yang, Jing-Zhou Xu, Z. D. Wang*, and Yan-Kui Bai*, Entanglement and measurement-induced nonlocality of mixed maximally entangled states in multipartite dyanmics, Phys. Rev. A 93, 062309 (2016).

  • 段春贵

    段春贵,男, 1966 年 2 月生于河北石家庄。中国科学院高能物理研究所理论物理专业博士研究生毕业,获理学博士学位。现任全球信誉最好的网投平台物理科学与信息工程学院教授, 博士生导师。 1997 年 12 月研究成果《超高能强作用物理与强子结构》获河北省科技进步二等奖。 1999 年被评定为河北省享受政府津贴的中青年骨干教师。 1999 年 12 月荣获第一届石家庄市青年科技奖。 2001 年 11 月荣获第五届河北省青年科技奖。 2005 年 12 月荣获石家庄市优秀青年荣誉称号。 2016年12月研究成果《高能粒子与原子核碰撞过程中夸克的能量损失效应》获河北省自然科学三等奖。近年来,主持和作为骨干成员参加多项国家自然科学基金和河北省自然科学基金资助课题的研究工作。







    Na Liu,Wen-Dan Miao,Li-Hua Song,Chun-Gui Duan,Nuclear geometry effect and transport coefficient in semi-inclusive lepton-production of hadrons off nuclei,Phys.Lett. B749 (2015) 88-93.


    Li-Hua Song,Chun-Gui Duan, Na Liu,Systematic analysis of the incoming quark energy loss in cold nuclear matter,Phys.Lett. B708 (2012) 68-74.


    Chun-Gui Duan, Jian-Chao Xu, Li-Hua Song,Nuclear Effects on J/psi Production in Proton-Nucleus Collisions,Eur.Phys.J. C67 (2010) 173-179.


    Li-Hua Song,Chun-Gui Duan,Quark energy loss in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering of leptons on nuclei,Phys.Rev. C81 (2010) 035207.


    Chun-Gui Duan , Na Liu , Zhan-Yuan Yan, The Extraction of nuclear sea quark distribution and energy loss effect in Drell-Yan experiment,Eur.Phys.J.C50:585-591,2007 . e-Print: hep-ph/0609057


    C.G. Duan , G.L. Li , P.N. Shen, Nuclear effects in deep inelastic scattering of charged-current neutrino off nuclear target,Eur.Phys.J.C48:125-133,2006 .


    Zhan-Yuan Yan , Chun-Gui Duan,Hard diffractive scattering factorization from eta/c and gamma associated production at Tevatron and LHC,Int.J.Mod.Phys.A21:3503-3512,2006 .


    Chun-Gui Duan , Peng-Nian Shen , Guang-Lie Li,Nuclear effects in structure functions xF3(x, Q**2) from charge current neutrino deep inelastic scattering, Chin.Phys.Lett.23:3211-3214,2006 .


    C.G. Duan , G.L. Li , L.H. Song , S.H. Wang,Nuclear parton distribution functions and energy-loss effect in the Drell-Yan reaction off nuclei, Eur.Phys.J.C39:179-184,2005 . e-Print: hep-ph/0601188


    Chun-Gui Duan , Li-Jie Shi , Guang-Lie Li , Peng-Nian Shen,The Nuclear effects in polarized proton deuteron Drell-Yan processes, Chin.Phys.Lett.21:450-452,2004 .


    Chun-Gui Duan , Li-Hua Song , Li-Juan Huo , Guang-Lie Li, Energy loss effect in high energy nuclear Drell-Yan process,Eur.Phys.J.C29:557-561,2003 .


    Hong-An Peng , Chun-Gui Duan , Zhen-Min He, Inclusive glueball production in high-energy p + p (anti-p) collisions,Chin.Phys.Lett.18:1018-1020,2001 .


    Zhen-Min He , Shu Zhang , Chun-Gui Duan , Xiao-Xia Yao, Hong-An Peng , The influence of nuclear target on associate production of J / psi and gamma with large p(T) in high-energy proton iron collisions,Z.Phys.C72:657-660,1996 .


    Zhen-min He , Xiao-xia Yao , Chun-Gui Duan , Guang-lie Li , Hon-gan Peng, Double Q**2 rescaling model and the nuclear effect of the parton distribution functions,Eur.Phys.J.C4:301-306,1998 .


    Chun-Gui Duan , Wei Lu, Positivity restrictions to the transverse polarization of the inclusively detected spin 1/2 baryons in unpolarized electron positron annihilation,Z.Phys.C74:531-534,1997 .

  • 刘英

    刘英 教授

    刘英 北京科技大学材料物理与化学专业博士,全球信誉最好的网投平台凝聚态物理专业博士生导师、科技部新材料模拟设计实验室客座研究员。



    主持国家自然科学基金项目星际含碳分子的微波谱和反应途径预测” (U1331116)


    主持国家自然科学基金项目//硅基复合材料的量子调控与储氢机理探索” (1127 4089)








    国家重点基础研究发展规划 (973) 项目面向性能的材料集成设计的科学基础问题材料原子势库创新服务系统课题的研究(2006CB605101;参研)


    国家重点基础研究发展规划 (973) 项目材料计算设计与性能预测基础问题中的材料中原子相互作用势研究课题的研究(G2000067101;参研)


    国家高新技术发展规划(863)新材料领域材料微观结构设计与性能预测专题中的原子间相互作用势库及其对复杂材料的应用课题的研究工作(863- 715-010-0021 ;参研)



    预言了“Volleyballene(排球烯)”的稳定存在(Nanoscale, 8(2016)11441), 研究结果被科技新闻广泛报道。


    关于双环的硼纳米管的结构、电子结构和的储氢特性的预言,作为 ChemPhysChemFront Cover论文发表 (ChemPhysChem, 15 (16)(2014)3453-3459)


    基于冰的氢键网络与sp3杂化碳网络的拓扑相似性,提议了一系列新的碳结构,命名为“ICE carbons(J. Phys. Chem. C, 118 (47)(2014)2750227508)


    关于Au42 纳米管的预言,Nature出版集团的 NPG Asia Materials Research Highlight 栏目以Nanostructures: Hollow gold nanotubes为题进行了评述,评论指出A hollow tube made from 42 atoms of gold has been added to chemists' list of curious target molecules to synthesize.”Scientists have previously made hollow gold clusters containing around 20 atoms, but this is the first time that such relatively large hollow gold nanotubes have been theoretically predicted.”(J. Chem. Phys. 129(2008)134705)


    关于硼纳米管的结构及传输特性的预言作为 ChemPhysChemFront Cover论文发表,编辑在扉页评论中指出It indicates the possibility, in the design of nanodevices, to control the electronic transport properties of boron nanotubes through their diameters.”(ChemPhysChem, 10(17)(2009)3119)


    理论预言了一种磁性类碳硅富勒烯(Eu@Si20)和磁性硅纳米管(Eu2@Si30)的稳定存在(Phys Chem Chem Phys, 12(2010)11428-11431; J. Phys. Chem. C, 117 (20) (2013) 1076410769)


    与西南大学和清华大学研究人员合作,研究了点手性缺失下的手性风车团簇(Small, 8(13)(2012)2078-2082)


    基于Kelvin问题的研究,提议了一系列新的碳结构,命名为“Kelvin carbons(J. Chem. Phys. 138(2013)164703)








    参研项目有机共轭聚合物的物理特性研究” 2006年获河北省自然科学二等奖(No. 2006ZR2001-04)


    参研项目稀土-过渡金属间化合物磁学性质研究”1999年获河北省科学技术进步二等奖(No. 992016-6)



     1) //硅基材料新的物相及其特性;

     2) 过渡金属和第IV族元素混合团簇的结构和特性探索;

     3) 星际分子结构和光谱预测。




    主持学校精品课程建设项目《热力学统计物理》课程建设, 2008.7-2011.6;


    代表论文(Corresponding author):


    Hui-Yan Zhao, Jing Wang, Ling-Yan Ai, and Ying Liu*,

    Cu20Si12: A hollow cage constituted of a copper dodecahedron and a silicon icosahedron,

    J Phys Chem A, 120 (2016) 6303; DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.6b05258


    Jing Wang and Ying Liu*,

    New Volleyballenes: Y20C60 and La20C60,

    Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 30875; DOI: 10.1038/srep30875


    Jing Wang, Hong-Man Ma and Ying Liu*,

    Sc20C60: a volleyballene

    Nanoscale, 8(2016)11441-11444, DOI: 10.1039/C5NR07784B


    This manuscript was submitted to arXiv (arxiv.org/abs/1502.03507) on 10 February, 2015. Soon after, “MIT Technology Review” reviewed this work entitled “Forget Buckyballs, Here Comes Volleyballene” in the “view” column on February 18.[A1] Then, “Physics Today” introduced this work entitled “Buckyball variant resembles a volleyball” in the “News Picks” column of the “Daily Edition” on February 19.[A2] “New Scientist” (Volume 225, Issue 3010, p19) reports this work entitled “Buckyballs play a different sport” (in print)[A3], and “Volleyballene puts a new spin on buckyballs” (online) in the “News (In Brief)” column[A4]. On March 04, the French scientific magazine called “Sciences & Avenir” introduced this work entitled “Le volleyballene, nouvel hommage des chimistes aux sportifs”[A5] and publish a view about the research on the volleyballene in its next issue. The “Volleyballene” as a new word appear at World Wide Words (Issue 910, 7 March 2015).[A6] "ChemistryWorld" introduced this work entitled “Volleyballene nets a place in the buckyball family” in the “News” column on 18 February 2016. [A7] etc.

    [A1] http://www.technologyreview.com/view/535281/forget-buckyballs-here-comes-volleyballene/

    [A2] http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/magazine/physicstoday/news/news-picks/buckyball-variant-resembles-a-volleyball-a-news-pick-post;jsessionid=fcgud8lsdqfc.x-aip-live-02

    [A3] http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0262407915603918#rpctoken=1845261806

    [A4] http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22530101.700-volleyballene-puts-a-new-spin-on-buckyballs.html#.VPGQ7-FRV-V

    [A5] http://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/fondamental/20150304.OBS3809/le-volleyballene-nouvel-hommage-des-chimistes-aux-sportifs.html

    [A6] http://www.worldwidewords.org/weirdwords/ww-vol3.htm

    [A7] http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/2016/02/volleyballene-buckyball-fullerene-nano-cluster


    Jing Wang, Zhi-Jing Wei, Hui-Yan Zhao & Ying Liu*,

    Hollow Li20B60 Cage: Stability and Hydrogen Storage,

    Scientific Reports, 6(2016)24500, doi:10.1038/srep24500



    Jing Wang*, Ying Liu*,

    Magnetic Silicon Fullerenes: Experimental Exploration and Theoretical Insight  (REVIEW PAPER)

    Journal of Cluster Science, 27(3)(2016)861; DOI: 10.1007/s10876-015-0959-6



    Hong Zhang, Jing Wang, Zhi-Xue Tian and Ying Liu*,

    Lithium boride sheet and nanotubes: structure and hydrogen storage,

    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17(2015)13821-13828; DOI: 10.1039/C4CP06086E

    *The work is featured as the journal inside front cover.



    Jing Wang, Hui-Yan Zhao, and Ying Liu*

    Boron-Double-Ring Sheet, Fullerene, and Nanotubes: Potential Hydrogen Storage Materials,

    ChemPhysChem, 15 (16)(2014)3453-3459,

    *The work is featured as the journal front cover.



    Hui-Yan Zhao, Jing Wang, Xiu-Jie Su, Dong-Bo Zhang, and Ying Liu,

    Ice Carbons,

    J. Phys. Chem. C, 118 (47)(2014)2750227508DOI: 10.1021/jp5080048



    Hui-Yan Zhao, Jing Wang, Qing-Min Ma, and Ying Liu,

    sp3-bonded silicon allotropes based on the Kelvin problem,

    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15(2013)17619;




    Jing Li; Jing Wang; Hui-Yan Zhao; Ying Liu,

    Magnetic Silicon Nanotube: Role of Encapsulated Europium Atoms,

    J. Phys. Chem. C, 117 (20) (2013) 1076410769;

    DOI: 10.1021/jp401090p



    Yang Liu, Juntao Song*, Yuxian Li, Ying Liu, and Qing-feng Sun,

    Controllable valley polarization using graphene multiple topological line defects,

    Phys. Rev. B 87(2013)195445

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.195445



    Hui-Yan Zhao, Jing Wang, Qing-Min Ma, and Ying Liu,

    From Kelvin problem to Kelvin carbons,

    J. Chem. Phys. 138(2013)164703

    DOI: 10.1063/1.4802002; Times Cited: 1 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Jing Wang, Shu-Shen Li, Ying Liu, and Jingbo Li*,

    Passivation of CuI Quantum Dots,

    J. Phys. Chem. C, 116 (39)(2012)21039-21045;

    DOI: 10.1021/jp3048778; Times Cited: 1 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Jing Wang, Hua Ning, Qing-Min Ma, Ying Liu, and You-Cheng Li

    Au42: A possible ground-state noble metallic nanotube

    J. Chem. Phys. 129(2008)134705;

    DOI: 10.1063/1.2987715; Times Cited: 10 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)


    *The work was featured as a research highlight by Nature Asia Materials.

    Nanostructures: Hollow gold nanotubes”,



    Jing Wang, Ying Liu, You-Cheng Li,

    A New Class of Boron Nanotube,

    ChemPhysChem, 10(17)(2009)3119;

    DOI: 10.1002/cphc.200900632; Times Cited: 8 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)

    *The work is featured as the journal front cover.



    Jing Wang, Ying Liu, and You-Cheng Li,

    Magnetic Silicon Fullerene,

    Phys Chem Chem Phys, 12(2010)11428-11431;

    DOI: 10.1039/b923865d; Times Cited: 11 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Jing Wang, Qing-Min Ma, Zun Xie, Ying Liu, and You-Cheng Li,

    From SinNi to Ni@Sin: An investigation of configurations and electronic structure,

    Phys. Rev. B 76(3)(2007) 035406

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.035406; Times Cited: 32 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Meng Lan, Zu-Hong Xiong, Guo-Qing Li, Ting-Na Shao, Jia-Le Xie, Xiu-Fan Yang, Jun-Zhong Wang*, and Ying Liu

    Strain-driven formation of rubrene crystalline films on Bi(001),

    Phys. Rev. B 83(2011)195322;

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.195322; Times Cited: 4 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Kai Sun, Ting-Na Shao, Jia-Le Xie, Meng Lan, Hong-Kuan Yuan, Zu-Hong Xiong, Jun-Zhong Wang*, Ying Liu, Qi-Kun Xue*,

    Chiral Pinwheel Clusters Lacking Local Point Chirality,

    Small, 8(13)(2012)2078-2082.  

    DOI: 10.1002/smll.201200168; Times Cited: 4 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Ma Qing-Min, Xie Zun, Wang Jing, Liu Ying, Li You-Cheng,

    Structures and magnetic moments of Fe-C clusters,

    Phys. Rev. B76 (2007) 035412

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.035412; Times Cited: 17 (from Web of Science, 26/4/2013)



    Ma Q M, Xie Z, Wang J, Liu Ying, Li Y C,

    Structures, binding energies and magnetic moments of small iron clusters: A study based on all-electron DFT.

    Solid State Comm., 142(2007)114-119.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ssc.2006.12.023; Times Cited: 39 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Ma Qing-min, Xie Zun, Wang Jing, Liu Ying, and Li You-cheng,

    Structures, stabilities and magnetic properties of small Co clusters.

    Phys. Lett. A, 358 (2006) 289-296.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2006.05.033 ; Times Cited: 51(from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Xie Z, Ma Q M, Liu Y, Li Y C.,

    First-principles study of the stability and Jahn-Teller distortion of nickel clusters.

    Phys. Lett. A, 342 (2005) 459-467.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2005.05.067 ; Times Cited: 42 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)


    发表论文(*Corresponding author)


    Zhi-Jing Wei, Hui-Yan Zhao, Jing Wang,* and Ying Liu,

    Wide Band Gap Carbon Allotropes: Inspired by Zeolite-nets,

    J. Appl. Phys., 2016, Accepted.


    Hui-Yan Zhao, Hong-Man Ma, Jing Wang, Ying Liu*,

    Eu@Sc20C60: Magnetic Volleyballene,

    Chinese Physics Letters, 33 (2016) 108105.


    Hong-Man Ma, Jing Wang, Hui-Yan Zhao, Dong-Bo Zhang, Ying Liu*,

    Structural Prediction for Scandium Carbide Monolayer Sheet,

    Chemical Physics Letters, 660 (2016) 238.


    Hui-Yan Zhao, Jing Wang, Ling-Yan Ai, and Ying Liu*,

    Cu20Si12: A hollow cage constituted of a copper dodecahedron and a silicon icosahedron,

    J Phys Chem A, 120 (2016) 6303.


    Jing Wang and Ying Liu*,

    New Volleyballenes: Y20C60 and La20C60,

    Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 30875


    Jing Wang, Hong-Man Ma and Ying Liu*,

    Sc20C60: a volleyballene

    Nanoscale, 8(2016)11441-11444, DOI: 10.1039/C5NR07784B


    This manuscript was submitted to arXiv (arxiv.org/abs/1502.03507) on 10 February, 2015. Soon after, “MIT Technology Review” reviewed this work entitled “Forget Buckyballs, Here Comes Volleyballene” in the “view” column on February 18.[A1] Then, “Physics Today” introduced this work entitled “Buckyball variant resembles a volleyball” in the “News Picks” column of the “Daily Edition” on February 19.[A2] “New Scientist” (Volume 225, Issue 3010, p19) reports this work entitled “Buckyballs play a different sport” (in print)[A3], and “Volleyballene puts a new spin on buckyballs” (online) in the “News (In Brief)” column[A4]. On March 04, the French scientific magazine called “Sciences & Avenir” introduced this work entitled “Le volleyballene, nouvel hommage des chimistes aux sportifs”[A5] and publish a view about the research on the volleyballene in its next issue. The “Volleyballene” as a new word appear at World Wide Words (Issue 910, 7 March 2015).[A6] "ChemistryWorld" introduced this work entitled “Volleyballene nets a place in the buckyball family” in the “News” column on 18 February 2016. [A7] etc.

    [A1] http://www.technologyreview.com/view/535281/forget-buckyballs-here-comes-volleyballene/

    [A2] http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/magazine/physicstoday/news/news-picks/buckyball-variant-resembles-a-volleyball-a-news-pick-post;jsessionid=fcgud8lsdqfc.x-aip-live-02

    [A3] http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0262407915603918#rpctoken=1845261806

    [A4] http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22530101.700-volleyballene-puts-a-new-spin-on-buckyballs.html#.VPGQ7-FRV-V

    [A5] http://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/fondamental/20150304.OBS3809/le-volleyballene-nouvel-hommage-des-chimistes-aux-sportifs.html

    [A6] http://www.worldwidewords.org/weirdwords/ww-vol3.htm

    [A7] http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/2016/02/volleyballene-buckyball-fullerene-nano-cluster


    Jing Wang, Zhi-Jing Wei, Hui-Yan Zhao & Ying Liu*,

    Hollow Li20B60 Cage: Stability and Hydrogen Storage,

    Scientific Reports, 6(2016)24500, doi:10.1038/srep24500



    Jing Wang*, Ying Liu*,

    Magnetic Silicon Fullerenes: Experimental Exploration and Theoretical Insight (REVIEW PAPER)

    Journal of Cluster Science, 27(3)(2016)861; DOI: 10.1007/s10876-015-0959-6



    Sheng-Li Qin*, Peter Schilke, Jingwen Wu, Tie Liu, Yuefang Wu, Álvaro Sánchez-Monge, and Ying Liu*,

    SMA observations of the W3(OH) complex: Dynamical differentiation between W3(H2O) and W3(OH),

    MNRAS, 456 (3) (March 01, 2016) 2681-2691. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stv2801



    Na Liu, Hui-Yan Zhao, Li-Jia Zheng, Sheng-Li Qin, Ying Liu*,

    Prediction of structures and infrared spectra of the candidate circumstellar molecules Si_{n}O_{m},    

    Chemical Physics Letters, 644(16)(2016)219-224; DOI:10.1016/j.cplett.2015.11.046.



    Jialei Rong, Sheng-Li Qin, Luis A. Zapata, Yuefang Wu, Tie Liu, Chengpeng Zhang, Yaping Peng, Li Zhang, Ying Liu,

    Complex molecules in W51 North region,

    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), 455(2)(2015)1428-1437; DOI:10.1093/mnras/stv2406.



    Na Liu, Zhao Liu, Ying Liu*, Shengli Qin,

    Accurate ab initio potential energy surface and spectral calculation for the HOCO+ + H2O reaction,

    Journal of Molecular Structure, 1100 (2015) 348–353; DOI:10.1016/j.molstruc.2015.07.037



    Hai-Xia Cheng, Yao-Wen Hu, Xiao-Xu Wang, Guo-Hua Zhang, Zhi-Wei An, Zhen-Feng Zhang, Biao Zhang, Tao Zhou, Ping Qian*, Ying Liu, Nan-Xian Chen,

    The phase stability, magnetic and vibrational properties of A2Ni21B6 (A=Th, U) and Ce3Pd20Si6

    Computer Physics Communications, 193(2015)72-77; DOI:10.1016/j.cpc.2015.04.001 (3.11 Impact Factor)



    Guoli Zhou, Pan Li, Zhixue Tian*, and Ying Liu

    A van der Waals Density Functional Investigation on the Improved Adsorption Properties of NO on the Rhn/MgO (100) Interface,

    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7(31)(2015)17499–17509; DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b05264



    Hong Zhang, Jing Wang, Zhi-Xue Tian and Ying Liu*,

    Lithium boride sheet and nanotubes: structure and hydrogen storage,

    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17(2015)13821-13828; DOI: 10.1039/C4CP06086E

    *The work is featured as the journal inside front cover.



    Sheng-Li Qin*, Peter Schilke, Jingwen Wu, Yuefang Wu, Tie Liu, Ying Liu, and Álvaro Sánchez-Monge,

    SMA Observations of the W3(OH) Complex: Physical and Chemical Differentiation Between W3(H2O) and W3(OH),

    ApJ(The Astrophysical Journal), 803(1)(2015)39; doi:10.1088/0004-637X/803/1/39.



    Jing Wang, Hui-Yan Zhao, and Ying Liu

    Boron-Double-Ring Sheet, Fullerene, and Nanotubes: Potential Hydrogen Storage Materials,

    ChemPhysChem, 15 (16)(2014)3453-3459,

    *The work is featured as the journal front cover.



    Hui-Yan Zhao, Jing Wang, Xiu-Jie Su, Dong-Bo Zhang, and Ying Liu,

    Ice Carbons,

    J. Phys. Chem. C, 118 (47)(2014)2750227508DOI: 10.1021/jp5080048



    Huan-Cheng Yang, Jing Wang*, and Ying Liu,
    Metal-silicane: stability and properties,  

    J. Appl. Phys. 2014, 116, 083501-1-8  



    Hua Ning, Jing Wang, Qing-Min Ma, Hui-Yun Han, Ying Liu*,

    A series of quasi-icosahedral gold fullerene cages: Structures and stability,

    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 01/2014; 75(5):696699.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2014.01.004



    Jing Wang, Jingbo Li, Shu-Shen Li, and Ying Liu,

    Hydrogen storage by metalized silicene and silicane,

    J. Appl. Phys. 114(2013)124309;

    DOI: 10.1063/1.4823738



    Hui-Yan Zhao, Jing Wang, Qing-Min Ma, and Ying Liu,

    sp3-bonded silicon allotropes based on the Kelvin problem,

    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15(2013)17619;




    Jing Li; Jing Wang; Hui-Yan Zhao; Ying Liu,

    Magnetic Silicon Nanotube: Role of Encapsulated Europium Atoms,

    J. Phys. Chem. C, 117 (20) (2013) 1076410769;

    DOI: 10.1021/jp401090p



    Yang Liu, Juntao Song, Yuxian Li, Ying Liu, and Qing-feng Sun,

    Controllable valley polarization using graphene multiple topological line defects,

    Phys. Rev. B 87(2013)195445

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.195445



    Hui-Yan Zhao, Jing Wang, Qing-Min Ma, and Ying Liu,

    From Kelvin problem to Kelvin carbons,

    J. Chem. Phys. 138(2013)164703

    DOI: 10.1063/1.4802002; Times Cited: 1 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Hui-Yan Zhao, Ke-Min Liu, Jing Wang, Hui-Yun Han, Ying Liu,

    The doorsill of fullerene,

    Chemical Physics Letters, 555(2013)217-221.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2012.11.027



    Jing Wang, Shu-Shen Li, Ying Liu, and Jingbo Li*,

    Passivation of CuI Quantum Dots,

    J. Phys. Chem. C, 116 (39)(2012)21039-21045

    DOI: 10.1021/jp3048778; Times Cited: 1 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Kai Sun, Ting-Na Shao, Jia-Le Xie, Meng Lan, Hong-Kuan Yuan, Zu-Hong Xiong, Jun-Zhong Wang*, Ying Liu, Qi-Kun Xue*,

    Chiral Pinwheel Clusters Lacking Local Point Chirality,

    Small, 8(13)(2012)2078-2082.

