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 安忠教授主要从事低维凝聚态理论方面的研究工作。目前主要研究方向包括:有机导电聚合物的基本物理性质、有机光电器件中的物理过程、有机分子的电荷/自旋传输特性等。主要学术成果有:1/对有机聚合物中光生载流子(荷电极化子)产生的物理机制给出了一个合理的物理解释;2/揭示了极化子运动速度与CDW-SDW量子相变间的关系;3/对有机电致发光中三态激子的湮灭与转化及其对发光效率的影响给出了定性的理解;4/利用ab initio分子轨道理论和有限场方法,系统研究了共轭线性分子的光学极化率,特别是不同电子活性基团取代,孤子、极化子等元激发、掺杂原子、以及这些因素的共同作用对非线性光学极化率的影响,给出共轭聚合物结构和非线性光学性质之间的关系。研究工作一方面能够促进凝聚态理论发展,同时也为有机光电子应用提供理论指导。在Phys. Rev. Lett.、Phys. Rev. B、Appl. Phys. Lett.、J. Chem. Phys.、Organic Electronics 等国内外物理学术期刊上发表论文67篇,论文被引用300余次,在国内外相关研究领域具有一定影响。研究成果“有机共轭聚合物的物理特性研究”荣获2006年河北省自然科学二等奖。2007年获第八届河北省青年科技奖。近几年,先后主持了国家自然科学基金“发光高聚物中荷电极化子动力学研究”、“有机光电器件中元激发的动力学特性研究”和“有机材料中载流子迁移、复合动力学特性的理论研究”等研究项目;参加了国家自然科学基金重大研究计划中的重点项目“有机固体及聚合物器件新效应”的研究工作;2009年获得河北省杰出青年基金资助。先后主讲了本科生《数学物理方法》、《原子物理学》、《热学》等物理系主干课程。

          Email: zan@hebtu.edu.cn
          Tel  86-311-80787347


[67]B. Di, Y. D. Wang, Y. L. Zhang, Z. An*
 The effect of interface hopping on  inelastic scattering of oppositely charged polarons in polymers
 Chinese Phys.  B(2012)

[66] Y. Meng*,  B. Di*, Y. D. Wang, X. J. Liu, Z. An*
 Recombination of two triplet  excitons in conjugated polymers
 Euro. Phys. J. B 85, 415(2012)
[65] H. Zhao, Y. G. Chen, Y. H.  Yan, Z. An, C. Q. Wu
 Correlation effects on the scattering  of soliton pairs in conjugated polymers
 Europhys. Lett. 100, 57005(2012)
[64] Y. D. Wang, B. Di,  Y. Meng, X. J. Liu, Z. An*
 The Dynamical Formation of Trion in Conjugated Polymers
 Organic Electronics 13, 1178 (2012)
[63] B. Di, Y. Meng, Y. D. Wang, X. J. Liu, Z. An*
 Electroluminescence Enhancement in Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes  Through Inelastic Scattering of Oppositely Charged Bipolarons
 J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 9339 (2011)
[62] X. J. Liu, Z. An*
 Structural change-induced negative  differential resistance in poly-thiophene
 Organic Electronics 12, 1352 (2011)
[61] X. J. Liu, Z. An*, S.  J. Xie
 Spin generation from bipolaron dissociation induced by magnetic  impurities in conjugated polymers
 Int. J. Mod.  Phys. B 25, 1601 (2011)
[60] B. Di, Y. Meng, Y. D. Wang, X. J. Liu, Z. An*
 Formation and Evolution Dynamics  of Bipolarons in Conjugated Polymers
 J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 964 (2011)
[59] Z. Sun, D. S. Liu, S. Stafström, Z. An
 Scattering process between polaron  and exciton in conjugated polymers
 J. Chem. Phys. 134, 044906 (2011)
[58] Y. D. Wang, Y. Meng, B. Di, S. L. Wang, and Z. An*
 Effects of polarons on static polarizabilities and second order  hyberpolarizabilities of conjugated polymers
 Chin. Phys. B. 19, 127105 (2010)
[57] 宋瑞,刘晓静,王亚东,邸冰,安忠*
 物理学报 59, 3461 (2010).