    DOI: 10.1002/smll.201200168; Times Cited: 4 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Hui-Yan Zhao, Li Wang, Jing Li, Ying Liu,You-Cheng Li,Sheng-Li Qin,

    The candidate circumstellar molecule SiC4H: Prediction of structure and infrared spectrum,

    Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 994(15)(2012)19-24

    DOI: 10.1016/j.comptc.2012.06.002



    ZHAO ZhiWei, WANG Jing & LIU Ying,

    Surface geometry and magnetism of Eu@C60 monolayer on Ag(111),

    SCIENCE CHINA-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 55(9)(2012)1589-1593.

    DOI: 10.1007/s11433-012-4849-8

    *The work is featured as the journal front cover.



    Zhi-Wei Zhao, Jing Wang, Hui-Yan Zhao, Ying Liu,

    Possible Si-based half-metallic materials:MnSi46 clathrates,

    Modern Physics Letters B, 26(18)(2012)1250114

    DOI: 10.1142/S021798491250114X



    Zhi-Wei Zhao, Hui-Yan Zhao, Jing Wang, Qing-Min Ma, Ying Liu* & You-Cheng Li

    Growth Pattern, Electronic Structures and Magnetic Moments of Small Lutetium Clusters

    Journal of Cluster Science, 23(1)(2012)133-145

    DOI: 10.1007/s10876-011-0436-9; Times Cited: 1 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Meng Lan, Zu-Hong Xiong, Guo-Qing Li, Ting-Na Shao, Jia-Le Xie, Xiu-Fan Yang, Jun-Zhong Wang*, and Ying Liu

    Strain-driven formation of rubrene crystalline films on Bi(001),

    Phys. Rev. B 83(2011)195322

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.195322; Times Cited: 4 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Ma Qing-min, Xie Zun, Wang Bao-Ru, Liu Ying, and Li You-Cheng,

    Structure, stability and magnetic moments of the FenCr (n=1-12) clusters: All - electron density functional theory investigations.

    Solid State Comm., 151 (2011) 806-810

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ssc.2011.02.029; Times Cited: 3 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Jing Wang, Ying Liu, and You-Cheng Li,

    Magnetic Silicon Fullerene,

    Phys Chem Chem Phys, 12(2010)11428-11431

    DOI: 10.1039/b923865d; Times Cited: 11 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Ma Qing-Min, Xie Zun, Liu Ying, and Li You-Cheng,

    The structures, binding energies and magnetic moments of Cr-C clusters,

    Solid State Comm., 150(2010)1439-1444.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ssc.2010.05.028



    Jing Wang, Ying Liu, and You-Cheng Li,

    Au@Sin: Growth Behavior, Stability and Electronic Structure,

    Physics Letters A, 374(2010)2736-2742

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2010.04.068; Times Cited: 9 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Qing-Min Ma, Ying Liu, Zun Xie, and Jing Wang,

    The Structures and Magnetic Moments of CoC Clusters,

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10(2010) 5490-5494

    DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2010.1957



    Jing Wang, Ying Liu, Qing-Min Ma, and Zun Xie,

    Structures and Magnetic Properties of FenB (n=112)Clusters,

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10(2010) 5413-5417

    DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2010.1956



    Hui-Yan Zhao, Hua Ning, Jing Wang, Xiu-Jie Su, Xin-Ge Guo and Ying Liu

    Structural evolution of Aun (n=2032) clusters: Lowest-lying structures and relativistic effects,

    Physics Letters A, 374(2010)1033-1038

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2009.12.032; Times Cited: 3 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Jing Wang, Ying Liu, You-Cheng Li,

    A New Class of Boron Nanotube,

    ChemPhysChem, 10(17)(2009)3119.

    DOI: 10.1002/cphc.200900632; Times Cited: 8 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)

    *The work is featured as the journal front cover.




    H.-Y. Zhao, J.Wang, Y. Liu, and Y.-C. Li

    The effects of nitrogen on the configurations and magnetic moments of small iron, cobalt and nickel clusters,

    Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 48(2009)30601

    DOI: 10.1051/epjap/2009170



    Jing Wang, Qing-Min Ma, Rui-Ping Xu, Ying Liu, You-Cheng Li,

    3d transition metals: Which is the ideal guest for Sin(n = 15, 16) cages?

    Physics Letters A 373 (2009) 28692875

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2009.05.072; Times Cited: 9 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Wang Bao-Ru, Ma Qing-Min, Liu Ying, and Li You-Cheng,

    Small FenMn clusters: Magnetic order and magnetic moment,

    Solid State Comm. 149 (2009) 210.


    Jing Wang, Hua Ning, Qing-Min Ma, Ying Liu, and You-Cheng Li

    Au42: A possible ground-state noble metallic nanotube

    J. Chem. Phys. 129(2008)134705

    DOI: 10.1063/1.2987715; Times Cited: 10 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)


    *The work was featured as a research highlight by Nature Asia Materials.

    Nanostructures: Hollow gold nanotubes”,



    Bao-Ru Wang, Jing Wang, Qing-Ming Ma and Ying Liu

    Structures and magnetic ordering of MnnFe (n=112) clusters

    Solid State Communications, 147(1-2)(2008)53-56

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ssc.2008.04.020



    Xie Z, Ma Q M, Liu Y, Li Y C.,

    Stability and growth modes of Ni-C clusters: A study based on all-electron density function theory.

    CHIN. PHYS. LETT., 25(4) (2008)1270.

    DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/25/4/029; Times Cited: 4 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Jing Wang, Qing-Min Ma, Zun Xie, Ying Liu, and You-Cheng Li,

    From SinNi to Ni@Sin: An investigation of configurations and electronic structure,

    Phys. Rev. B 76(3)(2007) 035406

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.035406; Times Cited: 32 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Ma Qing-Min, Xie Zun, Wang Jing, Liu Ying, Li You-Cheng,

    Structures and magnetic moments of Fe-C clusters,

    Phys. Rev. B76 (2007) 035412

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.035412; Times Cited: 17  (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Liu N, Ma Q M, Xie Z, Liu Ying, Li Y C,

    Structures, stabilities and magnetic moments of small Lanthanum-nickel clusters.

    Chem. Phys. Lett., 436 (2007) 184-188.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2007.01.024 ; Times Cited: 17  (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Ma Q M, Xie Z, Wang J, Liu Ying, Li Y C,

    Structures, binding energies and magnetic moments of small iron clusters: A study based on all-electron DFT.

    Solid State Comm., 142(2007)114-119.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.ssc.2006.12.023; Times Cited: 39 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Ma Q. M., Xie Z., Liu Ying, Li Y.-C.,

    Configurations, Electronic Structure and Magnetic Ordering of Small Manganese Clusters,

    CHIN. PHYS. LETT., 24(7) (2007)1908.

    DOI:10.1088/0256-307X/24/7/033; Times Cited: 5 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Xie Zun(谢尊), Ma Qing-Min(马庆敏), Wang Jing(王静), Liu Ying (刘英), and Li You-Cheng(李有成),

    Effects of charge on the structures and spin moments of Ni13 cluster,

    Chinese Physics, 16(12)(2007)1009-1963

    DOI:10.1088/1009-1963/16/12/014; Times Cited: 5 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Ma Qing-min, Xie Zun, Wang Jing, Liu Ying, and Li You-cheng,

    Structures, stabilities and magnetic properties of small Co clusters.

    Phys. Lett. A, 358 (2006) 289-296.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2006.05.033 ; Times Cited: 51(from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Xie Z, Ma Q M, Liu Y, Li Y C.,

    First-principles study of the stability and Jahn-Teller distortion of nickel clusters.

    Phys. Lett. A, 342 (2005) 459-467.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2005.05.067 ; Times Cited: 42 (from Web of Science, 13/6/2014)



    Liu Ying, Kang Yanmei, Chen Nanxian,

    ab initio Interatomic Potentials of Cubic Boron Nitride.

    Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 349 (2003) 17-22.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0925-8388(02)00911-8;



    Liu Ying, Chen Nanxian, Zhao Hongmin, Wei Chengwen,

    Monte Carlo Simulation of the Reorientation Transition in Heisenberg Model with Dipole Interactions,

    Solid State Communications, 126(2003)223-227.

    DOI: 10.1016/S0038-1098(03)00010-3



    Liu Ying, Chen Nanxian, Kang Yanmei,

    Virtual Lattice Technique and the Interatomic Potentials of the Zinc-blend-type Binary Compounds.

    MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B, 16(5-6)(2002)187.

    DOI: 10.1142/S0217984902003622; Times Cited: 13 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)




    半导体学报, 23(12)(2002)1275



    Liu Y, Sun HL, Hua WS,

    Pressure dependence of the orientational ordering in solid C60: The statistical theory,

    CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 13(5)(1996)386-389.



    Zhao-Hua Chen , Zun Xie, Qing-Min Ma, Shu-Lan Liu, Ying Liu, You-Cheng Li,

    Density-functional calculations of the geometries, electronic structures, and magnetic moments of CnBi (n=120) clusters,

    Physics Letters A, 375(24)(2011)23382347


    Wei Su, Ping Qian*, Ying Liu, Jiang Shen and Nan-Xian Chen,

    First principle calculations of yttrium-doped palladium clusters,

    Computer Physics Communications, 181(4)(2010)726-731.


    Zhen Cong-Mian*, Zhang, Jin-Juan, Ma, Li, Hou Deng-Lu, Liu Ying, Li Shi-Qiang,

    Effects of sputtered Ar pressure and substrate temperature on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Cr/SmCo5/Cr films,

    SURFACE REVIEW AND LETTERS, 15(1-2)(2008)105-109.


    Tang GD*, Liu Y, Hu HN, Liu YP, Sun HY, Nie XF,

    Study on additive effective interaction between vertical Bloch lines,



    An Zhong, Li Zhan-jie, Liu Ying and Li You-cheng,

    Two-dimensional localized modes in conjugated polymers: the nonlinear electronphonon coupling effect,

    Chinese Phys. 9 (2000)37 doi:10.1088/1009- 1963/9/1 /008

    Times Cited: 10 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)


    Chen W*, Hou DL, Liu Y, Tang GD, Zhu MG, Zhao JG, Nie XF, Wu HY,

    Preparation and magnetic properties of (Fe7Co3)(0.15)(SiO2)(0.85) granular solids using the sol-gel method,



    Tang GD*, Chen W, Zhao JG, Hou DL, Liu Y, Pan CF, Nie XF,

    Co content dependence of crystal structure and specific magnetization of Fe1-xCox-SiO2 granules prepared by sol-gel method,



    Hou DL, Tang GD, Chen W, Liu Y, Nie XF, Luo HL,

    Preparation and magnetic properties of Fe0.7Co0.3-SiO2 granular alloy solid,



    Liu JJ, Kong XJ, Liu Y,

    Binding energy of biexcitons in GaAs-AlxGa1-xAs quantum wells,  

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 84(5)(1998)2638-2642.

    DOI: 10.1063/1.368375; Times Cited: 19 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)


    Z. An, Z.J. Li, Y. Liu and Y.C. Li,

    Effects of the nonlinear electron-lattice interaction on the electronic states and localized modes around a soliton in polyacetylene,

    Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 103,(1) (1997) 61-62,

    DOI: 10.1007/s002570050335


    Sun HY, Sun HL, Liu Y,

    The behaviour of the first kind of dumbbell domains with both static bias field and temperature,



    Shi-Wei R.; Zhong-Wu Z.; Ying L.; Ren S.-W.; Zhang Z.-W.; Liu Y.

    The molecular field theory analysis of RFe10V2Nx (R = Y, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Er) intermetallic compounds,

    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 139 (1)(1995)175-178.

    Times Cited: 9 (from Web of Science, 20/4/2012)

  • 杨世平



      杨世平 教授 1956年10月出生于河南省开封市。1982年毕业于北京师范大学物理系,1988年在中科院物理所获得硕士学位。1996年被评为河北省中青年骨干教师,1997年破格晋升教授,同年入选 河北省 双十双百双千工程第二层次 。

      杨世平 教授 1990年获河北师范学院优秀成才者奖励,1992年获第一届河北省科协中青年优秀论文奖励,1996年获省科技进步三等奖,1997年获曾宪梓教育基金会全国高师优秀教师奖, 2004年获得河北省优秀教学成果三等奖,同年所主讲课程被评为河北省精品课程,该课程课件被评为省优秀教学课件。

      杨世平 教授长期工作在教学第一线,先后主讲过本科生和硕士生的电动力学、量子力学、高等数学(二)、高等数学(三)、非线性动力学导论、量子混沌等多门课程。

      杨世平 教授主要从事非线性物理中的经典混沌、混沌控制和同步、量子混沌、强激光与原子分子的相互作用、玻色 -爱因斯坦凝聚等研究工作。参加及主持国家、省部级等科研课题11项。90年至今在Phys.Rev.A、Chin.Phys.Lett.、Chinese Physcis、中国科学、科学通报、物理学报等学术期刊上发表论文60多篇。



  • 闫凤利


    姓 名:闫凤利

    职 称:教授

    E -- mail: flyan@hebtu.edu.cn


    联系地址: 全球信誉最好的网投平台物理科学与信息工程学院 石家庄市南二环东路20号



    1963年9月生,男,汉族,河北省丰南人,物理博士,教授,博士生导师,石家庄市九届政协委员,石家庄市第十届、第十一届政协常委, 石家庄市十三届人大代表, 石家庄市十四届人大常委。 2003年获河北省第六届青年科技奖。2005年被遴选为河北省“三三三人才工程”第三层次人选。2006年被评为河北省第六批高校中青年骨干教师。2008年获河北省自然科学一等奖(排名第二)。2002年获河北省自然科学一等奖(排名第一)。 获中国物理学会2012年度“最有影响论文奖”一等奖(第二完成人)。主要从事量子信息与量子计算方面的研究。已在《Physical Review Letters》, 《Physical Review A》, 《Optics Express》, 《Europhysics Letters》, 《Journal of Physics A》, 《Journal of Physics B》, 《Physics Letters A》, 《Scientific Reports》等国内外学术期刊上发表SCI收录论文80余篇, SCI他引>1400次,单篇被SCI 引用最高220余次,有4篇论文SCI他引≥140次,有10篇论文SCI引用≥47次,H-index为20。有一篇论文被评选为2004年英国物理学会17篇最佳优秀(Top Quality)论文之一(详见http://ej.iop.org/pdf/journal_of_physics.pdf)。 2008年发表在欧洲物理快报上的一篇论文被选为本期下载最多的文章之一。主持或参加国家自然科学基金和河北省自然科学基金多项。


    2005年 9月-2008年6月,全球信誉最好的网投平台物理科学与信息工程学院,博士

    1983年 9月-1986年7月,全球信誉最好的网投平台物理系,硕士






    2007年 2月-2007年10月,德国马克斯普朗克量子光学研究所,访问学者)





    主讲《热力学统计物理》, 《群论》, 《量子信息与量子计算》 。

















    提出了一种具有重要性质(对k-可分态为零,对k-不可分态大于零,具有单调性,凸性,子可加性等)的多体纠缠度, 用此纠缠度可探测k不可分多体量子混合态。给出了该纠缠度的两个下界以及应用这两个下界探测到的新的量子纠缠混合态。










    主持国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11475054), 2015.01—2018.12


    参加国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11371005), 2014.01—2017.12.


    参加国家自然科学基金(批准号: 10971247), 2010.01—2012.12.


    参加国家自然科学基金(批准号: 10671054), 2007.01—2009.12.


    参加教育部科学技术研究重点项目(批准号: 207011),2007.01—2009.12.


    主持完成河北省自然科学基金(批准号: A2014205060),2014.01—2016.12.


    主持完成河北省自然科学基金(批准号: A2010000344),2010.01—2012.12.


    主持完成河北省自然科学基金(批准号: 07M006),2007.01—2009.12.


    主持完成河北省自然科学基金(批准号: A2004000141),2004.01—2006.12.


    主持完成河北省自然科学基金(批准号: 101094),2001.01—2003.12.


    主持完成河北省自然科学基金(批准号: 196164),1996.01—1998.12.



    Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, S. J. van Enk. Permutationally invariant part of a density matrix and nonseparability of N-qubit states. Physical Review Letters, 2014, 112 (18): 180501.


    Hong Yan, Gao Ting, Yan Fengli. Measure of multipartite entanglement with computable lower bounds. Physical Review A, 2012, 86 (6): 062323.


    Yan Fengli, Gao Ting, Chitambar Eric. Two local observables are sufficient to characterize maximally entangled states of N qubits. Physical Review A, 2011, 83 (2): 022319.


    Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Quantum secret sharing between multi-party and multi-party without entanglement. Physical Review A, 2005, 72 (1): 012304.


    He Yingqiu, Ding Dong, Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Exploration of photon-number entangled states using weak nonlinearities. Optics Express, 2015, 23 (17): 21671.


    Gao Ting, Hong Yan, Lu Yao, Yan Fengli. Efficient k-separability criterion for mixed multipartite quantum states. Europhysics Letters, 2013, 104 (2): 20007.


    He Yingqiu, Ding Dong, Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Scalable Bell inequalities for multiqubit systems. Europhysics Letters, 2015, 111 (4): 40001.


    Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Li Youcheng. Optimal controlled teleportation. Europhysics Letters, 2008, 84 (5): 50001. Europhysics Letters杂志的执行主编Graeme Watt给作者来信,通知该篇文章为本期杂志下载最多的文章之一。


    Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. Achievable efficiencies for probabilistically cloning the states. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 2004, 37 (9): 3211-3223. 被评选为2004年在IOP出版社发表的所有文章中,17篇最佳优秀(Quality 1)论文之一(The Journal_of_Physics.pdf of Journal of Physics Series 2004 Bulletin with all 17 top quality papers in 2004 is alive online now at http://ej.iop.org/pdf/journal_of_physics.pdf).


    Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. Deterministic secure direct communication using GHZ states and swapping quantum entanglement. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 2005, 38 (25): 5761-5770.


    Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli, Xu Jingzhou. Perfect entanglement concentration of an arbitrary four-photon polarization entangled state via quantum nondemolition detectors. Journal of Physics B, 2016, 49 (15): 155502 .


    He Yingqiu, Ding Dong, Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Preparation and purification of four-photon Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state. Journal of Physics B, 2015, 48 (5): 055501.


    Yan Fengli, Zhang Xiaoqiang. A scheme for secure direct communication using EPR pairs and teleportation. European Physical Journal B, 2004, 41 (1): 75-78.


    Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Chain teleportation via partially entangled states. European Physical Journal D, 2009, 54 (1): 111-114.


    Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Entangler and analyzer for four-photon χ-type entangled states. European Physical Journal D, 2015, 69(12): 272.


    Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Generation of four-photon polarization entangled state based on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglers. European Physical Journal D, 2014, 86 (2):29.


    Yan Fengli, Wang Dong. Probabilistic and controlled teleportation of unknown quantum states. Physics Letters A, 2003, 316 (5): 297-303.


    Ding Dong, Yan Fengli. Efficient scheme for three photon Greenberger- Horne-Zeilinger state generation. Physics Letters A, 2013, 377 (15): 1088-1094.


    Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Teleporting a quantum state from a subset of the whole Hilbert space. Physics Letters A, 2006, 355 (2): 94-97.


    Liu Lu, Gao Ting, Yan Fengli. Separability criteria via sets of mutually unbiased measurements. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 13138.


    Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Generation of four-photon polarization entangled decoherence-free states with cross-Kerr nonlinearity. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 38233.


    Wang Meiyu,Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Deterministic distribution of four- photon Dicke state over an arbitrary collective-noise channel with cross-Kerr nonlinearity. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 29853.


    He Yingqiu, Ding Dong, Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Exploration of multiphoton entangled states by using weak nonlinearities. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 19116.


    Ding Dong, Yan Fengli,Gao Ting. Preparation of km-photon concatenated Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states for observing distinctive quantum effects at macroscopic scales. Journal of the Optical Soceity of America B, 2013, 30 (11): 3075-3078.


    Wang Meiyu,Yan Fengli. Quantum teleportation of a generic two-photon state with weak cross-Kerr nonlinearities. Quantum Information Processing,2016, 15 (8): 3383-3392.


    Qi Xianfei, Gao Ting, Yan Fengli. Lower bounds of concurrence for N-qubit systems and the detection of k-nonseparability of multipartite quantum systems. Quantum Information Processing, 2017, 16 (1):23.


    Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. General probabilistic chain teleportation. Optics Communications, 2011, 284 (9): 2408-2411.


    Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. Quantum networks for probabilistic teleportation of many particle state of general form. Quantum Information and Computation, 2004, 4 (3): 186-195.


    Ding Dong, He Yingqiu, Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Entanglement measure and quantum violation of Bell-type inequality. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016, 55(10) : 4231-4237.


    Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. Quantum secure conditional direct communication via EPR pairs. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2005, 16 (8): 1293-1301.


    Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. Quantum secure direct communication by EPR pairs and entanglement swapping. IL Nuovo Cimento B, 2004, 119 (3): 313-318.


    Yan Fengli, Yang Linguang. Economical teleportation of multiparticle quantum state. IL Nuovo Cimento B, 2003, 118 (1): 79-82.


    Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli,Gao Ting, Li Youcheng. Simultaneous quantum state teleportation via the locked entanglement channel. International Journal of Quantum Information, 2008, 6 (1): 201-207.


    Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Generation of four-photon polarization entangled states with cross-Kerr nonlinearity. International Journal of Quantum Information, 2015, 13 (2): 1550024.


    Yan Fengli, Zhang Guohua. Remote preparation of the two-particle state. International Journal of Quantum Information, 2008, 6 (3): 485-491.


    Ding Dong,Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Entangler and analyzer for multiphoton maximally entangled states using weak nonlinearities. Science China-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2014, 57 (10) : 2098-2103.


    Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Li Youcheng. Optimal controlled teleportation via several kinds of three-qubit states. Science in China Series G, 2008, 51 (10): 1529-1556.


    Yan Fengli, Gao Ting, Li Youcheng. Quantum secret sharing between multiparty and multiparty with four states. Science in China Series G, 2007, 50 (5): 572-580.


    Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Li Youcheng. Quantum secret sharing between -party and -party with six states. Science in China Series G, 2009, 52 (8): 1191-1202.


    Yan Fengli, Yan Tao. Probabilistic teleportation via a non-maximally entangled GHZ state. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55 (10) : 902-906.


    Yan Tao, Yan Fengli. Quantum key distribution using four-level particles. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56 (1) : 24-28.


    Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. Controlled quantum teleportation and secure direct communication. Chinese Physics, 2005, 14 (5): 893-897.


    Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Perfect quantum teleportation and dense coding protocols via the 2N-qubit W state. Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20 (12): 120309.


    Ding Dong, He Yingqiu, Yan Fengli, Gao Ting. Quantum nonlocality of generic family of four-qubit entangled pure states. Chinese Physics B, 2015, 24 (7): 070301.


    Gao Ting, Wang Zhixi, Yan Fengli. Quantum logic network for probabilistic teleportation of two-particle state in a general form. Chinese Physics Letters, 2003, 20 (12): 2094-2097.


    Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. Probabilistically cloning and quantum computation. Chinese Physics Letters, 2004, 21 (6): 995-998.


    Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. A simultaneous quantum secure direct communication scheme between the central party and other M parties. Chinese Physics Letters, 2005, 22 (10): 2473-2476.


    Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi, Li Youcheng. Capacity of a simultaneous quantum secure direct communication scheme between the central party and other M parties. Chinese Physics Letters, 2006, 23 (10): 2656-2657.


    Yan Fengli, Gao Ting, Li Youcheng. An implementation of a positive operator valued measure. Chinese Physics Letters, 2007, 24 (2): 322-325.


    Yan Fengli, Gao Ting, Li Youcheng. Quantum secret sharing protocol between multiparty and multiparty with single photons and unitary transformation. Chinese Physics Letters, 2008, 25 (4): 1187-1190.


    Yan Fengli, Wang Meiyu. A scheme for dense coding in the non-symmetric quantum channel. Chinese Physics Letters, 2004, 21 (7): 1195-1197.


    Wang Meiyu, Yang Linguang, Yan Fengli. General probabilistic dense coding scheme. Chinese Physics Letters, 2005, 22 (5): 1053-1056.


    Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Three-party simultaneous quantum secure direct communication scheme with EPR pairs. Chinese Physics Letters, 2007, 24 (9): 2486-2488.


    Yan Fengli, Ding Hewei. Probabilistic teleportation of an unknown two-particle state with a four-particle pure entangled state and positive operator valued measure. Chinese Physics Letters, 2006, 23 (1): 17-20.


    Zhang Guohua, Yan Fengli. Probabilistic dense coding using non-maximally entangled three-particle state. Chinese Physics Letters, 2009, 26 (9): 090302.


    Lian Shiman, Yan Fengli. Probabilistic teleportation of two-particle state of general formation in ion trap. Chinese Physics Letters, 2010, 27 (4): 040308.


    Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Perfect entanglement teleportation via two parallel W state channel. Chinese Physics Letters, 2011, 28 (6): 060301.


    Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi. Quantum logic network for probabilistic cloning the quantum states. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2005, 43 (1): 73-78.


    Yan Fengli, Tan Hongge, Yang Linguang. Probabilistic teleportation of two-particle state of general formation. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2002, 37 (6): 649-654.


    Yan Fengli, Bai Yankui. Probabilistic teleportation of one-particle state of S-level. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2003, 40 (3): 273-278.


    Yan Fengli, Huo Hairui. A method for transferring an unknown quantum state and its application. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2007, 47 (4): 629-632.


    Yan Fengli, Ding Dong. Two avowable quantum communication schemes. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2008, 50 (5): 1109-1112.


    Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Probabilistic chain teleportation of a qutrit-state. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2010, 54 (2): 263-268.


    Wang Meiyu, Yan Fengli. Two-step deterministic remote preparation of an arbitrary quantum state. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2010, 54 (5): 792-796.


    Gao Ting, Yan Fengli, Wang Zhixi, Li Youcheng. Quantum probabilistically cloning and computation. Frontiers of Computer Science in China, 2008, 2 (2): 179-189.


    参与编写《量子力学新进展》第四辑(龙桂鲁、邓富国、曾谨言 主编, 清华大学出版社出版, 2011年), 第9章“量子克隆” (P. 328 - 345).

    《 理论力学基础》 (冯麟保、 闫凤利、 张波, 河北大学出版社出版, 1996年).

  • 刘德










    Email: liude@hebtu.edu.cn




    参加(第一主讲教师)第三批精品课程《量子力学》建设项目, 2002-2005;










    主持河北省自然科学基金面上项目“准周期和非周期石墨烯超晶格中量子输运特性及噪声研究” (A2012205019)


    主持全球信誉最好的网投平台博士基金项目“纳米结构中自旋极化电子输运特性研究” (L2009B02)


    主持全球信誉最好的网投平台青年基金项目“分形输运动力系统中的反常扩散” (L2000q02)




    参研国家自然科学基金面上项目“低维量子结构中自旋电子输运理论研究” (10674040)







    近期发表的部分文章(*Corresponding author):


    Yuanqiao Li, Hongmei Zhang, Tao Zhou, De Liu*, Spin transport and tunneling magnetoresistance in Thue-Morse bilayer graphene superlattice with two ferromagnetic electrodes, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 516, 18–26, 2017


    Yuanqiao Li, Hongmei Zhang, De Liu*, Electronic transport and shot noise in a Thue–Morse bilayer graphene superlattice with interlayer potential bias, Modern Physics Letters B,30(16), 1650181[12 pages], 2016


    Haiyan Liu, Hongmei Zhang, De Liu*, Spin transport and tunnel magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic graphene/Thue-Morse graphene superlattice double junction, Physics Letters A, 379(3), 192-198, 2015


    De Liu, Hongmei Zhang*, Spin conductance and tunnelling magnetoresistance in a fractal graphene superlattice with two ferromagnetic graphene electrodes, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47(18), 185301[8pages], 2014


    Haiyan Liu, Hongmei Zhang, De Liu*, Xiaojun Kong, Spin transport and magnetoresistance in Thue-Morse graphene superlattice with two ferromagnetic graphene electrodes, Journal of Applied Physics, 114(16), 163715[7pages], 2013


    Huaping Huang, De Liu*, Hongmei Zhang, Xiaojun Kong, Electronic transport and shot noise in Thue-Morse sequence graphene superlattice, Journal of Applied Physics, 113(4), 043702[6pages], 2013


    Ning Wang, De Liu*, Xiaojun Kong, Biexciton energies in concentric double quantum rings, Journal of Applied Physics, 113(5), 053714[5pages], 2013


    Aili Qin, De Liu, Spin-dependent shot noise in aperiodic semiconductor multilayers heterostructures, Modern Physics Letters B, 26(30), 1250200[8 pages], 2012


    Xu Baocui, Zhang Hongmei, Liu De* , Kong Xiaojun, Transverse wave-vector-dependent electron transport in terahertz quantum cascade lasers, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 16(3), 301-306, 2012


    刘德, 张红梅*, 贾秀敏, 对称抛物势阱磁性隧道结中的自旋输运及磁电阻效应, 物理学报, 60(1), 017506[7 pages], 2011


    Xiaoxiao Guo, De Liu, Yuxian Li*, Conductance and shot noise in graphene superlattice, Applied Physics Letters, 98(24): 242101 [3 pages], 2011


    Lilan Qin, De Liu*, Hongmei Zhang, Xiaojun Kong, Spin-dependent tunneling properties of Thue-Morse sequence in ferromagnet/semiconductor/ferromagnet cascade junctions, Journal of Applied Physics, 109(4), 043703[4 pages], 2011


    De Liu*, Xiao-Jun Kong, Spin-dependent shot noise in fractal semiconductor multilayers with two ferromagnetic contacts, Journal of Applied Physics, 105(4), 043703[10 pages], 2009


    De Liu*, Hong-Mei Zhang, Spin polarization and tunneling magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic/semiconductor/ferromagnetic heterostructure, Modern Physics Letters B, 22(27), 2667-2676, 2008


    De Liu*, Xiao-Jun Kong, Spin-polarized electron transport in fractal semiconductor multilayers with two ferromagnetic contacts, Journal of Applied Physics, 104(2), 023707[9 pages], 2008

  • 谢尊

    Email: zxie@hebtu.edu.cn

    谢尊   博士,教授,凝聚态物理专业硕士生导师


    2014.01-2016.12 主持河北省自然科学基金“内包金属纳米颗粒的纳米笼状结构的性能预测”(A2014205104)

    2012.01-2014.12 主持河北省教育厅重点科研基金项目“3d过渡金属准一维纳米体系的稳定性和电磁特性”(ZH2011101)

    2009.01-2011.12 主持河北省自然科学基金“纳米管内一维限制过渡金属线的结构、磁有序和输运特性”(A2009000246)

    2007.01-2010.12 主持河北省教育厅青年基金“过渡金属碳化物Met-cars团簇的DFT研究”(2007125)

    2005.01-2007.12 主持全球信誉最好的网投平台博士基金“CNTs制备中过渡金属及合金团簇催化作用的第一原理研究”(L2005B07)









    Jia Hui-Lin, Wang Bao-Ru, Ma Qing-Min, Xie Zun*,

    Atomic carbon growth on yttrium clusters: Relativistic density functional theory investigations,

    Comput. Theor. Chem., 1084 (2016) 59-66.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.comptc.2016.03.015


    Wang Bao-ru, Han Hui-yun, Xie Zun *

    Structural and magnetic properties of small NinMn clusters

    Journal of Molecular Structure 1062 (2014) 174-178


    Chen Zhao-Hua, Xie Zun,

    The geometries, electronic structures and magnetic properties of TM doped Cn(TM = Fe, Co, Ni, n=9-15) clusters: a density functional theory investigation,

    Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 67 (01) (2014) 10403(1-10)


    Shu-Yu Huang, Zun Xie*, Qing-Min Ma, Ying Liu, You-Cheng Li,

    Geometries, electronic structures, and magnetism of small BimCon clusters

    J. Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 953(2010)103-113


    Xie Zun, Ma Qing-Min, Liu Ying, and Li You-Cheng.,

    Stability and growth modes of Ni-C clusters: A study based on all-electron density function theory.

    CHIN. PHYS. LETT., 25(4) (2008)1270. DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/25/4/029;


    Xie Zun, Ma Qing-Min, Wang Jing, Liu Ying, and Li You-Cheng,

    Effects of charge on the structures and spin moments of Ni13 cluster,

    Chinese Physics, 16(12)(2007)1009-1963 DOI:10.1088/1009-1963/16/12/014;


    Xie Zun, Ma Qing-Min, Liu Ying, Li You-Cheng.,

    First-principles study of the stability and Jahn-Teller distortion of nickel clusters.

    Phys. Lett. A, 342 (2005) 459-467. DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2005.05.067


  • 张迎涛


    1995.09-1999.06: 十大网投信誉平台排行榜(本科)

    1999.09-2002.06: 十大网投信誉平台排行榜(硕士研究生)

    2003.09-2006.06: 河北工业大学材料学院(博士研究生)

    2008.03-2009.03: Lund 大学, 瑞典(访问学者)

    2015.10(短期): 国际理论物理中心(ICTP),意大利(访问)



    2002.07-2004.07: 十大网投信誉平台排行榜(助教)

    2004.07-2006.07: 十大网投信誉平台排行榜(讲师)

    2006.07-2011.07: 十大网投信誉平台排行榜(副教授)

    2011.07-:至今 十大网投信誉平台排行榜(教授)











    2012.01-2014.12, 5万元,已结题,主持


    2010.01-2012.12, 3万元,已结题,主持








    Hai-Bin Wu, Ying-Tao Zhang*, and Jian-Jun Liu,The effect of disorder on spin hall conductance in the bulk states of HgTe/CdTeheterostructure,J. Appl. Phys.121, 094306 (2017)


    Miao-Miao Wei, Ying-Tao Zhang, Ai-Min Guo, Jian-Jun Liu, Yanxia Xing, and Qing-Feng Sun,Magnetothermoelectric transport properties of multiterminal graphene nanoribbon,Phys. Rev. B 93, 245432 (2016).


    Han-Zhao Tang, Ying-Tao Zhang*, and Jian-Jun Liu,Josephson current through a quantum dotcoupled to a Majorana zero mode,J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28 175301(2016).


    Han-Zhao Tang, Ying-Tao Zhang*, and Jian-Jun Liu,Photon-assisted tunneling through a topological superconductor with Majoranabound states,AIP ADVANCES 5, 127129 (2015).


    Ying-Tao Zhang, Xinzhou Deng, Qing-Feng Sun and Zhenhua Qiao, High-Efficiency Cooper-PairSplitterin Quantum Anomalous HallInsulator Proximity-Coupled withSuperconductor,Scientific Reports, 5,14892 (2015).


    Ying-Tao Zhang, Juntao Song, and Qing-Feng Sun, Dephasing effect on edge states transport through p-n junction in HgTe/CdTequantum wells, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter26085301(2014).


    Lei Liu, Yu-Xian Li, Ying-Tao Zhang, and Jian-Jun Liu, Quantum beats in conductance scillations in graphene-based asymmetricdouble velocity wells and electrostatic wells,J. Appl. Phys.115, 023704 (2014).


    Ying-Tao Zhang,Zhenhua Qiao, and Qing-Feng Sun, Detecting zero-line mode in bilayer graphene via the quantum Hall effect, Phys. Rev. B87, 235405 (2013).


    Ying-Tao Zhang, Feng Zhai, Zhenhua Qiao, and Qing-Feng Sun, Spin-polarized edge modes and snake states in HgTe/CdTe quantum wells under an antisymmetric magnetic field,Phys. Rev. B86, 121403(R) (2012).


    Ying-Tao Zhang,X. C. Xie and Qing-feng Sun, Effect of Zeeman splitting and interlayer bias potential on electron transport in bilayer graphene,Phys. Rev. B86, 035447 (2012).


    Ying-Tao Zhang and Feng Zhai,Strain enhanced spin polarization in graphene with Rashba spin-orbit coupling and exchange effectsJ. Appl. Phys.111, 033705 (2012).


    Feng Zhai, Yanling Ma and Ying-Tao Zhang,A valley-filtering switch based on strained grapheme, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter23 385302 (2011).


    Ying-Tao Zhang, Qing-feng Sun, X. C. Xie, The effect of disorder on the valley-dependent transport in zigzag graphene nanoribbons, J.Appl.Phys. 109, 123718 (2011).


    Ying-Tao Zhang, Qing-Ming Li, You-Cheng Li, Yan-Yang Zhang and Feng Zhai,Band tructures and transport properties of zigzag graphene nanoribbons with antidot arrays, J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 22 315304(2010).


    Ying-Tao Zhang, Hua Jiang, Qing-feng Sun, X.C. Xie, Spin polarization and giant magnetoresistance effect induced by magnetization in zigzag graphene, Phys. Rev. B81, 165404 (2010).


    Ying-TaoZhang, Zhan-Feng Song and You-Cheng Li, Electron spin precession in two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin–orbit coupling, Phys. Lett. A373, 144 (2008).


    Ying-Tao Zhang and You-Cheng Li, Rashba spin-orbit effect on dwell time of electrons tunneling through semiconductor barrier, Phys. Lett. A 372, 2127 (2008).


    Ying-Tao Zhang, Zhan-Feng Song, and You-Cheng Li, Dresselhaus spin-orbit effect on traversal time in ferromagnetic/semiconductor/ferromagnetic heterojunctions, Phys. Rev. B 76,085313 (2007).


    Ying-Tao Zhang and You-Cheng Li, Rashba spin-orbit effect on spin-tunneling time in a ferromagnetic/semiconductor/ferromagnetic heterojunction with a tunnel barrier, J.Appl.Phys. 99, 013907 (2006).


    Ying-Tao Zhang, Yong Guo, and You-Cheng Li, Rashba spin–orbit effect on shot noise in ferromagnetic/semiconductor/ferromagnetic heterojunctions, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 242, 2960 (2005).


    Ying-Tao Zhang, Yong Guo, and You-Cheng Li, Persistent spin currents in a quantum ring with multiple arms in the presence of spin-orbit interaction, Phys. Rev. B 72, 125334 (2005).


    Ying-Tao Zhang, Xie Zun, and Li You-Cheng, Spin-Tunneling Time in Ferromagnetic/Semiconductor/Ferromagnetic Three-Terminal Heterojunction in the Presence of Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling,Commun. Theor. Phys.46. 945 (2006).


    Ying-Tao Zhang, Di Bing, Xie Zun, Li You-Cheng, Binding Energies of Excitons in Square Quantum-Well Wires in the Presence of a Magnetic Field, Chin.Phys.Lett.21, 166 (2004).


    Li Kui-Hua, Ying-Tao Zhang, Li You-Cheng, Electric Effect of Impurity in Square Quantum Wires, Chin.Phys.Lett.21, 1616 (2004).

  • 芦杰
  • 王静

    王静 教授 硕士生导师,全球信誉最好的网投平台凝聚态物理专业博士,2009-2011年中科院半导体研究所超晶格国家重点实验室博士后。

    Prof. Jing Wang, Master's Supervisor.  Ph.D, Department of Physics,Hebei Normal University;

    2009-2011,postdoc,Institute of Semiconductors,Chinese Academy of Sciences.

    Email: jwang@hebtu.edu.cn;  Tel: 0311-80787363;  Links: ResearcherID

    获奖情况/Accolades  and Awards


    The Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars  of Hebei Province (2018)


    Hebei Youth Top-notch Talent (2013), Hebei Province Excellent Doctoral Dissertation (2011)


    The Award for High-level Talents of Hebei Province (2014),  the third-prize of Hebei Province Natural Science (No.2011ZR3005)

    研究方向/Research  Area(s)


    Computational and theoretical studies of  nanostructured materials.


    The main research:(i) growth mechanism and design of 2D materials, (ii) structural  evolution of clusters (in particular Au, Si, B).

    科研课题/ List of Fundings


















    代表性论文/  Publications


    Jing Wang, Hong-Man Ma, and Ying Liu*, Sc20C60: A Volleyballene, Nanoscale 8 (2016) 11441. (Back Cover & HOT Article)

    *The work has been featured by  "MIT Technology Review", "Physics Today", "New  Scientist" (225, Issue3010, 19), et al.   *"Volleyballene" has  been included as a new English word in World Wide Words (Issue 910, 7 March  2015).


    Jing Wang and Ying Liu*, New Volleyballenes: Y20C60 and  La20C60, Sci. Rep. 6 (2016) 30875.


    Jing Wang, Zhi-Jing Wei, Hui-Yan Zhao, and Ying Liu*,Hollow Li20B60  Cage: Stability and Hydrogen Storage, Sci. Rep. 6 (2016) 24500.


    Zhi-Jing Wei, Hui-Yan Zhao, Jing Wang*,  and Ying Liu, Wide Band Gap Carbon Allotropes: Inspired by Zeolite-nets,J. Appl. Phys. 120 (2016)  165101.


    Jing Wang and Ying Liu*, Magnetic  Silicon Fullerenes: Experimental Exploration and Theoretical Insight,J.  Clust. Sci. 27 (2016) 861. (Review  Article)


    Jing  Wang,  Hui-Yan Zhao, and Ying Liu*, Boron-Double-Ring Sheet,  Fullerene, and Nanotubes: Potential Hydrogen Storage Materials, ChemPhysChem 115 (2014) 3453. (Front Cover)


    Huan-Cheng Yang, Jing Wang*, and Ying Liu, Metal-silicane: Stability and  properties, J. Appl. Phys. 116 (2014)  083501.


    Jing Wang, Jingbo Li, Shu-Shen Li, and Ying  Liu*, Hydrogen  storage by metalized silicene and silicane,J. Appl. Phys. 114 (2013)  124309.


    Jing LiII, Jing WangII,  Hui-Yan Zhao, Ying Liu*, Magnetic Silicon Nanotube: Role of Encapsulated Europium Atoms,J.  Phys. Chem. C 117 (2013) 10764.


    Jing Wang, Shu-Shen Li, Ying Liu*, and Jingbo Li*, Passivation of CuI Quantum Dots,  J. Phys. Chem. C 116 (2012) 21039.


    Jing Wang, Jingbo Li*, and Shu-Shen Li, Native p-type transparent conductive CuI via  intrinsic defects,J. Appl. Phys. 110 (2011) 054907.


    Jing  Wang,  Ying Liu*, and You-Cheng Li, Magnetic Silicon Fullerene,Phys.  Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 (2010) 11428.


    Jing Wang, Jingbo Li*, and Shu-Shen Li, Origins of Magnetism in Transition Metal Doped CuI,J. Appl. Phys. 108 (2010) 043713.


    Jing  Wang, Ying  Liu*, and You-Cheng Li, Au@Sin: Growth  Behavior, Stability and Electronic Structure,Phys.  Lett. A 374 (2010) 2736.


    Jing Wang, Ying Liu*, Qing-Min Ma, and Zun Xie, Structures and magnetic  properties of FenB (n = 1-12) clusters,J. Nanosci. Nanotechno. 10 (2010) 5413.


    Jing Wang, Qing-Min Ma, Rui-Ping Xu, Ying Liu*, and You-Cheng Li, 3d  transition metals: Which is the ideal guest for Sin (n = 15, 16)  cages,Phys. Lett. A 373 (2009) 2869.


    Jing  Wang,  Ying Liu*,and You-Cheng Li,A  New Class of Boron Nanotube,ChemPhysChem 10 (2009) 3119. (Front Cover)


    Jing  Wang,  Hua Ning, Qing-Min Ma, Ying Liu*, and You-Cheng Li,Au42: A  possible ground-state noble metallic nanotube, J. Chem.  Phys. 129 (2008) 134705. (Research  Highlight)



    Jing  Wang,  Qing-Min Ma, Zun Xie, Ying Liu*, and You-Cheng Li, From  SinNi to Ni@Sin: An investigation of configurations and  electronic structure, Phys. Rev.  B 76 (2007) 035406.

  • 张书敏

    张书敏,南开大学光学专业博士,全球信誉最好的网投平台凝聚态物理专业博士生导师、物理科学与信息工程学院院长。Email: zhangsm@hebtu.edu.cn

    先后主持国家自然科学基金(相干拉曼光谱分子测量用光源的研究11074065, 石墨烯锁模耗散孤子光纤激光器动力学特性研究, 11374089)、教育部博士点博导类基金(基于石墨烯饱和吸收体高能量变换极限超短光纤光源20101303110003)、河北省自然科学基金(基于石墨烯可饱和吸收体锁模光纤激光器动力学特性研究 F2012205076,全正色散光纤锁模激光器及其应用F2009000321,高能量光纤飞秒光源的理论和实验研究F2006000183)、河北省教育厅重点基金(超快石墨烯锁模光纤激光器研究ZH2011107)等。                                        

    在 Opt.Lett.,Optics Express, Journal of  the Optical Society of America B, Applied Physics B 等国内外重要期刊杂志发表SCI收录论文 40 余篇, 其中发表在Opt.Lett.上的文章"Passive mode locking at harmonics of the free spectral range of the intracavity filter in a fiber ring laser" 被著名光学专家Govind P. Agrawal编写的权威专著《Applications of Nonlinear Fiber Optics》引用。主持项目"光纤超短脉冲光源的研究"获2012年河北省自然科学奖三等奖。指导的博、硕士研究生获国家奖学金、华藏奖学金等奖项。        




    2002/09-2005/07,      南开大学,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,博士;        

    1997/09-2000/07,      华南师范大学,量子电子学研究所,硕士;        

    1983/09-1987/07,      全球信誉最好的网投平台, 物理系,学士。        


    2012/05-2012/11,  美国康奈尔大学,应用物理系,访问学者;        

    2005/07-至今,     全球信誉最好的网投平台,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,教授;        

    2004/10-2005/04,  新加坡光波所,光通信研究所,研究学习;        

    2000/07-2002/09,  全球信誉最好的网投平台,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,讲师/副教授;        

    1990/10-1997/07,  全球信誉最好的网投平台,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,讲师;        

    1987/09-1990/10,  河北林学院,基础部,助教/讲师。        


    张书敏,杨振军,赵光贞,张志君,新型光纤超短脉冲光源的研究,河北省自然科学奖三等奖 2012ZR3006-1 (2012)        



    石墨烯锁模耗散孤子光纤激光器动力学特性研究(11374089),国家自然科学基金项目,2014.01-2017.12 ,到位经费: 85万元, 项目负责人


    相干拉曼光谱分子测量用光源的研究(11074065),国家自然科学基金项目,2011.01-2013.12,到位经费:40万元, 项目负责人




    基于石墨烯饱和吸收体高能量变换极限超短光纤光源(20101303110003)教育部博士点博导类基金, 2011.01-2013.12, 到位经费:6万元, 项目负责人


    星载遥感用全光纤激光光源的研究(F2017205162)2017.01-2019.12, 河北省自然科学基金,到位经费:6万元, 项目负责人


    基于石墨烯可饱和吸收体锁模光纤激光器动力学特性研究 (F2012205076), 2012.01-2014.12, 河北省自然科学基金,到位经费:5万元, 项目负责人


    全正色散光纤锁模激光器及其应用(F2009000321),2009.01-2011.12, 河北省自然科学基金,到位经费:5万元, 项目负责人


    高能量光纤飞秒光源的理论和实验研究(F2006000183),2006.01-2008.12, 河北省自然科学基金,到位经费:9万元, 项目负责人


    超快石墨烯锁模光纤激光器研究(ZH2011107),2011.01-2014.12,河北省教育厅重点基金,到位经费:9万元, 项目负责人



    Dan Yan, Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang,* Mengmeng Han, Huiyun Han, and Zhenjun Yang, “L-band wavelength-tunable dissipative soliton fiber laser,” Optics Express, 24(2): 739–748 (2016). SCI影响因子:3.488.


    Jingmin Liu, Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang,*, Han Zhang, PeiguangYan, Mengmeng Han, Zhaoguang Pang, and ZhenjunYang Polarization domain wall pulses in a microfiber-based topological insulator fiber laser,”Scientific RepoRts, (6:29128 (2016) ).


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang, Mengmeng Han, Huaxing Zhang, Fang Wen, and Zhenjun Yang, Diffreren polarization dynamic states in a vector Yb-doped fiber laser, Optics Express, 23(8): 10747–10755 (2015).


    Mengmeng Han, Shumin Zhang, Xingliang Li, Huaxing Zhang, Hong Yang, and Ting Yuan, Polarization dynamic patterns of vector solitons in a graphene mode-locked fiber laser, Optics Express, 23(3): 2424–2435 (2015).


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang,Mengmeng Han, Huaxing Zhang, Fang Wen, and Zhenjun Yang, Flexible operability and amplification of gray pulses, Optics Letters, (39, (14):4116-4119  (2014)


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang,*Yanping Hao, and Zhenjun Yang, Pulse bursts with a controllable number of pulses from a mode-locked Yb-doped all fiber laser system, Opt. Express, 22, 6699-6706, (2014)


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang,*Yichang Meng, and Yanping Hao, Harmonic mode locking counterparts of dark pulse and dark-bright pulse pairs, Opt. Express, 21, 8409-8416 (2013)


    Yichang Meng, Shumin Zhang,* Xingliang Li, Hongfei Li, Juan Du, Yanping Hao, “Multiple-soliton dynamic patterns in a graphene mode-locked fiber laser”, Opt. Express, 20(6):6685-6692. (2012)


    Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu, Xinyong Dong, Ping Shum, Xiufeng Yang, Xiaoqun Zhou, Yandong Gong, and Chao Lu, Passive mode locking at harmonics of the free spectral range of the intracavity filter in a fiber ring laser, Optics Letters, 30(21): 2852-2854. (2005)


    Shumin Zhang, Guangzhen Zhao, Aiping Luo, and Zhijun Zhang, Third-order dispersion role on parabolic pulse propagation in dispersion-decreasing fiber with normal group-velocity dispersion, Applied Physics B.,  94(2): 227-232 (2009).


    Shumin Zhang, Chunjiang Jin, Yichang Meng, Xinzhan Wang, and Huihui Li, Propagation of high-power parabolic pulses in cubicon fiber amplifiers, Journal of the Optical Society of America B., 27(6):1272-1278 (2010).