 R. Song, X. J. Liu, Y. D. Wang, B.  Di, Z. An*
 Effects of nonlinear electron-lattice  interaction on polarons
 Acta Physica Sinica 59, 3461 (2010)
[56] Y. Meng, Z. An*
 Effects of interchain coupling on photoexcitation in two coupled  polymer chains in the presence of an electric field
 Euro. Phys. J. B74, 313 (2010)
[55] Z. Sun, Y. Li, K. Gao, D. S. Liu*, Z. An*, S. J. Xie
 Dynamical study of  polaron-bipolaron scattering in conjugated polymers
 Organic Electronics 11, 279 (2010)
Times  Cited: 11
[54] Y. Meng, X. J. Liu, B. Di, Z.  An*
 Recombination of polaron and  exciton in conjugated polymers
 J. Chem. Phys. 131, 244502 (2009)
 Times  Cited: 12
[53] H. Zhao, Y. G. Chen, Y. Yao, C. Q. Wu, X. M.  Zhang, Z. An
 Spin-flip processes of polarons by  magnetic impurities in conjugated polymers
 J. Chem. Phys. 131, 154901 (2009)
[52] H. Zhao, X. M. Zhang, Z. An, Y. G. Chen, C. Q. Wu
 Spin-Flip Process of Polarons in  Conjugated Polymers with Magnetic Impurities
 Chin. Phys. Lett. 26, 087203(2009)
[51] 孙震, 安忠, 李元, 刘文, 刘德胜, 解士杰
[50] H. Zhao, Y. G. Chen, X. M. Zhang, Z. An, C. Q. Wu
 Correlation Effects on the Dynamics of Bipolarons in Non-degenerate  Conjugated Polymers
 J. Chem. Phys. 130, 234908 (2009)
[49] Z. Sun, Y. Li, S. J. Xie, Z. An*, D. S. Liu*
 Scattering Processes between  Bipolaron and Exciton in Conjugated Polymers
 Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communication) 79,201310 (2009)
 Times  Cited: 12
[48] H. Zhao, Y. Yao, Z. An,  C. Q. Wu
 Dynamics of polarons in conjugated polymers: An adaptive time-dependent  density- matrix renormalization-group study
 Phys. Rev. B78, 035209 (2008)
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[47] Z. An*,  B. Di, H. Zhao, C. Q. Wu
 Inelastic scattering of oppositely  charged polarons in conjugated polymers
 Euro. Phys. J. B 63, 71 (2008)
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[46] Y. Meng, B. Di, X. J. Liu, Z.  An*, C. Q. Wu
 Interchain coupling effects on dynamics of photoexcitations in  conjugated polymers
 J. Chem. Phys. 128, 184903 (2008)
 Times  Cited: 14
[45] B. Di, Y. Meng, Z. An*,  and Y. C. Li
 Dynamics of polaron at  polymer/polymer interface
 Chin. Phys. Lett. 25, 679 (2008)
[44] B. Di, Z. An*, Y. C.  Li, and C. Q. Wu
 Effects of e-e interactions on the dynamics of polarons in conjugated  polymers
 Europhys. Lett.  79, 17002 (2007)
 Times  Cited: 13
[43] Y. H. Yan, Z. An, C. Q. Wu
 Formation dynamics of bipolaron in a metal/polymer/metal structure
 European Phys. J. B48, 501  (2005)
[42] 安忠,吴长勤,孙鑫
[41] 谢尊,安忠,张迎涛,李有成
 河北工业大学学报 34, 1 (2005)
[40] 谢尊,安忠,李有成,刘英
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[39] H. Zhao, Z. An, C. Q. Wu
 Lattice vibrational analysis of polyacene
 Euro. Phys. J. B 43, 53 (2005)
[38] Z. An,  C. Q. Wu
 Dynamics of self-localized  excitations in a polyacene chain
 Euro. Phys. J. B 42, 467 (2004)
[37] Y. H. Yan, Z. An, C. Q. Wu
 Dynamics of polaron in a polymer  chain with impurities
 Euro. Phys. J. B 42, 157 (2004)
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[36] Z. An, C. Q. Wu, and X.  Sun
 Dynamics of photogenerated  polarons in conjugated polymers
 Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 216407 (2004)
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[35] Z. An, Z. Ye
 Band gap and localization of water waves over one-dimensional  topographical bottoms
 Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 2952 (2004)
[34] Z. An, K. Y. Wong
 Bond-length-alternation and the hyperpolarizabilities of a charged  soliton in polyenic chains
 J. Chem. Phys.  119, 1204 (2003)
[33] Z. An,  C. Q. Wu
 Elementary excitations and optical  absorption in a polyacene chain
 Int. J. Mod.  Phys. B17, 2023(2003)
[32] Z. An,  Y. J. Wu, C. Q. Wu
 Charge-transfer in soliton and  polaron states of phenyl-substituted polyacetylenes
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[31] Z. An, C. Q. Wu
 A dynamic study on polaron-pair  scattering in a polymer chain
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[30] C. Q. Wu, Y. Qiu, Z. An, K. Nasu
 Dynamical study on polaron  formation in a metal/polymer/metal structure
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[29] Y. Qiu, Z. An, C. Q. Wu
 Dynamics of polaron formation in a  polymer/metal structure
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[28] H. Zhao, Z. An, C. Q.  Wu
 Localized excitations and  vibrational modes in a polyacene chain
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[27] Y. M. Kang, Z. Xie, Z. An,  Y. C. Li, N. X. Chen
 Nonlinear electron-lattice  interaction on excited states in polythiophene
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[26] Y. J. Wu, H. Zhao, Z. An,  and C. Q. Wu
 Localized phonons in a pristine polyacene chain
 J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 14,  L341 (2002)
[25] 贾武林,吴永坚,安忠,吴长勤
 物理学报 51, 2595 (2002)
[24] Z. An, K. Y. Wong
 Long chain-length behaviors of optical nonlinearities of substituted  polyenic chains with charged topological defects
 J. Chem. Phys.  114, 1010 (2001)
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 Two-dimensional localized modes in conjugated polymers: the nonlinear  electron- phonon coupling effect
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 Two-dimensional localized vibrational modes of polythiophene around a  bipolaron
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 The pair of soliton-like distortions in organic ferromagnetic  conjugated polymers
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[16] Z. An, Z. J. Li, Y.  Liu, Y.C. Li
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[01] 安忠,李占杰,姚凯伦
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9. 国家自然科学基金:“有机材料中载流子迁移、复合动力学特性的理论研究”,(11074064),
 2011.1-2013.12  (项目负责人)
8. 河北省杰出青年基金:“有机半导体发光与载流子输运机理的理论研究”,(A2009001512),
7. 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,NCET-05-0262),2006-2008(项目负责人)
6. 国家自然科学基金:“有机光电器件中元激发的动力学特性研究”(10574037),
 2006.1- 2008.12(项目负责人)
5. 国家自然科学基金:“发光高聚物中荷电极化子动力学研究”(10204005),
4. 国家自然科学基金:重大研究计划(理论物理学及其交叉学科若干前沿问题)中的重点项目,“有机固体与聚合物器件的新效应”(90403110),2005.1—2007.12(参加)
3. 国家博士后科学基金:“有机共轭高分子激发态及其光学非线性的ab initio研究”
2. 上海博士后(优秀回国留学博士)基金:“有机发光材料中电致发光过程动力学模拟”
1. 全球信誉最好的网投平台博士基金:“有机固体物理性质的理论研究 ”,2005.1-2007.12(项目负责人)