    Shumin Zhang*, Qingshen Meng, and Guangzhen Zhao, All-fiber wavelength tunable passively mode-locked erbium-doped ring laser, The Euopean Physical Journal D, 60: 383-387, (2010)


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang*, Huaxing Zhang, Mengmeng Han, Fang Wen, and Zhenjun YangHighly efficient rectangular pulse emission in a mode-locked fiber laser,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26, 2082-2085,(2014) (IF: 2.176, 2区)


    Mengmeng Han, Shumin Zhang*, Xingliang Li, Huaxing Zhang, Fang Wen, Zhenjun Yang, High-energy, tunable-wavelengths, Q-switched pulse laser, Optics Communications 326, 24–28 (2014)


    Huaxing Zhang, Shumin Zhang*,Xingliang Li, Mengmeng Han,Optimal design of higher energy dissipative-soliton fiber lasers, Optics Communications 335 ,212–217 ,(2015) (IF: 1.542)


    Juan Du, Shumin Zhang*, Hongfei Li, Yichang Meng, Yanping Hao, Xingliang Li, Observation of boundstates of solitons in an L-bandpassivemode-locking ring fiber laser, Opt. laser technol., 46: 61-66, (2013)


    J. Du, S. M. Zhang*, H. F. Li, Y. C. Meng, X. L. Li, and Y. P. Hao, L band passively harmonic mode-locked fiber laser based on a graphene saturable absorber, Laser Phys. Lett., 9(12): 896-900, (2012)


    Yichang Meng, Shumin Zhang*, Xingliang Li, Hongfei Li, Juan Du, Yanping Hao, Passive harmonically mode-locked fiber laser with low pumping power based on a graphene saturable absorber, Laser Phys. Lett., 9(7): 537-541, (2012)


    Yichang Meng, Shumin Zhang*, Xinzhan Wang, Juan Du, Hongfei Li, Yanping Hao, Xingliang Li, Tunable double-clad ytterbium-doped fiber laser based on a double-pass Mach–Zehnder interferometer, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 50(3): 303-307, (2012)


    Hongfei Li, Shumin Zhang*, Juan Du, Yichang Meng, Yanping Hao, Xingliang Li, Passively harmonic mode-locked fiber laser with controllable repetition rate based on a carbon nanotube saturable absorber, Optics Communications, 285(6): 1347-1351, (2012)


    Yichang Meng, Shumin Zhang*, Hongfei Li, Juan Du, Yanping Hao, Xingliang Li, Bright-dark soliton pairs in a self-mode locking fiber laser, Opt. Eng., 51(6): 064302, (2012)


    S. M. Zhang*, Y. P. Hao, C. J. Jin, Y. C. Meng, H. F. Li, J. Du, and X. L. Li, Experimental study of parabolic bound pulses from an Er-doped fiber ring laser, Laser Physics, 22(6): 1049-1053, (2012)


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang*, Yichang Meng, Yanping Hao, Hongfei Li, Juan Du, Zhenjun Yang, Observation of soliton bound states in a graphene mode locked erbium-doped fiber laser, Laser Physics, 22(4): 774–777, (2012)


    Huihui Li, Shumin Zhang*, Xinzhan Wang, Yichang Meng, Generation of high energy, wavelength-tuned supercontinuum sources, Optical Engineering, 50(8): 085005, (2011)


    Yichang Meng, Shumin Zhang *, Enhanced compression of femtosecond pulse in hollow-core photonic bandgap fibers, Optics Communications, 283 , 2411–2415 (2010)


    Shumin Zhang, Generation of picosecond soliton pulses with tunable repetition rate by modulational instability, Optik, 121, 1033–1035 (2010)


    Shuxia Gao, Xiaoqing Li, Shumin Zhang*, Supercontinuum generation by combining clad-pumped Er/Yb co-doped fiber amplifier and highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber, Optik, 121(23): 2110-2112, (2010)


    Shumin Zhang, et. al., Generation of picosecond soliton pulses with tunable repetition rate by modulational instability, Optik , 12 (2009)


    Shumin Zhang, Yang Xiufeng, Lu Fuyun, Gong Yandong, and Meng Xiulan, Supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fibers with a normal dispersion pump pulse near the zero-dispersion wavelength, Optics Engineering, 47(7): 075005. (2008)


    Shumin Zhang, Li Dan, et. al., Tunable all-fiber Er3+-doped laser based on a double-clad Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped fiber amplifier, MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS,.10 (2008)


    Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun, Yang Xiufen, and Gong Yandong, Different operation states of soliton pulses in an erbium-doped fiber ring laser, Chinese Physics, 16(7): 1986-1990 (2007)


    Zhang Shu-Min, Lu Fu-Yun, Zou xiaoxue, Soliton pulses in an erbium-doped fiber ring laser and its use in supercontinuum generation, Acta Physica Sinica, 56, 2191-2195 (2007).


    Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun, all fiber actively Q-switched Er/Yb co-doped ring laser; MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 49 (9): 2183-2186, (2007).


    Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu, and Jian Wang, Self-Q-switching and mode-locking in an all-fiber Er/Yb co-doped fiber ring laser, Optics Communications, 263(1), 47-51. (2006)


    Shumin Zhang , Fuyun Lu, Chunxia Xie. Passively mode-locked Er/Yb-codoped fiber ring laser with a fiber Bragg grating loop mirror. OPTICS ENGINEERING,45(3):034204(2006).


    Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun , Wang Jian. High-power narrow line width tunable cladding pumped Er : Yb co-doped fiber laser MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 48 (9): 1736-1739, (2006).


    Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu, Wencheng Xu, Jian Wang. Modulation instability induced by cross-phase modulation in decreasing dispersion fiber. OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY 11 (2): 193-201 APR (2005).


    Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu, Chunxia Xie, Jian Wang and Xiaoyi Dong. Temporal characteristics of a high-energy Er/Yb-codoped fibre ring laser. JOURNAL OF OPTICS A : PURE APPLIED OPTICS 7:175-178 (2005).


    Zhang Shumin, Lu F uyun, Yang XiuFeng, Dong Fa jie, Wang Hong jie, Dong Xiao yi. Wavelength tunable linear cavity cladding pump Era(3+)/Yb3+ co-doped fiber laser operating in L-band OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 37 (4):417-424 MAR (2005).


    Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun, Gong Yandong, Zhou Xiaoqun, Yang Xiufen, and Lu Chao. Bound soliton pulses in a passively mode-locked fiber ring laser. CHINESE PHYSICS 14(9):1839-1843, (2005).

  • 张书敏

    张书敏,南开大学光学专业博士,全球信誉最好的网投平台凝聚态物理专业博士生导师、物理科学与信息工程学院院长。Email: zhangsm@hebtu.edu.cn

    先后主持国家自然科学基金(相干拉曼光谱分子测量用光源的研究11074065, 石墨烯锁模耗散孤子光纤激光器动力学特性研究, 11374089)、教育部博士点博导类基金(基于石墨烯饱和吸收体高能量变换极限超短光纤光源20101303110003)、河北省自然科学基金(基于石墨烯可饱和吸收体锁模光纤激光器动力学特性研究 F2012205076,全正色散光纤锁模激光器及其应用F2009000321,高能量光纤飞秒光源的理论和实验研究F2006000183)、河北省教育厅重点基金(超快石墨烯锁模光纤激光器研究ZH2011107)等。                                        

    在 Opt.Lett.,Optics Express, Journal of  the Optical Society of America B, Applied Physics B 等国内外重要期刊杂志发表SCI收录论文 40 余篇, 其中发表在Opt.Lett.上的文章"Passive mode locking at harmonics of the free spectral range of the intracavity filter in a fiber ring laser" 被著名光学专家Govind P. Agrawal编写的权威专著《Applications of Nonlinear Fiber Optics》引用。主持项目"光纤超短脉冲光源的研究"获2012年河北省自然科学奖三等奖。指导的博、硕士研究生获国家奖学金、华藏奖学金等奖项。        




    2002/09-2005/07,      南开大学,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,博士;        

    1997/09-2000/07,      华南师范大学,量子电子学研究所,硕士;        

    1983/09-1987/07,      全球信誉最好的网投平台, 物理系,学士。        


    2012/05-2012/11,  美国康奈尔大学,应用物理系,访问学者;        

    2005/07-至今,     全球信誉最好的网投平台,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,教授;        

    2004/10-2005/04,  新加坡光波所,光通信研究所,研究学习;        

    2000/07-2002/09,  全球信誉最好的网投平台,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,讲师/副教授;        

    1990/10-1997/07,  全球信誉最好的网投平台,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,讲师;        

    1987/09-1990/10,  河北林学院,基础部,助教/讲师。        


    张书敏,杨振军,赵光贞,张志君,新型光纤超短脉冲光源的研究,河北省自然科学奖三等奖 2012ZR3006-1 (2012)        



    石墨烯锁模耗散孤子光纤激光器动力学特性研究(11374089),国家自然科学基金项目,2014.01-2017.12 ,到位经费: 85万元, 项目负责人


    相干拉曼光谱分子测量用光源的研究(11074065),国家自然科学基金项目,2011.01-2013.12,到位经费:40万元, 项目负责人




    基于石墨烯饱和吸收体高能量变换极限超短光纤光源(20101303110003)教育部博士点博导类基金, 2011.01-2013.12, 到位经费:6万元, 项目负责人


    星载遥感用全光纤激光光源的研究(F2017205162)2017.01-2019.12, 河北省自然科学基金,到位经费:6万元, 项目负责人


    基于石墨烯可饱和吸收体锁模光纤激光器动力学特性研究 (F2012205076), 2012.01-2014.12, 河北省自然科学基金,到位经费:5万元, 项目负责人


    全正色散光纤锁模激光器及其应用(F2009000321),2009.01-2011.12, 河北省自然科学基金,到位经费:5万元, 项目负责人


    高能量光纤飞秒光源的理论和实验研究(F2006000183),2006.01-2008.12, 河北省自然科学基金,到位经费:9万元, 项目负责人


    超快石墨烯锁模光纤激光器研究(ZH2011107),2011.01-2014.12,河北省教育厅重点基金,到位经费:9万元, 项目负责人



    Dan Yan, Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang,* Mengmeng Han, Huiyun Han, and Zhenjun Yang, “L-band wavelength-tunable dissipative soliton fiber laser,” Optics Express, 24(2): 739–748 (2016). SCI影响因子:3.488.


    Jingmin Liu, Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang,*, Han Zhang, PeiguangYan, Mengmeng Han, Zhaoguang Pang, and ZhenjunYang Polarization domain wall pulses in a microfiber-based topological insulator fiber laser,”Scientific RepoRts, (6:29128 (2016) ).


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang, Mengmeng Han, Huaxing Zhang, Fang Wen, and Zhenjun Yang, Diffreren polarization dynamic states in a vector Yb-doped fiber laser, Optics Express, 23(8): 10747–10755 (2015).


    Mengmeng Han, Shumin Zhang, Xingliang Li, Huaxing Zhang, Hong Yang, and Ting Yuan, Polarization dynamic patterns of vector solitons in a graphene mode-locked fiber laser, Optics Express, 23(3): 2424–2435 (2015).


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang,Mengmeng Han, Huaxing Zhang, Fang Wen, and Zhenjun Yang, Flexible operability and amplification of gray pulses, Optics Letters, (39, (14):4116-4119  (2014)


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang,*Yanping Hao, and Zhenjun Yang, Pulse bursts with a controllable number of pulses from a mode-locked Yb-doped all fiber laser system, Opt. Express, 22, 6699-6706, (2014)


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang,*Yichang Meng, and Yanping Hao, Harmonic mode locking counterparts of dark pulse and dark-bright pulse pairs, Opt. Express, 21, 8409-8416 (2013)


    Yichang Meng, Shumin Zhang,* Xingliang Li, Hongfei Li, Juan Du, Yanping Hao, “Multiple-soliton dynamic patterns in a graphene mode-locked fiber laser”, Opt. Express, 20(6):6685-6692. (2012)


    Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu, Xinyong Dong, Ping Shum, Xiufeng Yang, Xiaoqun Zhou, Yandong Gong, and Chao Lu, Passive mode locking at harmonics of the free spectral range of the intracavity filter in a fiber ring laser, Optics Letters, 30(21): 2852-2854. (2005)


    Shumin Zhang, Guangzhen Zhao, Aiping Luo, and Zhijun Zhang, Third-order dispersion role on parabolic pulse propagation in dispersion-decreasing fiber with normal group-velocity dispersion, Applied Physics B.,  94(2): 227-232 (2009).


    Shumin Zhang, Chunjiang Jin, Yichang Meng, Xinzhan Wang, and Huihui Li, Propagation of high-power parabolic pulses in cubicon fiber amplifiers, Journal of the Optical Society of America B., 27(6):1272-1278 (2010).


    Shumin Zhang*, Qingshen Meng, and Guangzhen Zhao, All-fiber wavelength tunable passively mode-locked erbium-doped ring laser, The Euopean Physical Journal D, 60: 383-387, (2010)


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang*, Huaxing Zhang, Mengmeng Han, Fang Wen, and Zhenjun YangHighly efficient rectangular pulse emission in a mode-locked fiber laser,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26, 2082-2085,(2014) (IF: 2.176, 2区)


    Mengmeng Han, Shumin Zhang*, Xingliang Li, Huaxing Zhang, Fang Wen, Zhenjun Yang, High-energy, tunable-wavelengths, Q-switched pulse laser, Optics Communications 326, 24–28 (2014)


    Huaxing Zhang, Shumin Zhang*,Xingliang Li, Mengmeng Han,Optimal design of higher energy dissipative-soliton fiber lasers, Optics Communications 335 ,212–217 ,(2015) (IF: 1.542)


    Juan Du, Shumin Zhang*, Hongfei Li, Yichang Meng, Yanping Hao, Xingliang Li, Observation of boundstates of solitons in an L-bandpassivemode-locking ring fiber laser, Opt. laser technol., 46: 61-66, (2013)


    J. Du, S. M. Zhang*, H. F. Li, Y. C. Meng, X. L. Li, and Y. P. Hao, L band passively harmonic mode-locked fiber laser based on a graphene saturable absorber, Laser Phys. Lett., 9(12): 896-900, (2012)


    Yichang Meng, Shumin Zhang*, Xingliang Li, Hongfei Li, Juan Du, Yanping Hao, Passive harmonically mode-locked fiber laser with low pumping power based on a graphene saturable absorber, Laser Phys. Lett., 9(7): 537-541, (2012)


    Yichang Meng, Shumin Zhang*, Xinzhan Wang, Juan Du, Hongfei Li, Yanping Hao, Xingliang Li, Tunable double-clad ytterbium-doped fiber laser based on a double-pass Mach–Zehnder interferometer, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 50(3): 303-307, (2012)


    Hongfei Li, Shumin Zhang*, Juan Du, Yichang Meng, Yanping Hao, Xingliang Li, Passively harmonic mode-locked fiber laser with controllable repetition rate based on a carbon nanotube saturable absorber, Optics Communications, 285(6): 1347-1351, (2012)


    Yichang Meng, Shumin Zhang*, Hongfei Li, Juan Du, Yanping Hao, Xingliang Li, Bright-dark soliton pairs in a self-mode locking fiber laser, Opt. Eng., 51(6): 064302, (2012)


    S. M. Zhang*, Y. P. Hao, C. J. Jin, Y. C. Meng, H. F. Li, J. Du, and X. L. Li, Experimental study of parabolic bound pulses from an Er-doped fiber ring laser, Laser Physics, 22(6): 1049-1053, (2012)


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang*, Yichang Meng, Yanping Hao, Hongfei Li, Juan Du, Zhenjun Yang, Observation of soliton bound states in a graphene mode locked erbium-doped fiber laser, Laser Physics, 22(4): 774–777, (2012)


    Huihui Li, Shumin Zhang*, Xinzhan Wang, Yichang Meng, Generation of high energy, wavelength-tuned supercontinuum sources, Optical Engineering, 50(8): 085005, (2011)


    Yichang Meng, Shumin Zhang *, Enhanced compression of femtosecond pulse in hollow-core photonic bandgap fibers, Optics Communications, 283 , 2411–2415 (2010)


    Shumin Zhang, Generation of picosecond soliton pulses with tunable repetition rate by modulational instability, Optik, 121, 1033–1035 (2010)


    Shuxia Gao, Xiaoqing Li, Shumin Zhang*, Supercontinuum generation by combining clad-pumped Er/Yb co-doped fiber amplifier and highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber, Optik, 121(23): 2110-2112, (2010)


    Shumin Zhang, et. al., Generation of picosecond soliton pulses with tunable repetition rate by modulational instability, Optik , 12 (2009)


    Shumin Zhang, Yang Xiufeng, Lu Fuyun, Gong Yandong, and Meng Xiulan, Supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fibers with a normal dispersion pump pulse near the zero-dispersion wavelength, Optics Engineering, 47(7): 075005. (2008)


    Shumin Zhang, Li Dan, et. al., Tunable all-fiber Er3+-doped laser based on a double-clad Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped fiber amplifier, MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS,.10 (2008)


    Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun, Yang Xiufen, and Gong Yandong, Different operation states of soliton pulses in an erbium-doped fiber ring laser, Chinese Physics, 16(7): 1986-1990 (2007)


    Zhang Shu-Min, Lu Fu-Yun, Zou xiaoxue, Soliton pulses in an erbium-doped fiber ring laser and its use in supercontinuum generation, Acta Physica Sinica, 56, 2191-2195 (2007).


    Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun, all fiber actively Q-switched Er/Yb co-doped ring laser; MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 49 (9): 2183-2186, (2007).


    Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu, and Jian Wang, Self-Q-switching and mode-locking in an all-fiber Er/Yb co-doped fiber ring laser, Optics Communications, 263(1), 47-51. (2006)


    Shumin Zhang , Fuyun Lu, Chunxia Xie. Passively mode-locked Er/Yb-codoped fiber ring laser with a fiber Bragg grating loop mirror. OPTICS ENGINEERING,45(3):034204(2006).


    Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun , Wang Jian. High-power narrow line width tunable cladding pumped Er : Yb co-doped fiber laser MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 48 (9): 1736-1739, (2006).


    Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu, Wencheng Xu, Jian Wang. Modulation instability induced by cross-phase modulation in decreasing dispersion fiber. OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY 11 (2): 193-201 APR (2005).


    Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu, Chunxia Xie, Jian Wang and Xiaoyi Dong. Temporal characteristics of a high-energy Er/Yb-codoped fibre ring laser. JOURNAL OF OPTICS A : PURE APPLIED OPTICS 7:175-178 (2005).


    Zhang Shumin, Lu F uyun, Yang XiuFeng, Dong Fa jie, Wang Hong jie, Dong Xiao yi. Wavelength tunable linear cavity cladding pump Era(3+)/Yb3+ co-doped fiber laser operating in L-band OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 37 (4):417-424 MAR (2005).


    Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun, Gong Yandong, Zhou Xiaoqun, Yang Xiufen, and Lu Chao. Bound soliton pulses in a passively mode-locked fiber ring laser. CHINESE PHYSICS 14(9):1839-1843, (2005).

  • 孙会元
















    研究生《磁性物理》、《铁磁学》、《近代物理实验方法》、《现代磁性材料原理和应用》、《Magneitic Domains》、《Magnetic Domain Walls in Bubble Materials》、《凝聚态物理专题》和《材料物理基础》等;

    主编《固体物理基础》, 科学出版社出版, ISBN978-7-03-028065-7 (2010);

    参编《物理学导论》, 科学出版社出版, ISBN978-7-03-032389-7 (2011);

    主持学校精品课程建设项目《固体物理基础》课程建设, 2008.9-2011.8。


    长期从事磁学与磁性薄膜材料方面的实验研究工作。在磁畴壁物理、超高密度磁记录介质、磁性合金纳米线等领域进行了深入而广泛的研究。近年来,在结构色防伪、大室温铁磁性的多孔氧化物半导体和多铁性材料方面也取得了引人注目的成绩。主研了包括国家自然科学基金、河北省自然科学基金等10余个研究项目,已发表与本课题相关的SCI收录论文80多篇。曾获中国科学院自然科学三等奖一项、河北省科技进步二等奖一项、河北省教育厅科技进步一等奖一项;是包括Journal of Materials Chemistry C、Nanotechnology、Applied Surface Science、Materials Characterization、RSC Advances、Thin SolidFilms、MaterialsScience & Engineering B、Materials Research Bulletin、Journal of Porous Materials等在内的20多家国内外期刊的审稿人。






    在结构色方面:通过PAA薄膜的分区可控生长技术,实现了在PAA薄膜上可见光范围内全波段结构色的可控化并给出了相应的物理机制,提出并实现了利用结构色构图作为新型多功能防伪材料的方案;文章的结果被收录到2015年德国施普林格出版社(SpringerInternational Publishing)出版的《Electrochemically Engineered Nanoporous Materials》(ISBN 978-3-319-20345-4)中;




    (1) 布洛赫线存储器机理研究,1993年10月获中国科学院自然科学三等奖

    (2) 三类硬磁畴畴壁中布洛赫线的稳定性,2000年12月获河北省科技进步二等奖

    (3) 三类硬磁畴畴壁中布洛赫线的稳定性,2000年7月获省教育厅科技进步一等奖

    (4) 布洛赫线物理研究,1996年4月通过河北省科委鉴定;

    (5) 三类硬磁畴畴壁中布洛赫线的稳定性,1998年12月通过河北省科委鉴定;

    (6) 1991年4月荣获河北省教委“实验室工作先进集体”称号;

    (7) 1991年10月荣获国家教委“实验室工作先进集体”称号;

    (8) 1996年10月荣获河北省高校“八五计划科技工作先进集体”称号


    1. 国家自然科学基金,No.10274018, 超高密度磁记录纳米颗粒膜研究, 2003-2005;

    2. 国家自然科学基金,No.19674074,磁泡布洛赫线非线性动力学研究, 1997-1999;

    3. 国家自然科学基金,No.19274016, 磁畴壁和布洛赫线物理研究, 1993-1995;

    4. 国家自然科学基金,No.1880110, 磁畴壁物理研究和微磁存储器探索, 1989-1991;

    5. 河北省自然科学基金,No.A2016205237,氧空位对有序多孔金属氧化物薄膜室温铁磁性的影响, 2016~2018;

    6. 河北省自然科学基金,No.A2012205038,基于AAO 模板法制备金属氧化物纳米管及相关结构色研究, 2012~2014;

    7. 河北省自然科学基金,No.A2009000254,新型纳米垂直磁记录介质材料的制备、表征和磁性, 2009~2012;

    8. 河北省自然科学基金,No.100147,垂直布洛赫线稳定性研究, 2000~2002;

    9. 河北省自然科学基金,No.196165,布洛赫线存储器机理研究, 1996-1998;

    10. 河北省自然科学基金,No.193009, 布洛赫线物理研究, 1993-1995;

    11. 河北省教育厅基金,No.2002116,纳米磁记录颗粒膜研究, 2002-2004;

    12. 全球信誉最好的网投平台重点基金,No.120203,纳米磁性粒子薄膜的研制, 2001-2003;

    13. 全球信誉最好的网投平台博士基金,No.L2006B10,纳米磁性薄膜材料的制备和物性研究,2007-2009;



    [1] 一种具有鲜艳色彩和不同图案的Co纳米管与氧化铝复合薄膜的制备方法;申请日:2011.04.02,申请号:201110082327.4;公开号:CN102191528A,公开日期2011.09.21,授权:2012.12.19,发明人:孙会元;徐芹;刘力虎;杨玉华;顾建军;张惠敏

    [2] 一种直流电沉积法制备Zn/ZnO纳米管的方法;申请日:2011.04.02,申请号:201110082301.X;公开号:CN102181890A,公开日期2011.09.14,授权:2012.7.25,发明人:孙会元;徐芹;刘力虎;杨玉华;顾建军;张惠敏

    [3] 一种直流电沉积法制备Ni-ZnO纳米管的方法;申请日:2011.04.02, 申请号:201110082312.8;公开号:CN102181928A,公开日期2011.09.14,授权:2012.8.1,发明人:刘力虎;蔡宁;顾建军;张惠敏;李子岳;孙会元


    1.     Li-qian Qi, Di-ya Pan, Jun-qing Li, Li-hu Liu, Hui-yuan Sun, HfO2/porous anodic alumina composite films for multifunctional data storage mediamaterials under electric field control; Nanotechnology; 28(2017) 115702;,(IF:3.440,工程技术2区,TOP);

    2.     L. Q Qi , Lihu Liu , S. Z Feng , H.Y Sun , R.S Han,Synthesis and magnetic properties of ceramicMgO porous film,Journal of the European CeramicSociety ; 37 (2017) 4727–4731; (IF:3.454;工程技术2区,TOP);

    3.     Qin Xu, Chun-Xin Sun, Zhi-Jun Wang, Jing-Jin Liu, Ya-Xuan Ren,Sheng-Zhen Hao,Ji-Liang Zhu, Yu-Bao Sun, Hui-Yuan Sun, Preparation andCharacterization of iridescent Ni1-xCox -containing anodic aluminum oxidefilms ; Dyes and Pigments; 147 (2017) 313e317;(IF :3.473 ; 工程技术2区,TOP);

    4.      Lihu, Liu; Liqian, Qi; Rushuai,Han; Huihui, Zhang; Yanlu Wang,HuiyuanSun*; Growth mechanism and magnetic properties of dendritic nanostructureprepared by pulse electrodeposition; Journal of Alloys and Compounds;694(2017)1239-1245; (IF:3.133, 工程技术2区,Top)

    5.     Ru-shuai Han, Li-qian Qi, Li-hu Liu, Qin Xu, Ge-Xin Guo, Hui-yuan Sun,Microstructures and room temperature ferromagnetism of ordered porous ZrO2 thinfilms sputter deposited onto porous anodic alumina substrates; Journal ofMagnetism and Magnetic Materials; 428 (2017) 99–104;(IF:2.63,物理类 3区);

    6.     Yanlu Wang, Rushuai Han, Liqian Qi, Lihu Liu*, Huiyuan Sun*, Synthesisof ultrathin TiO2 /Ti films with tunable structural color, Applied Optics; (IF:1.650,工程技术3区)

    7.      Li-qian Qi, Ru-shuai Han, Li-huLiu*, Hui-yuan Sun*,Preparation and magneticproperties of DC-sputtered porous HfO2 films, Ceramics International 42 (2016)pp. 18925-18930; (IF:2.986; 工程技术2区);

    8.      Qin Xu , Zhi-Jun Wang , Ze-JiangChang, Jing-Jin Liu , Ya-Xuan Ren , Hui-Yuan Sun*,Synthesis and properties of Ag-doped ZnO films with room temperatureferromagnetism; Chemical Physics Letters 666(2016)28-32;(IF:1.815,化学类4区,物理类3区)

    9.      Ru-shuai Han, Li-qian Qi, Xue Hou,Li-hu Liu, Hui-yuan Liu, Xiao-Ning Xian, Ge-Xin Guo*, Hui-yuan Sun*,Magnetic contribution of Bi0.85La0.15FeO3 in(1-x)Bi0.85La0.15FeO3 - (x)CoFe2O4 nanocomposite powder,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,420(2016)pp.117-121; (IF:2.63,物理类 3区);

    10.  Qin Xu, ZhiJun Wang, Yongguo Wang,Huiyuan Sun*, The effect of Co content on the structure and the magneticproperties of CoxNi1-x nanotubes,Journalof Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,419(2016)166-170;(IF:2.63,物理类3区);

    11.  L.Q Qi, H.Y Liu, H.Y Sun*, LihuLiu, and R.S Han, Electric field control of magnetization in Cu2O/porous anodicalumina hybrid structures at room temperature, Applied Physics Letters, 108,142402 (2016),(IF:3.411,物理类2区,TOP)

    12.  Qin Xu, Hong-Mei Ma, Yan-JunZhang, Ru-Song Li, Hui-Yuan Sun*, Synthesis of iridescent Ni-containing anodicaluminum oxide films by anodization in oxalic acid, Optical Materials, 2016,52:107-110, 2015.02.01出版, (IF: 2.238, 工程类3区)

    13.  Xue Hou, Hui-yuan Liu, Hui-yuanSun*, Li-hu Liu*, Xiao-xuan Jia, Significant room-temperature ferromagnetism inpure porous ZnO films: The role of oxygen vacanies,Materials Science and Engineering B 200(2015) 22–27;(IF:2.331,工程类3区)

    14.  Xiaoxuan Jia, Huiyuan Sun*, Lihuliu, Xue Hou, Huiyuan Liu, Synthesis and properties of iridescent Zn-containinganodic aluminum oxide films, Thin Solid Films, 586(2015)8-12; (IF: 1.867,工程技术3区)

    15.  Xue Hou, Huiyuan Sun*, Lihu Liu,Xiaoxuan Jia, Huiyuan Liu, Resistive property and ferromagnetism in ZnO/PAAnanoporous composite films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 640(2015)444-448,(IF:3.014, 工程技术2区,TOP)

    16.  Hui-yuan Liu, Hui-yuan Sun*, Li-huLiu, Xue Hou, Xiao-xuan Jia, Optical properties of porous anodic aluminaembedded Cu nanocomposite films, Optical Materials44(2015), pp. 9-12(IF:2.183, 工程类3区)

    17.  Xue Hou, Hui-yuan Sun*, Li-hu Liu,Xiao-xuan Jia and Hui-yuan Liu,Unexpectedlarge room-temperature ferromagnetism in porous Cu2O thin films, Journal ofMagnetism and Magnetic Materials 382(2015)20-25, (IF:2.357, 物理类3区)

    18.  Qin Xu, Wen-Jiang Ye, Shun-ZhenFeng, Hui-Yuan Sun*, Synthesis and properties of iridescent Co-con taininganodic aluminum oxide films , Dyes and Pigments, 111(2014) 185-189, ( IF: 3.468,工程技术2区,TOP)

    19.  Tianshan Wu, Huiyuan Sun*, XueHou, Lihu liu, Huimin Zhang, Jingjing Zhang, Significant room-temperatureferromagnetism in porous TiO2 thin films, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,190 (2014) 63–66, [JCR Q1@Q2, IF: 3.209]

    20.  ZhiJun Zhang, JingJing Zhang, XueHou, TianShan Wu, HuiYuan Sun*, Iridescent colored thin films of porous anodicalumina embedded silver, Thin Solid Films, 558 (2014) 344–348,[JCR Q2,IF:1.867]

    21.  Janjun Gu; Shumin Yang; Wei Yang;Yunkai Qi; Guoliang Zhao; Huiyuan Sun*; Effects of NiFe2O4 on magnetoelectriccoupling effect of BiFeO3 thin films; Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,349 (2014) 140-143,[ JCR Q2,IF:2.002]

    22.  Hui-yuan Sun*, Hui-min Zhang, XueHou, Li-hu Liu, Tian-shan Wu, Shu-min Yang, Significant Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in PAA Thin Films, Journalof Materials Chemistry C, 1 (2013),3569 [ JCR Q1, IF: 6.626]

    23.  Hui-min Zhang, Xiu-li Zhang,Jing-jing Zhang, Zi-yue Li, and Hui-yuan Sun*, Template-based ElectrodepositionGrowth Mechanism of Metal Nanotubes, Journal of The Electrochemical Society ,160(2)D41-D42(2013),[JCRQ1@Q2,IF:2.859]

    24.  Hui-min Zhang, Xiu-li Zhang, Tianshan Wu, Zhi jun Zhang, Jin fei Zheng and Hui-yuan Sun*, Template-basedSynthesis and discontinuous hysteresis loops of Cobalt Nanotube arrays,Journal of Materials Science,Volume48, Issue 21 (2013), Page 7392-7398,[JCRQ1,IF:2.305]

    25.  Jing-jing Zhang,Zi-yue Li, Zhi-jun Zhang, Tian-shan Wu,Hui-yuan Sun*,Optical and magnetic properties ofPAA @Ni nanocomposite films,J. Appl. Phys. 113, 244305 (2013); [JCR Q2,IF:2.185 ]

    26.  Xiuli Zhang, Huimin Zhang,Tianshan Wu, Ziyue Li , Zhijun Zhang, Huiyuan Sun*, Comparative study inFabrication and Magnetic properties of FeNi alloy nanowires and nanotubes, J.Magn.Magn.Mate., 331 (2013) 162–167 , [JCR Q2,IF:2.002]

    27.  Hui-min Zhang, Xiu-li Zhang,Jing-jing Zhang, Zi-yue Li,  HuiyuanSun*, Fabrication and magnetic properties of CoNi alloy nanotube arrays,  J. Magn. Magn.Mater., 342(2013)69-73, [JCR Q2, IF: 2.002]

    28.  Jing-jing Zhang, Xue Hou, Li-huLiu, and Huiyuan Sun*, Optical and magnetic properties of PAA@Fe nanocompositefilms,  AIP Advances , 3, 072116 (2013); [JCRQ2@Q3,IF:1.590]

    29.  Zhang Jing-Jing , Li Zi-Yue, ZhangHui-Min, Hou Xue, and Huiyuan Sun*, Optical and magnetic properties of PAA @Conanocomposite films,Chin. Phys. B Vol. 22, No. 8(2013) 087805,[JCR Q2,IF:1.293]

    30.  Yunkai Qi, Guoliang Zhao, JianjunGu, Shumin Yang, Huiyuan Sun, Influence of oxygen partial pressure andannealing on magnetic properties of Al -doped ZnO thin films,  Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials –Rapid Communications, Vol. 7, No. 5-6, 2013, pp. 420 – 424, [JCR Q4, IF: 0.402]

    31.  Qin Xu, Yu-Hua Yang, Li-Hu Liu,Jian-Jun Gu, Jing-Jin Liu, Zi-Yue Li, Huiyuan Sun*, Synthesis and OpticalProperties of Iridescent Porous Anodic Alumina Thin Films, J. Electrochem.Soc., 159 (1) C25-C28 (2012), [JCR Q1@Q2,IF: 2.590]

    32.  Qin Xu, Yuhua Yang, Jianjun Gu,Ziyue Li, Huiyuan Sun*,Influence of Al substrate on theoptical properties of porous anodic alumina film,Materials Letters,74(2012)137-139,[IF:2.307, JCR Q1@Q2 ]

    33.  顾建军,孙会元*,刘力虎,岂云开,徐芹,结构相变对Fe掺杂TiO2薄膜室温铁磁性的影响,物理学报,Acta Phys. Sin. Vol. 61, No. 1(2012) 017501, [JCR Q3,IF:1.027]

    34.  赵荣,顾建军,刘力虎,徐芹,蔡宁,孙会元*,FeCo二元合金纳米线阵列的磁化反转,物理学报,Acta Phys. Sin. Vol.61, No.2,027504, 2012,  [JCR Q3,IF:1.027]

    35.  顾建军,韩金荣,成福伟,刘力虎,孙会元*,镍锰铁氧体纳米线阵列的制备与表征,物理学报,Acta Phys. Sin. Vol. 61, No.9, 2012,097502[JCR Q3,IF:1.027]

    36.  李志文,岂云开,顾建军,孙会元*,退火氛围对掺杂ZnO薄膜磁性的影响,物理学报,Acta Phys. Sin. Vol 61, No.13,2012,137501[JCR Q3,IF:1.027]

    37.  顾建军,孙会元*,刘力虎,岂云开,徐芹,结构相变对Fe掺杂TiO2薄膜室温铁磁性的影响,物理学报,Acta Phys. Sin. Vol. 61, No. 1(2012) 017501, [JCR Q3,IF:1.027]

    38.  LI Zi-Yue, ZHANG Hui-Min, LIULi-Hu, SUN Hui-Yuan, Influence of Heating Rate on Morphologies and MagneticProperties of a-Fe2O3, 2012 Vol.29,No 3,036802,Chin. Phys. Lett. 29(3),[JCR 4区,IF:0.811]

    39.  Jian-Jun Gu, Guo-Liang Zhao,Fu-Wei Cheng, Jin-Rong Han, Li-Hu Liu,Hui-Yuan Sun,Magnetoelectricproperties of Mn-substituted BiFeO3 thin films with a TiO2 barrier,Physica B: Condensed Matter, Vol. 406, issue23, pp4400-4403, [JCR Q3,IF:0.856]

    40.  顾建军,刘力虎,岂云开,徐芹,张慧敏,孙会元*,复合薄膜NiFe2O4-BiFeO3中的磁电耦合,物理学报, Vol.60, No.6, 067701,2011, [JCR Q3,IF:1.259]

    41.  岂云开,顾建军,刘力虎,张海峰,徐芹,孙会元*,Al掺杂ZnO 薄膜的厚度对其结构及磁学性能的影响,物理学报, Vol.60, No.6, 067502,2011, [JCR Q3,IF:1.259]

    42.  岂云开,顾建军,刘力虎,张海峰,徐芹,孙会元*,Al/ZnO/Al薄膜的结构与磁性分析,物理学报, Vol.60, No5, 057502(-1~5), 2011,[JCR Q3,IF:1.259]

    43.  Shunzhen Feng, Jihong Liu, Pu Hao,Yanhui Dong, Huiyuan Sun,Influence of annealing temperature on microstructure and magnetic properties ofTi/Ni/Ti thin films, Advanced Materials Research Vols.239-242(2011)pp1699-1702

    44.  Yunkai Qi,Jianjun Gu,Lihu Liu, Huiyuan Sun,Annealing effects on structural and magneticproperties of Al doped ZnO thin films,AdvancedMaterials Research Vols. 239-242(2011)pp2835-2838

    45.  Jian-Jun Gu, Li-Hu Liu, Yun-KaiQi, Qin Xu, Hui-Yuan Sun,Synthesisand Magnetic Characterization of Nickel Ferrite Nanowire Arrays Doped withManganese,Advanced Ma terials Research Vols.239-242(2011)pp1799-1802

    46.  Jian-Jun Gu, Li-Hu Liu,Yun-KaiQi, Qin Xu, Hai-Feng Zhang,Hui-YuanSun*,Magnetic characterization ofdiluted magnetic semiconductor thin films,Journalof Applied Physics,Vol. 109,No.2, 023902(2011), [JCRQ2,IF:2.064]

    47.  Qin Xu, Huiyuan Sun*, Yuhua Yang,Lihu Liu, Ziyue Li, Optical properties and color generation mechanism of porousanodic alumina films, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 258 (2011) 1826~1830, [JCR Q1@Q2,IF:2.103]

    48.  Shunzhen Feng, Jihong Liu, Pu Hao,Yanhui Dong, Huiyuan Sun,Influence of annealing temperature on microstructure and magnetic properties ofTi/Ni/Ti thin films, Advanced Materials Research Vols.239-242(2011)pp1699-1702,

    49.  Yunkai Qi,Jianjun Gu,Lihu Liu, Huiyuan Sun,Annealing effects on structural and magneticproperties of Al doped ZnO thin films,AdvancedMaterials Research Vols. 239-242(2011)pp2835-2838

    50.  Jian-Jun Gu, Li-Hu Liu, Yun-KaiQi, Qin Xu, Hui-Yuan Sun,Synthesis and Magnetic Characterization ofNickel Ferrite Nanowire Arrays Doped with Manganese,Advanced Materials Research Vols. 239-242(2011)pp1799-1802

    51.  FENG Shunzhen,XU Qin,DONGYanhui,MA Zhichun,Liu Jihong,SUNHuiyuan,Effect of Ti cap layer thicknesson microstructures and magnetic properties of Ti/Ni/Ti films,JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 28, Spec. Issue,Dec. 2010, p. 406,(JCR 4区,1.086)

    52.  LIU Li-Hu, GU Jian-Jun, LIHai-Tao, CAI Ning, SUN Hui-Yuan, Synthesis and Characteristics ofElectrodeposited CoxZn1−x Nanorods, 2010 Vol.27,No 6,067501; Chin. Phys. Lett.26(1), (IF:1.077)

    53.  Jian-jun Gu, Li-hu Liu, Hai-taoLi, Qin Xu, Hui-yuan Sun, Annealing effects on structural and magnetic properties of Co-dopedZnO nanowires synthesized by an electrodeposition process ; Journal of Alloys andCompounds,508 (2010) 516–519 ;( IF:2.135, 工程技术2区,TOP)

  • 唐贵德

    唐贵德 教授

    唐贵德 博士学位,全球信誉最好的网投平台凝聚态物理专业教授、博士生导师,



    2014.12 钙钛矿和尖晶石结构磁性氧化物的阳离子分布研究,河北省自然科学一等奖,第一完成人

    2010.12 宽禁带氧化物半导体磁有序研究,河北省自然科学二等奖,第三完成人

    2000.12 三类硬磁畴畴壁中布洛赫线的稳定性, 河北省科技进步二等奖,第三完成人

    1993.12 直流偏磁场和面内场中硬磁畴的稳定性,河北省科技进步二等奖,第三完成人

    1993.10 布洛赫线存储器机理研究,中国科学院自然科学三等奖,第三完成人

    1989.06 脉冲偏场作用下磁泡畴壁中布洛赫线的形成, 中科院自然科学三等奖,第六完成人



    主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,尖晶石铁氧体中阳离子分布的量子力学方法研究, 项目号:11174069


    主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,(类钙钛矿/软磁材料)纳米复合材料研究, 项目号:10074013,






    主持河北省基础研究重点项目,类钙钛矿结构锰氧化物的结合能与阳离子化合价问题研究,项目号: 08965108D


    主持河北省自然科学基金重点项目,掺杂(LaSr)MnO3复合材料磁电阻磁场传感器的温度稳定性研究,项目号: E2006000168


    主持河北省自然科学基金项目,垂直布洛赫线稳定性研究, 项目号: 100147












    本科生: 《固体物理学》、 《近代物理实验》

    研究生: 《纳米材料学》、 《高等固体物理实验方法》

    2013.03 庞磁电阻材料电阻率和磁电阻的温度特性测量—本科生实验设备和教材, 河北省教学成果三等奖,第一完成人

    1993.04 固体物理教材建设习题、幻灯片和实验,河北省教学成果一等奖,第二完成人

    2003.03 主编《近代物理实验》,河北科学技术出版社出版

    至2016年,指导的研究生已有28人获硕士学位, 3人获博士学位。




    1999-2005 十大网投信誉平台排行榜近代物理实验室主任,主持近代物理实验精品课建设,2003年获批省级精品课。



    多家期刊审稿人,包括Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Inorganic Chemistry、Materials Chemistry and Physics、RSC Advances、Journal of Cluster Science,中国物理快报、物理学报



    齐伟华 李壮志 马丽 唐贵德*, 吴光恒, 胡凤霞, 磁性材料磁有序的分子场来源, 物理学报66, 067501 (2017)


    齐伟华,马丽, 李壮志,唐贵德*, 吴光恒, 金属价电子结构对磁性和电输运性质的影响, 物理学报66, 027101 (2017)


    J.Xu,L.Ma, Z.Z.Li, L.L.Lang, W.H.Qi, G.D.Tang*, L.Q.Wu, L.C.Xue, G.H.Wu, Antiferromagnetic coupling between Mn3+ and Mn2+ cations in Mn doped spinel ferrites, Physica Status Solidi B, 252, 2820-2829(2015)



    L. Q. Wu, S. Q. Li, Y. C. Li, Z. Z. Li, G. D. Tang*, W. H. Qi, L. C. Xue, L. L. Ding and X. S. Ge, Presence of monovalent oxygen anions in oxides demonstrated using X-ray photoelectron spectra, Appl. Phys. Lett., 108, 021905-(1-4) (2016)


    G. D. Tang*, D. H. Ji, Y. X. Yao, S. P. Liu, Z. Z. Li, W. H. Qi, Q. J. Han, X. Hou, and D. L. Hou, Quantum-mechanical method for estimating ion distributions in spinel ferrites, Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 072511-(1-3) (2011)


    G. D. Tang, S. P. Liu, X. Zhao, Y. G. Zhang, D. H. Ji, Y. F. Li, W. H. Qi, W. Chen, and D. L. Hou, Study of the free energy of the La1-xCaxMnO3 manganites based on the temperature dependence of the crystal cell volume, Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, 121906-(1-3) (2009)


    G. D. Tang, D. L. Hou, W. Chen, P. Hao, G. H. Liu, S. P. Liu, X. L. Zhang, and L. Q. Xu, Estimation of Mn4+ ion content ratio in self-doped compound La1-xMnO3-d, Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 152503-(1-3) (2007)


    G. D. Tang, D. L. Hou, W. Chen, X. Zhao, and W. H. Qi, Quantum-mechanical model estimating the number ratio between different valence cations in multi-atom compounds, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 144101-(1-2) (2007)


    G. D. Tang, D. L. Hou, Z. Z. Li, X. Zhao, W. H. Qi, S. P. Liu, F. W. Zhao, Influence of cohesive energy on unit cell volume of perovskite manganites La1-xMxMnO3, Appl. Phys. Lett.,  89, 261919-(1-3), (2006)


    J.Xu, D.H.Ji, Z.Z.Li, W.H.Qi, G.D.Tang*, Z.F.Shang, X.Y.Zhang, Magnetic moments of Ti cations in Ti-doped Ni0.68Fe2.32O4 spinel ferrites, J. Alloy Comp., 619, 228-234(2015)


    S.R.Liu, D.H.Ji, J.Xu, Z.Z.Li, G.D.Tang*, R.R.Bian, W.H.Qi, Z.F.Shang, X.Y.Zhang, Estimation of cation distribution in spinel ferrites Co1+xFe2-xO4 (0.0£x£2.0) using the magnetic moments measured at 10 K, J. Alloy Comp., 581, 616-624 (2013)


    S. P. Liu, G. D. Tang*, Z. Z. Li, W.H.Qi, D. H. Ji, Y. F. Li, W. Chen, D. L. Hou, Study of the structure, magnetic properties and free energy of the three phase composites La0.7-y-zSr0.3-xMn1-δ/3O3-δ/(La2O3)y/2/(La(OH)3)z, J. Alloy Comp., 509, 2320-2325 (2011)


    L.L.Lang, J.Xu, W.H.Qi, Z.Z.Li, G.D.Tang*, Z.F.Shang, X.Y.Zhang, L.Q.Wu, L.C.Xue, Study of cation magnetic moment directions in Cr (Co) doped nickel ferrites, J. Appl. Phys., 116, 123901-(1-10)(2014)


    D.H.Ji, G.D.Tang*, Z.Z.Li, Q.J.Han, X.Hou, R.R.Bian, S.R.Liu, Investigation on the maximum content of vacancy at the B sites in La0.75Sr0.25Mn1-xO3 perovskite, J. Appl. Phys., 111, 113902-(1-6) (2012)


    Shao-Peng Liu, Yan Xie, Juan Xie, Gui-De Tang*, Structural and magnetic properties of self-doped perovskite manganites La0.8-xSr0.2MnO3-d, J. Appl. Phys., 110, 123714-(1-6) (2011)


    S. P. Liu, G. D. Tang*, P. Hao, L. Q. Xu, Y. G. Zhang, W. H. Qi, X. Zhao, D. L. Hou, W. Chen. Rietveld fitting of X-ray diffraction spectra for the double phase composites La0.7-xSr0.3Mn1-yO3-1.5(x+y)/(Mn3O4)y/3,J. Appl. Phys., 105, 013905-(1-6) (2009)


    D. H. Ji, G. D. Tang*, Z. Z. Li, X. Hou, Q. J. Han, W. H. Qi, R. R. Bian and S. R. Liu, Quantum mechanical Method for Estimating Ionicity of Spinel Ferrites J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 326, 197-200 (2013)


    Q.J.Han, D.H.Ji, G.D.Tang*, Z.Z.Li, X.Hou, W.H.Qi, S.R.Liu, R.R.Bian, Estimating the cation distributions in the spinel ferrites Cu0.5-xNi0.5ZnxFe2O4 (0.0£x£0.5), J. Magn.Magn. Mater., 324, 1975-1981 (2012)


    S.P. Liu, Y. Xie, G.D. Tang*, Z.Z. Li, D.H. Ji, Y.F. Li, D.L Hou, Investigation on cation distribution and magnetic properties in self-doped manganites La0.6-xSr0.4MnO3-d , J. Magn.Magn.Mater. 324, 1992-1997(2012)


    Q.J.Han, D.H.Ji, G.D.Tang*, Z.Z.Li, X.Hou, W.H.Qi, R.R.Bian, S.R.Liu, Dependence of magnetization on cation distributions in the spinel ferrites Cu1-xZnxFe2O4(0.0£x£1.0), Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 209: 766–772 (2012)


    S. P. Liu, Y. G. Zhang, G. D. Tang*, W. H. Qi, D. H. Ji, Y. F. Li, G. H. Liu, Y. Xie, W. Chen, D. L. Hou, Influence of heat treatment on the vacancy content at the B-site in the ABO3 manganites La0.6Sr0.1MnO3-δ, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 207, 2437-2445 (2010)


    G. D. Tang*, X. M. Liu, Z. Z. Li, D. L. Hou, X. Zhao, L. H. Liu1 W. H. Qi, Y. Yu, R. C. Yu, and C. Q. Jin, Temperature stability and linear magnetic field response of the magnetoresistance in Ag0.07–La0.67Sr0.13Ag0.08D0.12MnO3 composite, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 203, 2522–2531(2006)


    J.Xu, D.H.Ji, Z.Z.Li, W.H.Qi, G.D.Tang*, X.Y.Zhang, Z.F.Shang, L.L.Lang, Estimate of the cation distribution for Ti-doped Ni0.68Fe2.32O4 spinel ferrites by fitting magnetic moments at 10 K, Physica Status Solidi B, 252, 411-420(2015)


    L.L. Ding, L.C. Xue, Z.Z. Li, S.Q. Li, G.D.Tang*, W.H. Qi, L.Q. Wu, X.S. Ge, Study of cation distributions in spinel ferrites MxMn1-xFe2O4 (M=Zn, Mg, Al). AIP Advances, 6, 105012-(1-23) (2016)


    L. C. Xue, L. L. Lang, J. Xu, Z. Z. Li, W. H. Qi, G. D. Tang*, and L. Q. Wu, Magnetic moment directions and distributions of cations in Cr (Co) substituted spinel ferrites Ni0.7Fe2.3O4, AIP Advances, 5, 097167-(1-18) (2015)


    L.Q.Wu, Y.C.Li, S.Q.Li, Z.Z.Li, G.D.Tang*, W.H.Qi , L.C.Xue , X.S.Ge, and L.L.Ding, Method for estimating ionicities of oxides using O1s photoelectron spectra, AIP Advances, 5, 097210-(1-7) (2015)


    X. S. Ge, L. Q. Wu, S. Q. Li, Z. Z. Li, G. D. Tang*, W. H. Qi, H. J. Zhou, L. C. Xue, L. L. Ding, Study of magnetic ordering in the perovskite manganitesPr0.6Sr0.4CrxMn1-xO3, AIP Advances, 7 : 045302-(1-16) (2017)


    L. C. Xue, L. Q. Wu, S. Q. Li, Z. Z. Li, G. D. Tang*, W. H. Qi, X. S. Ge, and L. L. Ding, Study of electron transition energies between anions and cations in spinel ferrites using differential UV-vis absorption spectra, Physica B, 492, 61-64(2016)


    G.D.Tang, Z.F.Shang, X.Y.Zhang, J.Xu, Z.Z.Li*, C.M.Zhen, W.H.Qi, L.L.Lang, Evidence from infrared spectra for the magnetic moment directions of Cr cations in the spinel ferrites, Physica B, 463, 26-29(2015)


    L.L.Lang, J.Xu, Z.Z.Li, W.H.Qi, G.D.Tang*, Z.F.Shang, X.Y.Zhang, L.Q.Wu, L.C.Xue, Study of the magnetic structure and the cation distributions in MnCo spinel ferrites, Physica B , 462, 47-53(2015)


    X.Y. Zhang, J.Xu, Z.Z.Li, W.H.Qi, G.D.Tang*, Z.F.Shang, D.H.Ji, L.L.Lang, Experimental evidence for the magnetic moment directions of Cr2+ and Cr3+ cations in the spinel ferrites Cux1Crx2Fe3- x1-x2O4, Physica B, 446, 92-99 (2014)


    G.D.Tang, Q.J.Han, J.Xu, D.H.Ji, W.H.Qi, Z.Z.Li*, Z.F.Shang, and X.Y.Zhang, Investigation for magnetic ordering and cation distribution in spinel ferrites CrxFe3-xO4 (0.0£x£1.0), Physica B. 438, 91-96 (2014)


    S. P. Liu, G. D. Tang*, Z. Z. Li, W. H. Qi, D. H. Ji, Y. F. Li, W. Chen, D. L. Hou, Structural and magnetic properties in the self-doped perovskite manganites with nominal composition La0.7S0.3-xMnO3-d, Physica B, 406, 869-876 (2011)


    X.Hou, D.H.Ji, W.H.Qi*, G.D.Tang, Z.Z.Li, Study of structural and magnetic properties of La0.7Sr0.1AgxMnO3-δ  perovskite manganites, Chinese Physics B, 24, 057501-(1-7)(2015)


    Z.F.Shang, W.H.Qi, D.H.Ji, J.Xu, G.D.Tang*, X.Y.Zhang, Z.Z.Li, L.L.Lang, Cation distributions estimated using the magnetic moments of the spinel ferrites Co1−xCrxFe2O4 at 10 K, Chinese Physics B, 23, 107503-(1-10)(2014)


    武力乾, 齐伟华, 李雨辰, 李世强, 李壮志, 唐贵德*, 薛立超, 葛兴烁, 丁丽莉, 热处理对钙钛矿锰氧化物La0.95Sr0.05MnO3离子价态和磁结构的影响, 物理学报65, 027501-(1-9) (2016)


    徐静, 齐伟华,纪登辉,李壮志,唐贵德* 等,尖晶石铁氧体TixNi1-xFe2O4中阳离子分布和Ti 离子磁矩的实验研究,物理学报64, 017501-(1-11) (2015)


    杨虹 齐伟华* 纪登辉 尚志丰 张晓云 徐静 郎莉莉 唐贵德, 钙钛矿锰氧化物La2/3Sr1/3FexMn1-xO3的结构与磁性研究, 物理学报63, 087503-(1-7)(2014)


    JI Denghui, HOU Xue, Tang Guide*, Li Zhuangzhi, HOU Denglu, and ZHU Minggang, Oxygen content and magnetic properties of composites La0.75Sr0.25MnO3±δ calcined at different temperatures, Rare metals, 33, 452-458(2014)


    Yanfeng Li, Denghui Ji, Shaopeng Liu, Guide Tang*, Yuxi Yao, Zhuangzhi Li, and Denglu Hou, Minggang Zhu, Behavior of Mn2+ ions in perovskite manganites with nominal composition La0.6-xNdxSr0.1MnO3, Rare metals, 31, 379-386(2012)


    LI Yanfeng, JI Denghui, ZHAO Zhiwei, Tang Guide*, LIU Shaopeng, ZHANG Yuge, Li Zhuangzhi, HOU Denglu, and ZHU Minggang, Role of Te and Mn in the two phases of manganite with nominal composition La0.6Sr0.1TexMnO3, Rare metals, 30, 232-240(2011)

  • 侯登录

    1965 年 1 月生,河北临西人,教授,博士生导师,河北省有突出贡献中青年专家,河北省文史研究馆馆员。

    主讲本科生《力学》,《普通物理》,《近代物理实验》,研究生《磁性物理》等课程。主持多项国家自然科学基金、河北省自然科学基金和河北省教育厅基金项目。先后获得河北省自然科学二等奖(第一完成人)、一等奖(第二完成人)各1项,发表论文 100余篇,论文他引800余次。



    1982 年 9 月 -1986 年 7 月,全球信誉最好的网投平台物理系读本科;

    1986 年 7 月 -1994 年 9 月,全球信誉最好的网投平台物理系工作;

    1994 年 9 月 -1997 年 7 月,全球信誉最好的网投平台物理系攻读理论物理专业硕士研究生;

    1997 年 7 月 -1999 年 9 月,全球信誉最好的网投平台物理系工作;

    1999 年 9 月 -2002 年 7 月,天津大学理学院攻读材料物理与化学专业博士学位研究生。

    2002 年 7 月-2011年12月,十大网投信誉平台排行榜任教授、副院长、院长


    详情参见本课题组网站: /a/yanjiushengjiaoyu/peiyangjihua/cxktz/Templates/shouye.htm

  • 陈伟

    陈伟,教授 , 理学博士,博士生导师 , 中青年骨干教师
    E_mail: chen07308@mail.hebtu.edu.cn





    2005.9-2006.9, 丹麦技术大学物理系,客座教授。

    研究方向:纳米体系功能材料,新型薄膜材料, 氧化物薄膜阻变存储器。


    科研工作:作为第一主研人完成国家自然科学基金《(类钙钛矿/软磁材料)纳米复合材料的研究》项目的研究。参加国家高新技术研究发展计划(863计划)《基于磁性温度感知合金的核电站极端环境下智能保护技术研究》的研究工作。先后主持完成河北省自然科学基金《双层钙钛矿锰氧化物的制备与磁热效应研究》、石家庄市科学技术研究与发展计划课题《低贵稀土含量钕铁硼永磁材料的成分设计与工艺控制》、河北省人力资源和社会保障厅(人事厅)国家和省留学人员科技活动项目择优资助项目《低贵稀土含量钕铁硼永磁材料的研究》、河北省教育厅博士基金《熔体快淬制备高性能低成本纳米复合永磁材料》、科技厅科技攻关项目《各向异性纳米复合永磁材料等研究》等课题。目前主持河北省教育厅《具有磁性的RRAM存储器的研制》(项目编号 :ZH2012067,6万,2013.1-2015.12),河北省自然科学基金项目《磁性非挥发电阻式随机存储器研究》(项目编号 :A2013205149,5万,2013.1-2015.12),国家自然科学基金面上项目《金属氧化物半导体阻变存储器中的磁性开关效应研究》(项目批准号:11574071,80万,2016.1-2019.12)。在国内外重要学术期刊发表论文90余篇,申请发明专利5项。目前研究的磁性RRAM存储器方向的研究成果发表在Journal of Materials Chemistry C,Applied Physics Letters,Journal of Applied Physics等国际重要学术期刊上。


    就业情况:已毕业博士生均在高校任教,已毕业全日制硕士毕业生中, 1人考取博士研究生,6人进入外企或省直单位,2人在中学任教,其余全部进入高校工作。

    发表文章:发表论文 90 余篇, SCI 收录 70余篇。


    1.  Electric Field Control of Magnetism in Ti/ZnO/Pt and Ti/ZnO/SRO Devices, Shu-xia Ren,Li-yong Zhang, Jing-yu Dong, Yan-fang Huang, Jia-jun Guo,  Li Zhang,  Jing Zhao, Xu Zhao, and Wei Chen*, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3(2015), 4077-4080. (JCR 1区,IF:6.629)

    2.  Study on the Oxygen Vacancy Redistribution and the Mechanism of Electrical Manipulation of Ferromagnetism in Diluted Magnetic Oxides, Shuxia Ren, Jingyu Dong, Wei Chen*, Liyong Zhang, Jiajun Guo, Li Zhang, Jing Zhao, and Xu Zhao, J. Appl. Phys., 118, 233902 (2015) (JCR 3区,IF:2.183)

    3.  Electric field-induced magnetic switching in Mn:ZnO film, S. X. Ren, G. W. Sun, J. Zhao, J. Y. Dong, Y. Wei, Z. C. Ma, X. Zhao, and W. Chen*. Applied Physics Letters 104, 232406 (2014); (JCR 2区,IF:3.515)

    4.  First-principles study of the formation and electronic structure of conductive filament in ZnO-based resistive random access memory, Zhao Jing, Dong Jing-Yu, Ren Shu-Xia, Zhang Li-Yong, Zhao Xu, and Chen Wei*, Chin. Phys. B Vol. 23, No. 12 (2014) 127301

    5.   Role of Oxygen Vacancy Arrangement on the Formation of a Conductive

    Filament in a ZnO Thin Film, ZHAO Jing, DONG Jing-Yu, ZHAO Xu, CHEN Wei*, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 31, No. 5 (2014) 057307

    6.    Electric field induced simultaneous change of resistance and magnetization in an Ag/Ti/Fe3O4/Pt device, Shu-xia Ren, Xu-tao Song,Guo-wei Sun,Xu Zhao,Hui-fang Yang, and Wei Chen*, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1, 7879 (JCR 1区,IF:6.629)

    7.    Ti/Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/Pt异质结电致电阻效应的改善,王仲伟,张建,李红维,董春颖,赵晶,赵旭,陈伟*, Acta Physica Sinica,2011,  60(11):117306

    8.   Effective Anisotropy in Magnetically Nd2Fe144B / α-Fe Nanocomposite,  Guo Jia-Jun, Chen Lei, Zhao Xu, Fan Su-Li and Chen Wei*, Chin. Phys. Lett., 27(2010) 057502

    9.    One-step synthesis and structural quantitative analysis of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3/La1.4Sr1.6Mn2O7 composite, ZHAO Xu, CHEN Wei*, ZONG Yun, DONG Yanhui, GUO Jiajun, FAN Suli, JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, 28(4), 2010, 606

    10.   Structure, magnetic and magnetiocaloric properties in La1.4Sr1.6−xCaxMn2O7 perovskite compounds, X. Zhao, W. Chen*, Y. Zong, S.L. Diao, X.J. Yan, M.G. Zhu, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 469(1-2) 2009, 61-65

    11.   Struactral, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of La-deficient La0.77-xSrxCa0.2MnO3 perovskite, Zhao Xu, Chen Wei*, Li Aijun, Ma Limei, Zong Yun, Chin. Phys. Lett., 26 (2009) 087401

    12.   A Mössbauer study of the chemical stability of iron oxide nanoparticles in PMMA and PVB beads,Wei Chen, Steen Mørup, Mikkel F. Hansen, Tobias Banert, and Urs A. Peuker, J.Magn.Magn.Mater., 320,(2008)2099

    13.    Crystallographic Texture and Domain Structure of Nd3:8Dy0:7Pr3:5Fe86Nb1B5 Nanocomposite Prepared by Direct Rapid Solidification, Shu-lin Diao, Wei Chen*, Xu Zhao, Xiu-jun Yan,CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, VOLUME 20, 2007, pp.748-752

    14.    Effect of Mn-site vacancies on the magnetic entropy change and the Curie temperature of La0.67Ca0.33Mn1-xO3, W. Chen*, L.Y. Nie, X. Zhao, W. Zhong, G.D. Tang, A.J. Li, J.J. Hu, Y. Tian,Solid State Communications 138(2006)165-168

    15.  Refinement of the microstructure and enhancement of the magnetic properties in <alpha>-Fe/(Nd,Dy)2Fe14B nanocomposite using the two-step annealing technique,  W. Chen*, X. Zhao, J .J.Hu, A.J.Li, G.D.Tang, R.W.Gao, M.G.Zhu, X.M.Li, W.Li,J.Magn. Magn. Mater. 306(2006),51-54

    16.    Magnetocaloric effect in Nd doped perovskite La0.7-xNdxBa0.3MnO3polycrystalline near room temperature, W. Chen*, L. Y. Nie, W. Zhong, Y. J. Shi, J. J. Hu, A. J. Li, Y.W. Du, J. Alloys & Compounds, 395 (1-2), 2005, pp.23-25, 31

  • 李壮志






    2001年以来,在Physical Review B,Applied Physics Letters,Nanotechnology等国际期刊发表SCI论文30余篇。    


  • 安忠


     安忠教授主要从事低维凝聚态理论方面的研究工作。目前主要研究方向包括:有机导电聚合物的基本物理性质、有机光电器件中的物理过程、有机分子的电荷/自旋传输特性等。主要学术成果有:1/对有机聚合物中光生载流子(荷电极化子)产生的物理机制给出了一个合理的物理解释;2/揭示了极化子运动速度与CDW-SDW量子相变间的关系;3/对有机电致发光中三态激子的湮灭与转化及其对发光效率的影响给出了定性的理解;4/利用ab initio分子轨道理论和有限场方法,系统研究了共轭线性分子的光学极化率,特别是不同电子活性基团取代,孤子、极化子等元激发、掺杂原子、以及这些因素的共同作用对非线性光学极化率的影响,给出共轭聚合物结构和非线性光学性质之间的关系。研究工作一方面能够促进凝聚态理论发展,同时也为有机光电子应用提供理论指导。在Phys. Rev. Lett.、Phys. Rev. B、Appl. Phys. Lett.、J. Chem. Phys.、Organic Electronics 等国内外物理学术期刊上发表论文67篇,论文被引用300余次,在国内外相关研究领域具有一定影响。研究成果“有机共轭聚合物的物理特性研究”荣获2006年河北省自然科学二等奖。2007年获第八届河北省青年科技奖。近几年,先后主持了国家自然科学基金“发光高聚物中荷电极化子动力学研究”、“有机光电器件中元激发的动力学特性研究”和“有机材料中载流子迁移、复合动力学特性的理论研究”等研究项目;参加了国家自然科学基金重大研究计划中的重点项目“有机固体及聚合物器件新效应”的研究工作;2009年获得河北省杰出青年基金资助。先后主讲了本科生《数学物理方法》、《原子物理学》、《热学》等物理系主干课程。

              Email: zan@hebtu.edu.cn
              Tel  86-311-80787347


    [67]B. Di, Y. D. Wang, Y. L. Zhang, Z. An*
     The effect of interface hopping on  inelastic scattering of oppositely charged polarons in polymers
     Chinese Phys.  B(2012)

    [66] Y. Meng*,  B. Di*, Y. D. Wang, X. J. Liu, Z. An*
     Recombination of two triplet  excitons in conjugated polymers
     Euro. Phys. J. B 85, 415(2012)
    [65] H. Zhao, Y. G. Chen, Y. H.  Yan, Z. An, C. Q. Wu
     Correlation effects on the scattering  of soliton pairs in conjugated polymers
     Europhys. Lett. 100, 57005(2012)
    [64] Y. D. Wang, B. Di,  Y. Meng, X. J. Liu, Z. An*
     The Dynamical Formation of Trion in Conjugated Polymers
     Organic Electronics 13, 1178 (2012)
    [63] B. Di, Y. Meng, Y. D. Wang, X. J. Liu, Z. An*
     Electroluminescence Enhancement in Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes  Through Inelastic Scattering of Oppositely Charged Bipolarons
     J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 9339 (2011)
    [62] X. J. Liu, Z. An*
     Structural change-induced negative  differential resistance in poly-thiophene
     Organic Electronics 12, 1352 (2011)
    [61] X. J. Liu, Z. An*, S.  J. Xie
     Spin generation from bipolaron dissociation induced by magnetic  impurities in conjugated polymers
     Int. J. Mod.  Phys. B 25, 1601 (2011)
    [60] B. Di, Y. Meng, Y. D. Wang, X. J. Liu, Z. An*
     Formation and Evolution Dynamics  of Bipolarons in Conjugated Polymers
     J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 964 (2011)
    [59] Z. Sun, D. S. Liu, S. Stafström, Z. An
     Scattering process between polaron  and exciton in conjugated polymers
     J. Chem. Phys. 134, 044906 (2011)
    [58] Y. D. Wang, Y. Meng, B. Di, S. L. Wang, and Z. An*
     Effects of polarons on static polarizabilities and second order  hyberpolarizabilities of conjugated polymers
     Chin. Phys. B. 19, 127105 (2010)
    [57] 宋瑞,刘晓静,王亚东,邸冰,安忠*
     物理学报 59, 3461 (2010).
     R. Song, X. J. Liu, Y. D. Wang, B.  Di, Z. An*
     Effects of nonlinear electron-lattice  interaction on polarons
     Acta Physica Sinica 59, 3461 (2010)
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     Effects of interchain coupling on photoexcitation in two coupled  polymer chains in the presence of an electric field
     Euro. Phys. J. B74, 313 (2010)
    [55] Z. Sun, Y. Li, K. Gao, D. S. Liu*, Z. An*, S. J. Xie
     Dynamical study of  polaron-bipolaron scattering in conjugated polymers
     Organic Electronics 11, 279 (2010)
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     Recombination of polaron and  exciton in conjugated polymers
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    [53] H. Zhao, Y. G. Chen, Y. Yao, C. Q. Wu, X. M.  Zhang, Z. An
     Spin-flip processes of polarons by  magnetic impurities in conjugated polymers
     J. Chem. Phys. 131, 154901 (2009)
    [52] H. Zhao, X. M. Zhang, Z. An, Y. G. Chen, C. Q. Wu
     Spin-Flip Process of Polarons in  Conjugated Polymers with Magnetic Impurities
     Chin. Phys. Lett. 26, 087203(2009)
    [51] 孙震, 安忠, 李元, 刘文, 刘德胜, 解士杰
    [50] H. Zhao, Y. G. Chen, X. M. Zhang, Z. An, C. Q. Wu
     Correlation Effects on the Dynamics of Bipolarons in Non-degenerate  Conjugated Polymers
     J. Chem. Phys. 130, 234908 (2009)
    [49] Z. Sun, Y. Li, S. J. Xie, Z. An*, D. S. Liu*
     Scattering Processes between  Bipolaron and Exciton in Conjugated Polymers
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     Dynamics of polarons in conjugated polymers: An adaptive time-dependent  density- matrix renormalization-group study
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     Inelastic scattering of oppositely  charged polarons in conjugated polymers
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     Interchain coupling effects on dynamics of photoexcitations in  conjugated polymers
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     Dynamics of polaron at  polymer/polymer interface
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     Effects of e-e interactions on the dynamics of polarons in conjugated  polymers
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     Formation dynamics of bipolaron in a metal/polymer/metal structure
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    [42] 安忠,吴长勤,孙鑫
    [41] 谢尊,安忠,张迎涛,李有成
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    [39] H. Zhao, Z. An, C. Q. Wu
     Lattice vibrational analysis of polyacene
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     Dynamics of self-localized  excitations in a polyacene chain
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     Dynamics of polaron in a polymer  chain with impurities
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     Band gap and localization of water waves over one-dimensional  topographical bottoms
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    [34] Z. An, K. Y. Wong
     Bond-length-alternation and the hyperpolarizabilities of a charged  soliton in polyenic chains
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     Charge-transfer in soliton and  polaron states of phenyl-substituted polyacetylenes
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     A dynamic study on polaron-pair  scattering in a polymer chain
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     Localized excitations and  vibrational modes in a polyacene chain
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    [27] Y. M. Kang, Z. Xie, Z. An,  Y. C. Li, N. X. Chen
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    [24] Z. An, K. Y. Wong
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    [17] Z. J. Li, H. Q. Lin, Z. An,  K. L. Yao
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    [16] Z. An, Z. J. Li, Y.  Liu, Y.C. Li
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     华中理工大学学报23, 126  (1995)
    [13] Z. J. Li, Z. An, K. L.  Yao
     The vibrational-modes around the soliton lattice with next neighbor  hopping interactions in highly doped trans-polyactylene
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    [12] Z. An, Z. J. Li, Z. L.  Liu, K. L. Yao
     New energy-spectra structure of  polaron in trans-polyacetylene
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    [11] Z. J. Li, Z. An, K. L.  Yao
     Polaron excitation in trans-polyacetylene:effects of the second-nearest  neighbor hopping interactions
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    [10] Z. J. Li, Z. An, K. L.  Yao
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    [09] Z. L. Li, Z. An, Z. L.  Liu, K. L. Yao
     Calculation of the two-dimensional infrared-active localized modes of a  soliton lattice in trans-polyacetylene
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    [08] 安忠,李占杰,姚凯伦
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     Effects of the bond-bending term and e-e interactions on the 2D  localized modes around a polaron in trans-polyacetylene
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    [05] Z. J. Li, K. L. Yao, Z. An,  Z. G. Li
     New 2D infrared active localized  modes of soliton in trans-polyacetylene
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    [04] Z. J. Li, Z. An, Z. L.  Liu, K. L. Yao
     Effects of the next-nearest-neighbor hopping interactions on the  two-dimensional localized modes of trans-polyacetylene around a soliton
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    [03] Z. J. Li, Z. An, K. L.  Yao, Z. G. Li
     Effects of the second-neighbor and third-neighbor hopping interactions  on the electronic states of soliton in polyacetylene
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    [02] Z. J. Li, Z. An, K. L.  Yao, Z. G. Li
     Effects of the coulomb interaction on the second localized modes of  soliton in the photoexcited polyacetylene
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    [01] 安忠,李占杰,姚凯伦
     物理学报41, 1532  (1993).
    9. 国家自然科学基金:“有机材料中载流子迁移、复合动力学特性的理论研究”,(11074064),
     2011.1-2013.12  (项目负责人)
    8. 河北省杰出青年基金:“有机半导体发光与载流子输运机理的理论研究”,(A2009001512),
    7. 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,NCET-05-0262),2006-2008(项目负责人)
    6. 国家自然科学基金:“有机光电器件中元激发的动力学特性研究”(10574037),
     2006.1- 2008.12(项目负责人)
    5. 国家自然科学基金:“发光高聚物中荷电极化子动力学研究”(10204005),
    4. 国家自然科学基金:重大研究计划(理论物理学及其交叉学科若干前沿问题)中的重点项目,“有机固体与聚合物器件的新效应”(90403110),2005.1—2007.12(参加)
    3. 国家博士后科学基金:“有机共轭高分子激发态及其光学非线性的ab initio研究”
    2. 上海博士后(优秀回国留学博士)基金:“有机发光材料中电致发光过程动力学模拟”
    1. 全球信誉最好的网投平台博士基金:“有机固体物理性质的理论研究 ”,2005.1-2007.12(项目负责人)  

  • 李玉现

    李玉现 ,男, 理学博士,全球信誉最好的网投平台物理科学与信息工程学院,

    Email: yxli@mail.hebtu.edu.cn


    1988 年 -1992 年 全球信誉最好的网投平台物理系,学习。

    1996 年 -1999 年 全球信誉最好的网投平台硕士研究生。

    2002 年 -2005 年 中国科学院物理研究所博士研究生。


    2006 年 8 月 -2007 年 8 月 韩国亚太理论物理中心做博士后科研工作。

    2008 年 1 月 -2008 年 2 月韩国亚太理论物理中心访问学者。

    2011年8月-2011年9月 意大利国际理论物理中(ICTP)访问学者





    2006年至今 全球信誉最好的网投平台,教授。


    凝聚态理论 - 介观物理中的输运理论。

















    Yi-Jie Zheng, Juntao Song, and Yu-Xian Li,
    Anomalous thermoelectric properties in double quantum dots coupled with Majorana bound states,
    AIP Advances 6, 125032 (2016).


    Juntao Song, Haiwen Liu, Jie Liu, Yu-Xian Li, Robert Joynt, Qing-feng Sun, and X. C. Xie,
    Quantum interference in topological insulator Josephson junctions,
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 93, 195302 (2016).


    Su-Xin Wang, Yu-Xian Li, and Jian-Jun Liu,
    Resonant Andreev reflection in a normal-metal/quantum-dot/superconductor system with coupled Majorana bound states,
    Chinese Physics B 25, 037304 (2016).


    Yi-Jie Zheng, Juntao Song, and Yu-Xian Li
      Suppression of Andreev conductance in a topological insulator–superconductor nanostep junction,
    Chinese Physics B 25, 037301 (2016).


    Yuan Zhang, Juntao Song, Yu-Xian Li,
    Nernst and Seebeck effects in HgTe/CdTe topological insulator,
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 117, 124301 (2015).


    Juntao Song, Yan-Yang Zhang, Yuxian Li, and Qing-feng Sun,
      Topological quantum transitions in a two-band Chern insulator with n = 2,
      J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27 (2015) 045601 (10pp).


    Juntao Song, Yu-Xian Li, and Qingfeng Sun,
      Transport through quantum wells and superlattices on topological insulator surfaces,
      J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 26 (2014) 185007 .


    Ning Wang, Shu-Hui Lv, and Yu-Xian Li
    Quantum transport through the system of parallel quantum dots with Majorana bound states,
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 115, 083706 (2014).


    Lei Liu, Yu-Xian Li, Ying-Tao Zhang, and Jian-Jun Liu,
    Quantum beats in conductance oscillations in graphene-based asymmetric double velocity wells and electrostatic wells,
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 115, 023704 (2014).


    Shu-Hui Lv, Juntao Song, and Yu-Xian Li
      Topological Anderson insulator induced by inter-cell hopping disorder
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 114, 183710 (2013)。


    Yu-Xian Li and Zhi-Ming Bai,
    Tunneling transport through multi-quantum-dot with Majorana bound states,
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 114, 033703 (2013)


    Yang Liu, Juntao Song, Yuxian Li, Ying Liu, and Qing-feng Sun,
    Controllable valley polarization using graphene multiple topological line defects,
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 87, 195445 (2013)


    Lei Liu, Yu-Xian Li, Jian-Jun Liu,
    Transport properties of Dirac electrons in graphene based double velocity-barrier structures in electric and magnetic fields,
    Physics Letter A 376, 3342-3350 (2012)


    Shu-Hui Lv and Yu-Xian Li
    Effects of the edge states on conductance and thermopower for the bilayer graphene nanoribbons.
    J. Appl. Phys. 112, 053701 (2012)


    Shu-Hui Lv, Shu-Bo Feng,and Yu-Xian Li
    Thermopower and conductance for a graphene p–n junction,
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24 (2012) 145801.


    Xing-Tao An, Hui-Ying Mu, Yu-Xian Li, Jian-Jun Liu,
    Generation and detection of spin polarization in parallel coupled double quantum dots connected to four terminals,Physical Letters A 375, 4078 (2011).


    Xiao-Xiao Guo, De Liu, and Yu-Xian Li,
    Conductance and shot noise in graphene superlattice,
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 242101 (2011).


    Qing-Feng Sun, Yu-Xian Li, Wen Long, and Jian Wang,
    Quantum Andreev effect in two-dimensional HgTe/CdTe quantum well/superconductor systems,
    PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83, 115315 (2011).


    YuXian Li and Leng-Fei Xu,
    Shot noise suppression in a series graphene tunnel barrier structure,
    Solid Stat. Communication, 151, 219 (2011).


    Jin-Liang Li and Yu-Xian Li,
    Spin Current Through Triple Quantum Dot in the Presence of Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction,
    CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 27,No. 5 (2010) 057202.


    Yu-Xian Li,
    Transport in a magnetic modulated graphene superlattice,
    J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 22, 015302 (2010).


    Yu-Xian Li,
    Spin-polarization and magnetoresistance in graphene-based resonant-tunnelling structures,
    Eur. Phys. J. B 68, 119 (2009).


    Peng Zhang and Yu-Xian Li,
    Andreev reflection and shot nosie in a quantum dot with phonon modes,
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 095602 (2009).


    Jin-Liang Li and Yu-Xian Li,
    Andreev reflection and Aharonov–Bohm oscillations through a parallel-coupled double quantum dot with spin-flip scattering,
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 465202.


    Yu-Xian Li,
    Spin Polarization and Andreev Conductance through a Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Quantum Wire with Spin{Orbit Interaction,
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 25, 3739 (2008)


    Yu-Xian Li, Hyun-Woo Lee, and Han-Yong Choi,
    Nonequilibrium Kondo effect and Andreev reflection through double quantum dots with spin-flip scattering, Physics Letters A 372 (2008) 6424–6428.


    Yu-Xian Li,
    Spin-dependent quantum transport through an Aharonov-Bohm structure spin splitter, Chinese Physics B 17, 3508 (2008).


    Yan-Kun Dong and Yu-Xian Li,
    Rashba spin-orbit effect on the zero conductance and the magnetoresistance of a
    quantum ring, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 113716 (2008).


    Yu-Xian Li , Han-Yong Choi, and Hyun-Woo Lee,
    Flux-dependent transport through an Aharonov–Bohm interferometer with embedded multiple coupled quantum dots,
    Physics Letters A 372 (2008) 2073–2078.


    Yu-Xian Li,
    Fano reonance and flux-dependent transport through a triple-arm A-B interferometer under an applied electric field,
    J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, 19, 496219 (2007).


    Xing-Tao An, Yu-Xian Li, and Jian-Jun Liu,
    Noise in mesoscopic physics,
    Acta Physica Sinica 56, 4105 (2007) (in Chinese).


    Yu-Xian Li , Han-Yong Choi , Hyun-Woo Lee , and Jian-Jun Liu,
    Andreev reflection with spin-flip scattering through a T-shaped double quantum dot, J. Appl. Phys. 101 , 103918 (2007).


    Yu-Xian Li and Bing Di,
    Effect of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction on transport in a multichannel ferromagnet/semiconductor nanowire,
    J. Appl. Phys. 100 , 083708 (2006).


    Yu-Xian Li,
    Thermopower in quasi-one-dimensional nano-constrictions with spin–orbit interaction, Phys. Lett. A 358, 70 (2006).


    Yu-Xian Li,
    Break cohesion of metal contacts due to voltage bias,
    Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, 2560 (2006).


    Yong Guo, Xiao-Wei Yu, and Yu-Xian Li,
    Spin filtering and spin polarization reversal in multilayered ferromagnetic metal/semiconductor heterostructures,
    J. Appl. Phys. 98 , 053902(2005).


    Yu-Xian Li , Yong Guo, and Bo-Zang, Li,
    Rashba spin-orbit coupling effect on noise in quasi-1D nanowires,
    Physical Review B 72 , 075321(2005).


    Yu-Xian Li and Bo-Zang, Li,
    Effects of spin-orbit interaction and magnetic field on the electron transport in quasi-1D ferromagnetic/semiconductor/ferromagnetic system,
    Chinese Physics 14, 1021(2005).


    Yu-Xian Li , Yong Guo, and Bo-Zang, Li,
    Quantum magnetocapacitance in ferromagnetic nanocontacts,
    Physics Letters A 342 , 478(2005).


    Yu-Xian Li , Ke Xia, and Xiangrong Wang,
    Magnetocohesive force of a ferromagnetic quantum point contact.
    Europhysics letters 70 , 244(2005).


    Yu-Xian Li , Jian-jun Liu, and Bo-Zang, Li,
    量子点接触中的电导与热功率 : 磁场与温度的影响
    物理学报 , 54, 166(2005).


    Yu-Xian Li , Yong Guo, and Bo-Zang, Li,
    Effect of Rashba spin-orbit interaction on transport in ferromagnetic/semiconductor/ ferromagnetic system under an electric field.
    Phys. Rev. B 71 , 012406(2005).


    Yu-Xian Li and Bo-Zang, Li,
    Spin-dependent transport and thermopower in ferromagnetic quantum point contacts, Physics Letters A 330 , 274-279(2004).


    Yu-Xian Li and Bo-Zang, Li.
    Spin polarization and quantized conductance of ferromagnetic quantum point contacts, Phys. Stat. Sol. (B), Vol 13 , (2004)3009.


    Zheng-Wei Xie, Bo-Zang Li, and Yu-Xian Li,
    The effect of a nonmagnetic cap layer on the spin-polarized tunneling and magnetoresistance in double-barrier planar junctions,
    Phys. Stat. Sol. (B), Vol 239 , 463-469(2003).


    Zheng-Wei Xie, Bo-Zang Li, and Yu-Xian Li,
    The e_ect of the ferromagnetic metal layer on tunnelling conductance and magnetoresistance in double magnetic planar junctions,
    Chinese Physics 11, 1060(2002).


    Lu-Xia Wang, Xiao-Jun Kong, and Yu-Xian Li ,
    The effect of magnetic field on ground and excited state od the two-demensional D centre, J. Phys. : Cond. Matt. Vo l13 , 8765(2001).


    Jian-Jun Liu, Shu-Fang Zhang, Yu-Xian Li , Xiao-Jun Kong,
    Variational calculation of ionized-donor bound excitons in GaAs-AlGaAs quantum wells,
    Eur. Phys. J. B Vol 19 (17-20), (2001).


    Yu-Xian Li , Jian-Jun Liu, and Xiao-Jun Kong,
    The effect of a spatially dependent effective mass on hydrogenic impurity binding energy in a finite parabolic quantum well with a magnetic field,
    J. Appl. Phys., Vol 88 , 2588(2000).


    Jian-Jun Liu, Yu-Xian Li , and Xiao-Jun Kong,
    Binding energy of excitons to neutral donors in two-dimensional semiconductors,
    Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol 16 , 526 (1999).

  • 李红

    李红 副教授 博士毕业 河北省石家庄市人,女,汉族,中共党员,1975年11月生,2007年在中国科学院物理研究所获理论物理博士学位,现为物理科学与信息工程学院副教授。1998年6月获全球信誉最好的网投平台理学学士学位,2002年6月获全球信誉最好的网投平台理论物理硕士学位。曾参加了多项国家自然科学基金资助课题的研究,已在国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文十余篇,其中有5篇被SCI收录。



    约瑟夫森结(Josephson Junction)中的涡旋特性是近年来凝聚态物理研究中的一个热点。超导体中量子化的涡旋产生是因为磁通进入材料中所导致的,这一现象在材料物性上以及超导器件开发中都起着重要的作用。在高温区域中,涡旋的动力学特征符合经典的原理,在低温区域则表现出来许多量子特性。同样,在超导体中,做环形流动的电流可以产生磁通涡旋。超导体中的涡旋分为两类:一类称为Abrikosov涡旋,在外加磁场大于临届磁场时存在于第二类超导体中。通过热激活,这类涡旋可以在钉扎位置间跳跃从而引起散射和噪音。另外一类称为Josephson涡旋,存在于约瑟夫森结中,这类涡旋在势阱中存在量子化能级,有可能成为未来量子计算中量子比特的候选者。

    光学器件以及约瑟夫森器件中的量子隧穿特性研究根据已有的实验事实并结合光与磁场以及电子与磁场相互作用的特点,从量子力学的基本原理出发并利用其它领域例如量子场论、量子多体理论和非线性理论的结果,发展处理光晶格、超导约瑟夫森结中量子隧穿的方法和理论, 分别从解析计算和数值模拟两方面同时进行,并密切配合实验,解释实验事实并指导新的实验,不断完善现有理论模型,使这些综合研究结果能对描述材料中量子隧穿物性提供比较可靠的基础,并促进对量子计算、超导和超流的研究。



    Wang Bing-Lu , Ma Yan-hua, Shen Man and Li Hong,
    Tunneling behavior of ultracold atoms in optical traps,Modern Physics Letters B,
    Vol. 30, No. 20 (2016) 1650245 (12 pages).


    Li Hong, Shen Shun-Qing, Liang Jiu-Qing and Liu Wu-Ming
    Quantum dynamics of a vortex in a Josephson junction
    Physical Review B, 72, 014549 (2005)


    Li Hong and Zhan-Feng Jiang
    Spin accumulation of spinor atoms in optical lattices
    Communications in Theoretical Physics, Vol. 47, 777 (2007)


    Zhan-Feng Jiang and Li Hong
    Resonant Charge Current in a Rashba Ring Induced by Spin-Dependent Potential
    Communications in Theoretical Physics, accepted (2008)


    Li Hong and Xiao-Jun Kong
    Exciton and donor binding energies in quantum-well wires and quantum dots: a fractional-dimensional space approach
    Chinese Physics, Vol. 13, 759 (2004)









  • 刘晓静

    刘晓静 山东大学凝聚态物理专业博士,十大网投信誉平台排行榜教授,凝聚态物理专业硕士生导师。


    2014.1-2016.12 主持国家自然科学青年基金项目“有机分子器件动力学输运性质研究”(11304075)

    2008.1-2008.12 主持国家自然科学专项基金项目“有机材料中自旋相关的散射问题研究”(10747125)

    2012.1-2014.12 主持河北省青年基金项目 “有机分子器件中的非平衡输运问题研究”(A2012205045)

    2009.1-2011.12 主持教育厅基金项目 “有机分子器件输运性质研究” (2009142)

    2012.1-2014.12 主持全球信誉最好的网投平台重点基金项目“激发态对有机共轭聚合物输运性质影响研究”(L2011Z03)

    2011.1-2013.12 参研国家自然科学基金项目“有机材料中载流子迁移、复合动力学特性理论研究” (11074064)


    河北省自然科学三等奖有机共轭聚合物发光与载流子输运的理论研究 安忠、刘晓静 (2012ZR3004-02)


    1. 有机共轭聚合物中动力学过程研究: 有机共轭聚合物既能导电、又能发光,是一种极具发展前途的光电材料。共轭聚合物属于一维体系,具有很强的电-声相互作用,一方面电荷注入将诱导晶格发生畸变,形成极化子、双极化子等非线性元激发,另一方面,这样的具有晶格结构的复合粒子又将影响聚合物的导电和发光性质。研究有机光电器件中的载流子(荷电极化子、双极化子)的形成过程、稳定性、解离机制,及电场模式对载流子运动的影响,既是基本的理论挑战,又将为设计开发新的有机光电器件提供有价值的理论指导。

    2. 有机分子器件稳态输运性质研究: 有机材料强的电声耦合作用可以利用SSH模型很好描述,结合非平衡格林函数可以行之有效的求解有机分子器件的稳态量子输运过程,研究有机材料中独特的物理性质。有机纳米结构中的电子-声子相互作用可引起许多有趣物理现象,如偏压下由于自掺杂效应导致分子中出现极化子引起了负微分电阻效应;极化子的产生和湮灭导致双稳态导电开关效应;外加强电场使有机体系的晶格结构由二聚化变为等间距排列,同时价带顶同导带底交叠,诱导绝缘态-金属态的相变;聚噻吩中偏压可导致二聚化-等间距-二聚化结构变化,出现负微分电阻现象。采用自旋极化率较高的铁磁金属(或半金属)同有机分子形成三明治结构,多子自旋会在有机体系中形成自旋阻塞效应,并且通过电子-声子耦合作用调制少子的自旋极化电流。

    3. 有机分子器件瞬态输运性质研究: SSH模型结合级联运动方程,建立开放体系的动力学输运理论,利用非绝热动力学方法求解开放系统电子与晶格子系统的动力学输运方程。



    参加学校精品课程建设项目《热力学统计物理》课程建设, 2008.7-2011.6

    编写《医学物理学》, 科学出版社出版, ISBN 978-7-03-038184-2 (2013), 副主编

    参编《物理学导论》, 科学出版社出版, ISBN978-7-03-032389-7 (2011)



    X.J.Liu, X.Y. Wang, Y.L. Zhang, S. Wang, Z. An*
    “Electron correlation effects on polarons recombination in coupled polymer chains”
    Org. Electron. 28 (2016) 6
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    X.J.Liu, X.Y. Wang, Y.L. Zhang, S. Wang, Z. An*
    “Long-range Coulomb interaction effects on polarons in conjugated polymers”
    Org. Electron.25 (2015) 261
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    Y. L. Zhang, X. J. Liu, and Z.
    An* “Temperature dependence of polaron stability in conjugated polymers”
    Europhysics Lett.111 (2015) 17009
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    X. J. Liu,K L Dong, and Zhong An*
    “Influence of heterogeneous sulfur atoms on the negative differential resistance effect in polythiophene”
    J. Appl. Phys. 116 (2014) 093706
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    Y. L. Zhang, X. J. Liu, and Z. An*
    “Temperature Effects on the Dynamics of Photoexcitations in Conjugated Polymers”
    J. Phys. Chem. C 118 (2014) 2963
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    Y. L. Zhang, X. J. Liu, Z. Sun, and Z. An*
    “Dynamics of exciton transfer in coupled polymer chains”
    J. Chem. Phys. 138 (2013) 174906


    X. J. Liu, and Z. An*
    “Electron correlation effects on exciton dissociation in the presence of an electric field in polyacetylene”
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    Y. D. Wang, B. Di, Y. Meng, X. J. Liu, and Z. An *
    “The dynamic formation of trions in conjugated polymers”
    Org. Electron.13 (2011) 1178
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    B. Di, Y. Meng, Y. D. Wang, X. J. Liu, and Z. An *
    “Electroluminescence Enhancement in Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes through Inelastic Scattering of Oppositely Charged Bipolarons”
    J. Phys. Chem. B 115 (2011) 9339
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    B. Di, Y. Meng, Y. D. Wang, X. J. Liu, and Z. An *
    “Formation and Evolution Dynamics of Bipolarons in Conjugated Polymers”
    J. Phys. Chem. B 115 (2012) 964
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    X. J. Liu, and Z. An *
    “Structural change-induced negative differential resistance in polythiophene ”
    Org. Electron.12 (2011) 1352
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    X. J. Liu, Z. An*, S. J. Xie*
    “Transition of bipolaron to polarons induced by magnetic impurities in conjugated polymers”
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 25 (2011) 1601
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    Y. Meng, X. J. Liu, B. Di, Z. An*
    Recombination of polaron and exciton in conjugated polymers
    J. Chem. Phys. 131 (2009) 244502


    J. H. Wei, X. J. Liu, S. J. Xie, YiJing Yan
    “Spin-dependent current modulation in organic spintronics”
    J. Chem. Phys.131
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    Y. Meng, B. Di, X. J. Liu, Z. An*, C. Q. Wu
    “Interchain coupling effects on dynamics of photoexcitations in conjugated polymers”
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    J. H. Wei, X. J. Liu, J. Berakdar, and YiJing Yan
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    K. Gao, X. J. Liu, D. S. Liu, S. J. Xie*
    “Charge carrier generation through reexcitations of an exciton in poly(p-phenylenevinylene)molecules”
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    Y. Li, X. J. Liu, J. Y. Fu, D. S. Liu, S. J. Xie*, L. M. Mei
    “Bloch oscillations in a one-dimensional organic lattice”
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    X. J. Liu, K. Gao, Y. Li, J. Y. Fu, J. H. Wei, S. J. Xie*
    “Polaron formation dynamics in conducting polymers”
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    X. J. Liu, K. Gao, Y. Li, J. H. Wei, S. J. Xie* “Two-step
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    J. Y. Fu, J. F. Ren, X. J. Liu ,D.S. Liu, S. J. Xie *
    “Dynamics of charge injection into an open conjugated polymer: A nonadiabatic approach”
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    K. Gao, X. J. Liu, D. S. Liu, S. J. Xie*
    “Reverse polarization in charged π-conjugated oligomers bysingle-optical excitation”
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    X. J. Liu, K. Gao, J. Y. Fu, Y. Li, J. H. Wei, S. J. Xie  *
    “Effect of the electric field mode on the dynamic process of a polaron”
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    X. J. Liu, K. Gao, D. S. Liu, S. J. Xie*
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    J. J. Liu, X. J. Liu, M. Shen, G. C. Yang
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  • 宋俊涛


    宋俊涛  硕士生导师 主要从事自旋电子学,石墨烯、介观纳米体系的量子输运理论,凝聚态体系拓扑效应及拓扑相变的理论研究。近年来发表SCI论文30余篇,其中,Phys. Rev. Lett. 2篇、Phys. Rev. B 11篇。是Nanoscale, Applied Physics Letters, Nanotechnology, Journal of Physics: Consensed Matter, Solid State Communications,AIP等国际期刊专业审稿人。曾获中科院物理所所长奖,十大网投信誉平台排行榜先进工作者,全球信誉最好的网投平台校级先进工作者,全球信誉最好的网投平台青年五四奖章,全球信誉最好的网投平台杰出青年,河北省优秀青年,河北省拔尖人才,河北省杰出青年及河北省新世纪“三三三人才工程”三层次人选等称号或基金支持。







    2010年7月-2010年 9月,中国科学院半导体研究所,访问交流


    2012年9月-2014年 8月,美国Yeshiva大学物理系,访问学习

    2014年9月-2015年 1月,北京大学量子材料科学中心,访问交流


    自旋电子学和拓扑绝缘体,石墨烯,量子点中电声子相互作用, 介观纳米体系的量子输运理论。主要研究成果包括:





    5)利用非对易理论,研究了具有手性对称性的一维和三维拓扑体系的相变问题,发展了实空间计算winding number的公式,发现与该一维和三维拓扑相变对应的临界现象,第一次系统地报道了反对角无序对该类体系拓扑性质的影响。





    主持河北省杰出青年基金项目“拓扑半金属的杂质性质和超导混合结构的研究” (30万元,在研)


    主持全球信誉最好的网投平台杰出青年基金项目“拓扑材料物性的理论研究” (20万元,在研)


    主持河北省拔尖人才项目“拓扑体系中拓扑相变研究” (30万元,在研)


    主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“Chern绝缘体和拓扑绝缘体等拓扑态中无序效应研究” (78万元,在研)


    主持河北省高等学校青年拔尖人才项目“拓扑体系中拓扑相变研究” (9万元,在研)


    主持国家自然科学基金青年项目 “拓扑绝缘体及其相关混合结构中电子输运性质研究”(已结题)











    Impurity scattering and Friedel oscillations in monolayer black phosphorus, Yong-Lian Zou, Juntao Song, Chunxu Bai, Kai Chang, Phys. Rev. B 94.035431 (2016).


    Quantum interference in topological insulator Josephson junctions, Juntao Song, Haiwen Liu, Jie Liu; Yu-Xian Li, Robert Joynt, Qing-feng Sun, X. C. Xie, Phys. Rev. B 93.195302 (2016).


    Route towards Localization for Quantum Anomalous Hall Systems with Chern Number 2, Gang Song, Yan-Yang Zhang, Jun-Tao Song and Shu-Shen Li, Sci. Rep. 6, 19018 (2016).


    Disorder and Metal-Insulator Transitions in Weyl Semimetals, Chui-Zhen Chen, Juntao Song, Hua Jiang, Qing-feng Sun, Ziqiang Wang, X.  C. Xie, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115(24), 246603 (2015).


    Building topological devices through emerging robust helical surface states, Zibo Wang, Juntao Song, Haiwen Liu, Hua Jiang and X.C. Xie, New J. Phys. 17, 113040(2015).


    Quantization of topological invariants under symmetry-breaking disorder, Juntao Song and Emil Prodan, Phys. Rev. B 92(19), 195119 (2015).


    Topological quantum transitions in a two-band Chern insulator with n = 2, Juntao Song, Yan-Yang Zhang, Yuxian Li and Qing-feng Sun, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27, 045601 (2015).


    Effect of strong disorder on three-dimensional chiral topological insulators: Phase diagrams, maps of the bulk invariant, and existence of topological extended bulk states, Juntao Song, Carolyn Fine, Emil Prodan, Phys. Rev. B 90(18), 184201 (2014).


    Topological Criticality in the Chiral-Symmetric AIII Class at Strong Disorder, Ian Mondragon-Shem, Taylor L. Hughes, Juntao Song, Emil Prodan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113(4), 046802 (2014).


    AIII and BDI topological systems at strong disorder, Juntao Song, Emil Prodan, Phys. Rev. B 89(22), 224203 (2014).


    Characterization of the quantized Hall insulator phase in the quantum critical regime, Juntao Song, Emil Prodan, EPL(Europhysics letters) 105(3), 37001 (2014).


    Controllable valley polarization using graphene multiple topological line defects, Yang Liu, Juntao Song*(通讯作者), Yuxian Li, Ying Liu and Qing-Feng Sun, Phys. Rev. B 87, 195445 (2013).


    One-dimensional quantum channel in a grapheme line defect, Juntao Song, Haiwen Liu, Hua Jiang, Qing-feng Sun and X. C. Xie, Phys. Rev. B 86(8), 085437 (2012).


    Dependence of topological Anderson insulator on the type of disorder, Juntao Song, Haiwen Liu, Hua Jiang, Qing-feng Sun and X. C. Xie, Phys. Rev. B 85(19), 195125 (2012).


    Electric-current-induced heat generation in a strongly interacting quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime, Jie Liu, Juntao Song, Qing-Feng Sun, and Xin-Cheng Xie, Phys. Rev. B 79, 161309 (2009).


    Transmission phase shift of phonon-assisted tunneling through a quantum dot, Juntao Song, Qing-Feng Sun, Jin-Hua Gao, and Xin-Cheng Xie, Phys. Rev. B 77, 035309 (2008).


    Measuring the phonon-assisted spectral function by using a nonequilibrium three-terminal single-molecular device, Juntao Song, Qing-Feng Sun, Jin-Hua Gao, and Xin-Cheng Xie, Phys. Rev. B 75, 195320 (2007).

    办 公 室:理科群2号楼C412

  • 张书敏

    张书敏,南开大学光学专业博士,全球信誉最好的网投平台凝聚态物理专业博士生导师、物理科学与信息工程学院院长。Email: zhangsm@hebtu.edu.cn

    先后主持国家自然科学基金(相干拉曼光谱分子测量用光源的研究11074065, 石墨烯锁模耗散孤子光纤激光器动力学特性研究, 11374089)、教育部博士点博导类基金(基于石墨烯饱和吸收体高能量变换极限超短光纤光源20101303110003)、河北省自然科学基金(基于石墨烯可饱和吸收体锁模光纤激光器动力学特性研究 F2012205076,全正色散光纤锁模激光器及其应用F2009000321,高能量光纤飞秒光源的理论和实验研究F2006000183)、河北省教育厅重点基金(超快石墨烯锁模光纤激光器研究ZH2011107)等。                                        

    在 Opt.Lett.,Optics Express, Journal of  the Optical Society of America B, Applied Physics B 等国内外重要期刊杂志发表SCI收录论文 40 余篇, 其中发表在Opt.Lett.上的文章"Passive mode locking at harmonics of the free spectral range of the intracavity filter in a fiber ring laser" 被著名光学专家Govind P. Agrawal编写的权威专著《Applications of Nonlinear Fiber Optics》引用。主持项目"光纤超短脉冲光源的研究"获2012年河北省自然科学奖三等奖。指导的博、硕士研究生获国家奖学金、华藏奖学金等奖项。        




    2002/09-2005/07,      南开大学,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,博士;        

    1997/09-2000/07,      华南师范大学,量子电子学研究所,硕士;        

    1983/09-1987/07,      全球信誉最好的网投平台, 物理系,学士。        


    2012/05-2012/11,  美国康奈尔大学,应用物理系,访问学者;        

    2005/07-至今,     全球信誉最好的网投平台,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,教授;        

    2004/10-2005/04,  新加坡光波所,光通信研究所,研究学习;        

    2000/07-2002/09,  全球信誉最好的网投平台,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,讲师/副教授;        

    1990/10-1997/07,  全球信誉最好的网投平台,十大网投信誉平台排行榜,讲师;        

    1987/09-1990/10,  河北林学院,基础部,助教/讲师。        


    张书敏,杨振军,赵光贞,张志君,新型光纤超短脉冲光源的研究,河北省自然科学奖三等奖 2012ZR3006-1 (2012)        



    石墨烯锁模耗散孤子光纤激光器动力学特性研究(11374089),国家自然科学基金项目,2014.01-2017.12 ,到位经费: 85万元, 项目负责人


    相干拉曼光谱分子测量用光源的研究(11074065),国家自然科学基金项目,2011.01-2013.12,到位经费:40万元, 项目负责人




    基于石墨烯饱和吸收体高能量变换极限超短光纤光源(20101303110003)教育部博士点博导类基金, 2011.01-2013.12, 到位经费:6万元, 项目负责人


    星载遥感用全光纤激光光源的研究(F2017205162)2017.01-2019.12, 河北省自然科学基金,到位经费:6万元, 项目负责人


    基于石墨烯可饱和吸收体锁模光纤激光器动力学特性研究 (F2012205076), 2012.01-2014.12, 河北省自然科学基金,到位经费:5万元, 项目负责人


    全正色散光纤锁模激光器及其应用(F2009000321),2009.01-2011.12, 河北省自然科学基金,到位经费:5万元, 项目负责人


    高能量光纤飞秒光源的理论和实验研究(F2006000183),2006.01-2008.12, 河北省自然科学基金,到位经费:9万元, 项目负责人


    超快石墨烯锁模光纤激光器研究(ZH2011107),2011.01-2014.12,河北省教育厅重点基金,到位经费:9万元, 项目负责人



    Dan Yan, Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang,* Mengmeng Han, Huiyun Han, and Zhenjun Yang, “L-band wavelength-tunable dissipative soliton fiber laser,” Optics Express, 24(2): 739–748 (2016). SCI影响因子:3.488.


    Jingmin Liu, Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang,*, Han Zhang, PeiguangYan, Mengmeng Han, Zhaoguang Pang, and ZhenjunYang Polarization domain wall pulses in a microfiber-based topological insulator fiber laser,”Scientific RepoRts, (6:29128 (2016) ).


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang, Mengmeng Han, Huaxing Zhang, Fang Wen, and Zhenjun Yang, Diffreren polarization dynamic states in a vector Yb-doped fiber laser, Optics Express, 23(8): 10747–10755 (2015).


    Mengmeng Han, Shumin Zhang, Xingliang Li, Huaxing Zhang, Hong Yang, and Ting Yuan, Polarization dynamic patterns of vector solitons in a graphene mode-locked fiber laser, Optics Express, 23(3): 2424–2435 (2015).


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang,Mengmeng Han, Huaxing Zhang, Fang Wen, and Zhenjun Yang, Flexible operability and amplification of gray pulses, Optics Letters, (39, (14):4116-4119  (2014)


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang,*Yanping Hao, and Zhenjun Yang, Pulse bursts with a controllable number of pulses from a mode-locked Yb-doped all fiber laser system, Opt. Express, 22, 6699-6706, (2014)


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang,*Yichang Meng, and Yanping Hao, Harmonic mode locking counterparts of dark pulse and dark-bright pulse pairs, Opt. Express, 21, 8409-8416 (2013)


    Yichang Meng, Shumin Zhang,* Xingliang Li, Hongfei Li, Juan Du, Yanping Hao, “Multiple-soliton dynamic patterns in a graphene mode-locked fiber laser”, Opt. Express, 20(6):6685-6692. (2012)


    Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu, Xinyong Dong, Ping Shum, Xiufeng Yang, Xiaoqun Zhou, Yandong Gong, and Chao Lu, Passive mode locking at harmonics of the free spectral range of the intracavity filter in a fiber ring laser, Optics Letters, 30(21): 2852-2854. (2005)


    Shumin Zhang, Guangzhen Zhao, Aiping Luo, and Zhijun Zhang, Third-order dispersion role on parabolic pulse propagation in dispersion-decreasing fiber with normal group-velocity dispersion, Applied Physics B.,  94(2): 227-232 (2009).


    Shumin Zhang, Chunjiang Jin, Yichang Meng, Xinzhan Wang, and Huihui Li, Propagation of high-power parabolic pulses in cubicon fiber amplifiers, Journal of the Optical Society of America B., 27(6):1272-1278 (2010).


    Shumin Zhang*, Qingshen Meng, and Guangzhen Zhao, All-fiber wavelength tunable passively mode-locked erbium-doped ring laser, The Euopean Physical Journal D, 60: 383-387, (2010)


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang*, Huaxing Zhang, Mengmeng Han, Fang Wen, and Zhenjun YangHighly efficient rectangular pulse emission in a mode-locked fiber laser,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26, 2082-2085,(2014) (IF: 2.176, 2区)


    Mengmeng Han, Shumin Zhang*, Xingliang Li, Huaxing Zhang, Fang Wen, Zhenjun Yang, High-energy, tunable-wavelengths, Q-switched pulse laser, Optics Communications 326, 24–28 (2014)


    Huaxing Zhang, Shumin Zhang*,Xingliang Li, Mengmeng Han,Optimal design of higher energy dissipative-soliton fiber lasers, Optics Communications 335 ,212–217 ,(2015) (IF: 1.542)


    Juan Du, Shumin Zhang*, Hongfei Li, Yichang Meng, Yanping Hao, Xingliang Li, Observation of boundstates of solitons in an L-bandpassivemode-locking ring fiber laser, Opt. laser technol., 46: 61-66, (2013)


    J. Du, S. M. Zhang*, H. F. Li, Y. C. Meng, X. L. Li, and Y. P. Hao, L band passively harmonic mode-locked fiber laser based on a graphene saturable absorber, Laser Phys. Lett., 9(12): 896-900, (2012)


    Yichang Meng, Shumin Zhang*, Xingliang Li, Hongfei Li, Juan Du, Yanping Hao, Passive harmonically mode-locked fiber laser with low pumping power based on a graphene saturable absorber, Laser Phys. Lett., 9(7): 537-541, (2012)


    Yichang Meng, Shumin Zhang*, Xinzhan Wang, Juan Du, Hongfei Li, Yanping Hao, Xingliang Li, Tunable double-clad ytterbium-doped fiber laser based on a double-pass Mach–Zehnder interferometer, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 50(3): 303-307, (2012)


    Hongfei Li, Shumin Zhang*, Juan Du, Yichang Meng, Yanping Hao, Xingliang Li, Passively harmonic mode-locked fiber laser with controllable repetition rate based on a carbon nanotube saturable absorber, Optics Communications, 285(6): 1347-1351, (2012)


    Yichang Meng, Shumin Zhang*, Hongfei Li, Juan Du, Yanping Hao, Xingliang Li, Bright-dark soliton pairs in a self-mode locking fiber laser, Opt. Eng., 51(6): 064302, (2012)


    S. M. Zhang*, Y. P. Hao, C. J. Jin, Y. C. Meng, H. F. Li, J. Du, and X. L. Li, Experimental study of parabolic bound pulses from an Er-doped fiber ring laser, Laser Physics, 22(6): 1049-1053, (2012)


    Xingliang Li, Shumin Zhang*, Yichang Meng, Yanping Hao, Hongfei Li, Juan Du, Zhenjun Yang, Observation of soliton bound states in a graphene mode locked erbium-doped fiber laser, Laser Physics, 22(4): 774–777, (2012)


    Huihui Li, Shumin Zhang*, Xinzhan Wang, Yichang Meng, Generation of high energy, wavelength-tuned supercontinuum sources, Optical Engineering, 50(8): 085005, (2011)


    Yichang Meng, Shumin Zhang *, Enhanced compression of femtosecond pulse in hollow-core photonic bandgap fibers, Optics Communications, 283 , 2411–2415 (2010)


    Shumin Zhang, Generation of picosecond soliton pulses with tunable repetition rate by modulational instability, Optik, 121, 1033–1035 (2010)


    Shuxia Gao, Xiaoqing Li, Shumin Zhang*, Supercontinuum generation by combining clad-pumped Er/Yb co-doped fiber amplifier and highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber, Optik, 121(23): 2110-2112, (2010)


    Shumin Zhang, et. al., Generation of picosecond soliton pulses with tunable repetition rate by modulational instability, Optik , 12 (2009)


    Shumin Zhang, Yang Xiufeng, Lu Fuyun, Gong Yandong, and Meng Xiulan, Supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fibers with a normal dispersion pump pulse near the zero-dispersion wavelength, Optics Engineering, 47(7): 075005. (2008)


    Shumin Zhang, Li Dan, et. al., Tunable all-fiber Er3+-doped laser based on a double-clad Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped fiber amplifier, MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS,.10 (2008)


    Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun, Yang Xiufen, and Gong Yandong, Different operation states of soliton pulses in an erbium-doped fiber ring laser, Chinese Physics, 16(7): 1986-1990 (2007)


    Zhang Shu-Min, Lu Fu-Yun, Zou xiaoxue, Soliton pulses in an erbium-doped fiber ring laser and its use in supercontinuum generation, Acta Physica Sinica, 56, 2191-2195 (2007).


    Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun, all fiber actively Q-switched Er/Yb co-doped ring laser; MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 49 (9): 2183-2186, (2007).


    Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu, and Jian Wang, Self-Q-switching and mode-locking in an all-fiber Er/Yb co-doped fiber ring laser, Optics Communications, 263(1), 47-51. (2006)


    Shumin Zhang , Fuyun Lu, Chunxia Xie. Passively mode-locked Er/Yb-codoped fiber ring laser with a fiber Bragg grating loop mirror. OPTICS ENGINEERING,45(3):034204(2006).


    Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun , Wang Jian. High-power narrow line width tunable cladding pumped Er : Yb co-doped fiber laser MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 48 (9): 1736-1739, (2006).


    Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu, Wencheng Xu, Jian Wang. Modulation instability induced by cross-phase modulation in decreasing dispersion fiber. OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY 11 (2): 193-201 APR (2005).


    Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu, Chunxia Xie, Jian Wang and Xiaoyi Dong. Temporal characteristics of a high-energy Er/Yb-codoped fibre ring laser. JOURNAL OF OPTICS A : PURE APPLIED OPTICS 7:175-178 (2005).


    Zhang Shumin, Lu F uyun, Yang XiuFeng, Dong Fa jie, Wang Hong jie, Dong Xiao yi. Wavelength tunable linear cavity cladding pump Era(3+)/Yb3+ co-doped fiber laser operating in L-band OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 37 (4):417-424 MAR (2005).


    Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun, Gong Yandong, Zhou Xiaoqun, Yang Xiufen, and Lu Chao. Bound soliton pulses in a passively mode-locked fiber ring laser. CHINESE PHYSICS 14(9):1839-1843, (2005).

  • 马丽

    马丽 副教授 硕士生导师








    河北省优秀青年基金获得者。中国电子学会高级会员。主要从事新型磁性金属功能材料的设计和研发。在APL materialsApplied Physics LettersPhysical Review BJournal of Applied Physics等重要学术期刊上发表论文50 多篇。申请国家发明专利5项,已授权4项。其中关于MnNiGa:Co合金中实现磁场诱发马氏体相变的研究成果被著名磁学专家K.  H. J. BUSCHOW纳入其编写的专著《Handbook of  Magnetic Materials V.19》中。Scientific  ReportsIntermetallicsJournal  of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 等国际期刊专业审稿人。















    根据Web of Science给出的统计,我们在该领域的上述研究工作目前总引用频次已达到384次。并且该部分研究成果被著名磁学专家K. H. J. BUSCHOW纳入其编写的专著《Handbook of Magnetic Materials V.19》中。本项研究工作对于开发新的磁驱相变材料和推动Heusler合金的多功能商业化应用都有非常重要的指导意义。




    这一部分研究工作被国际著名物理学家J A Mydosh Reports on Progress in Physics上发表的“Spin glasses: redux: an updated experimental/materialssurvey”综述中作为Heusler合金的最新研究进展所引用[Reports on Progress in Physics 78 (2015) 052501]。本项研究工作对于确认NiMn基合金的磁相构成和开发新的具有大HEHeusler材料具有重要的指导意义。



    国家自然科学基金项目“Mn2基铁磁形状记忆合金开发和物性研究” 项目编号:51101049(2012.01-2014.12)负责人






    河北省自然科学青年基金项目“Mn2NiX(X=Al,In,Sb,Sn)的制备与物性研究” 项目编号:E2012205057(2012.01-2014.12)负责人              


    国家教育部博士点基金项目“Mn2基铁磁形状记忆合金Mn2NiX(X=Al,In,Sb,Sn)开发与研究” 项目编号:20111303120002(2012.01-2014.12)负责人                




    全球信誉最好的网投平台重点基金项目“材料磁性调控材料的成相” 项目编号:130259 (2011.01-2013.12)负责人                


    全球信誉最好的网投平台博士基金项目“新型磁驱相变材料NiCoMnSb和NiCoMnGa ”项目编号:130254(2010.01-2012.12)负责人                


    河北省重点基础研究项目“新型磁性多功能材料的设计、制备和基本物性研究” 项目编号:12965136D(2012.06-2015.06)子项目负责人                


    国家自然科学基金项目“Heusler结构框架下新型磁电材料开发与单晶多层膜制备研究” 项目编号:51271071(2013.01-2016.12)第二主研人              


    国家自然科学基金项目“两种磁驱动马氏体相变新合金的研究” 项目编号:51271071(2008.01-2010.12)第四主研人                


    国家自然科学基金项目“四元铁磁性形状记忆合金CoNiGaZ的磁感生应变研究” 项目编号:51271071(2008.01-2010.12)第四主研人                



    Liyun Jia, Jianlei Shen, Mengmeng Li, XiWang, Li. Ma(通讯作者), Congmian Zhen, Denglu Hou, Enke Liu, Wenhong Wang, andGuangheng Wu,Tuning antiferromagnetic exchange interaction for spontaneousexchange bias in MnNiSnSi system. APL Materials 20175(12): 126105-1-126105-7 (JCR 2区IF:4.335)Times Cited: 0


    L.Ma, H. W. Zhang, S. Y. Yu, Z. Y. Zhu, J. L. Chen, and G. H.Wu* Magnetic-field-inducedmartensitic transformation in MnNiGa : Co alloys Applied PhysicsLetters 92 (2008)032509 (JCR 2区IF:3.844) Times Cited:64


    L.Ma, W. H. Wang, J. B. Lu, J. Q. Li, C. M. Zhen,D. L. Hou, G. H. Wu* Coexistence of reentrant-spin-glass and ferromagneticmartensitic phases in the Mn2Ni1.6Sn0.4 Heusleralloy. AppliedPhysics Letters 99 (2011) 182507. (JCR 2区IF:3.844) Times Cited: 49


    R. B. Zhao, D. W. Zhao, G. K. Li, L. Ma(通讯作者), C. M. Zhen, D. L. Hou, W. H. Wang, E.K. Liu, J. L. Chen, and G. H. Wu, Anomalous magnetic configuration of Mn2NiAl ribbonand the role of hybridization in the martensitic transformation ofMn50Ni502xAlx ribbons. Applied Physics Letters 105 (2014) 232404. (JCR 2区IF:3.302) Times Cited: 3


    L.Ma, W. H. Wang, C. M. Zhen, D. L. Hou, X.D. Tang, E. K. Liu, G. H. Wu,* Polymorphic magnetization and localferromagnetic structure in Co-doped Mn2NiGa alloys. Physical Review B 84 (2011) 224404. (JCR 2区IF:3.691) Times Cited: 22


    D. W. Zhao ,G. K. Li,S. Q. Wang,C. M. Zhen,D. L. Hou, L. Ma(通讯作者), J. Liu,W. H. Wang,E. K. Liu,J. L. Chen,G. H. Wu,A wide temperature window for themagnetostructural transformation in Mn50Ni50-x-ySnxCoy alloys,Intermetallics 2015 70: 68-71. (JCR 2区IF:3.14) Times Cited: 1


    RuibinZhao, Guoke Li, Liyun Jia, Li. Ma(通讯作者), Congmian Zhen, Denglu Hou, Wenhong Wang, Enke Liu,Guangheng Wu, Insight into the important role of antisite disorder in themagnetic properties of Mn2CuAl, Intermetallics 201785: 98-102 (JCR 2区IF:3.14)Times Cited: 0


    H.Pan, L.Ma(通讯作者), G.K. Li, L.Y. Jia, C.M. Zhen, D.L. Hou, W.H.Wang, E.K. Liu, J.L. Chen, G.H. Wu, Large exchange bias effect in the superspin glass state of Mn50Ni38Al12 alloy Intermetallics 201786: 116-120 (JCR 2区IF:3.14) Times Cited: 1


    D. W. Zhao, G. K. Li, S. Q. Wang, L. Ma(通讯作者), C. M. Zhen, D. L. Hou, W. H. Wang, E.K. Liu, J. L. Chen, and G. H. Wu, Tuning exchange bias by Co doping in Mn50Ni41-xSn9Cox melt-spunribbons, Journalof Applied Physics 116, (2014) 103910 (JCR 3区IF:2.183) Times Cited: 1


    P.Song, G.K. Li, L. Ma(通讯作者), C.M. Zhen, D.L. Hou, W.H. Wang, E.K. Liu, J.L. Chen and G.H. Wu,Magnetization jumps and exchange bias induced by a partially disorderedantiferromagnetic state in (FeTiO3)0.9-(Fe2O3)0.1, Journal of Applied Physics 115, (2014) 213907 (JCR 3区IF:2.183) Times Cited: 2


    L. Ma(通讯作者),   S. Q. Wang, Y. Z.Li, C. M. Zhen, D. L. Hou, W. H. Wang, J. L. Chen,and G. H. Wu, Martensitic and magnetic transformation in Mn50Ni50-xSnx ferromagneticshape memory alloys Journal of Applied Physics 112, (2012) 083902 (JCR 3区IF:2.21) Times Cited: 19


    L.Ma, Z. Y. Zhu, M. Li, S. D. Yu, Q. L. Cui, Q.Zhou, J. L. Chen and G. H. Wu,* Structure and magnetic properties ofstress-induced martensite in ferromagnetic shape memory alloy Mn2NiGa Acta Physica Sinica 58 (2009) 3479 (JCR 4区IF:1.027) Times Cited: 8


    J. L. Shen, D. W. Zhao, G. K. Li, L. Ma(通讯作者),  L. Y. Jia, C. M. Zhen, D. L. Hou, Kineticarrest and de-arrest in Mn50Ni36Sn9Co5ferromagnetic shape memory alloy Physica Status Solidi B 253 (2016) 1923 (JCR 4区IF:1.522) Times Cited: 1


    Shen Jian-Lei, Li Meng-Meng, Zhao Rui-Bin, Li Guo-Ke, L. Ma(通讯作者), Zhen Cong-Mian, Hou Deng-Lu, Role of Ni-Mnhybridization in the martensitic transformation and magnetism ofMn50Ni41-xSn9Cux alloys, Acta Physica Sinica, 65 (2016) 247501 (JCR 4区IF:1.027) Times Cited: 0


    L. Ma(通讯作者),  C.M. Zhen, Z. G. Pang, D. L.Hou, Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Sputtered Co5SmFilms. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation 2 (2011) 317






  • 甄聪棉




    1993-1997 全球信誉最好的网投平台物理系 学士

    1997-2000 兰州大学物理系 理学硕士

    2000-2003 兰州大学物理系 理学博士

    2008-2009 日本东京大学工学系 客座研究员

    2015.02-08 美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 访问学者


    主要从事半导体材料,尤其是IV 族基材料的研究,以新能源为主题,结合成熟的半导体Si工艺,主要侧重开发Si、Ge、C 新结构,采用SiO2,SiN 为模板或者母体材料,改变Si,Ge,C 的分布,探测其热电性能、磁性能等。目前,开展了外延生长NiCo2O4薄膜并对其电学行为进行研究。




    1998-1999年度获甘肃省高校科技进步三等奖(“新型硅基薄膜材料的制备及特性研究”,荣证字第3-01/5号);2002年获甘肃省高等学校科技进步一等奖(“纳米半导体薄膜的制备以及发光和光电特性的研究”,证书号:02-A-04/04);2003年获甘肃省科技进步二等奖(“纳米半导体薄膜的制备以及发光和光电特性的研究”,证书号:2003-2-046¤ 4); 2010 年获河北省自然科学二等奖(“宽禁带氧化物半导体磁有序研究”,证书号:2010ZR2003-2);2006年获全球信誉最好的网投平台第三届青年教师课堂教学技能大赛一等奖。




    1 Xing Wang(研究生), Ying Wu, Xiaowei Liu, Jianyong Chen, Congmian Zhen*, Li Ma, Denglu Hou. A template-based method for preparing ordered porous silicon, J Porous Mater, 22(6)2015 1431-1435.

    2 Xing Wang(研究生), CongMian Zhen*, XiaoWei Liu, XiuMin Liu, Li Ma, ChengFu Pan, DengLu Hou, A new hole-bridge structure based on a SiO2 nanoarray and its ferromagnetism, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 446 (2014) 151–155.

    3 赵翠莲(研究生) 甄聪棉* 马丽 潘成福 侯登录,Ge 纳米结构的形貌与铁磁性研究,物理学报 62 3 (2013) 037502

    4 S. Y. Liu(研究生), C. M. Zhen*, Y. Z. Li, C. F. Pan, H. J. Zhou, D. L. Hou, Ferromagnetism in hydrogenated N-doped amorphous carbon films, Journal of Applied Physics 111 (2012) 053922-1-053922-5.

    5 Cuilian Zhao(研究生), Congmian Zhen*, Yuanzheng Li, Li Ma, Chengfu Pan, Denglu Hou, Ferromagnetism in Cu-doped silicon carbide, Solid State Communications 152 (2012) 752–756.

    6 Cuilian Zhao(研究生), Congmian Zhen*, Yuanbo Liu, Chengfu Pan, Li Ma, Zhaoguang Pang, Denglu Hou, Room-temperature ferromagnetism in silicon oxide/silicon nitride composite films, Solid State Sciences 14 (2012) 1454-1457

    7 Y.L. Zheng(研究生), C.M. Zhen*, X.Q. Wang, L. Ma, X.L. Li, D.L. Hou. Room-temperature ferromagnetism observed in alumina films, Solid State Sciences 13 (2011) 1516-1519.

    8 郑玉龙(研究生),甄聪棉*,马 丽,李秀玲,潘成福,侯登录. Si-Al2O3复合薄膜的室温铁磁性,物理学报 60(11)(2011) 117502(1-5).

    9 Zhen Congmian*, Liu Yuanbo, Ma Li, Pang Zhaoguang, Pan Chengfu, Hou Denglu, Ferromagnetism in Ge/SiO2 multilayer films, Journal of Applied Physics, 107 (4) (2010) 043901-1-043901-5.  

    10 Zhen Congmian*, Liu Yuanbo, Zhang Yongjin, Ma Li, Pan Chengfu, Hou Denglu, Room-temperature ferromagnetism in Si-SiO2 composite film on glass substrate, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 503(1) (2010) 6-9.  

    11 Xingwei Liu(研究生), Congmian Zhen*, Yuanbo Liu, Shiyan Liu, Hongjuan Zhou, Xiuling Li, Denglu Hou Magnetic Properties of Al–SiC Co-Sputtered Films Grown by Radio Frequency Sputtering, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10 (2010) 1-4.  

    12 周鸿娟,甄聪棉*,张永进,赵翠莲,马丽,侯登录 N 掺杂SiO2 纳米薄膜的制备及其磁性, 物理学报, 59 (05) (2010) 3499-3503.  

    13 Congmian Zhen, Gang He, Xiaoliang Wang, Y. Shimogaki, SiON as a barrier layer for depositing an Al2O3 thin fillm on Si for gate applications, Surface and Interface Analysis, 41 (2009) 956-959.  

    14 C.M. Zhen*, X.Q. Wang, X.C. Wu, C.X. Liu, D.L. Hou, Au/p-diamond ohmic contacts deposited by RF sputtering, Applied Surface Science, 255 (2008) 2916-2919.  

    15 C.M. Zhen*, J.J. Zhang, Y.J. Zhang, C.X. Liu, C.F. Pan, D.L. Hou Fluorinated nanoporous SiO2 films with ultra-low dielectric constant, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 354 (2008) 3867-3870.  

    16 C.M. Zhen*, Jinjuan Zhang, Li Ma, Denglu Hou,and Ying Liu, Effects of sputtered Ar pressure and substrate temperature on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Cr/SmCo5/Cr films,Surface Review and Letters, 15 (1&2) (2008) 105-109.


    1. 一种具有室温铁磁性的纳米SiO2微球材料及其制备方法
    已授权;发明人:甄聪棉; 刘秀敏;王星;马丽;侯登录;专利号:ZL 2012 1 0550873.0;专利权人:全球信誉最好的网投平台

    本小组网站链接: /cxktz/Templates/shouye.htm