发布时间:2016-02-10   浏览次数:0

陈伟,教授 , 理学博士,博士生导师 , 中青年骨干教师
E_mail: chen07308@mail.hebtu.edu.cn





2005.9-2006.9, 丹麦技术大学物理系,客座教授。

研究方向:纳米体系功能材料,新型薄膜材料, 氧化物薄膜阻变存储器。


科研工作:作为第一主研人完成国家自然科学基金《(类钙钛矿/软磁材料)纳米复合材料的研究》项目的研究。参加国家高新技术研究发展计划(863计划)《基于磁性温度感知合金的核电站极端环境下智能保护技术研究》的研究工作。先后主持完成河北省自然科学基金《双层钙钛矿锰氧化物的制备与磁热效应研究》、石家庄市科学技术研究与发展计划课题《低贵稀土含量钕铁硼永磁材料的成分设计与工艺控制》、河北省人力资源和社会保障厅(人事厅)国家和省留学人员科技活动项目择优资助项目《低贵稀土含量钕铁硼永磁材料的研究》、河北省教育厅博士基金《熔体快淬制备高性能低成本纳米复合永磁材料》、科技厅科技攻关项目《各向异性纳米复合永磁材料等研究》等课题。目前主持河北省教育厅《具有磁性的RRAM存储器的研制》(项目编号 :ZH2012067,6万,2013.1-2015.12),河北省自然科学基金项目《磁性非挥发电阻式随机存储器研究》(项目编号 :A2013205149,5万,2013.1-2015.12),国家自然科学基金面上项目《金属氧化物半导体阻变存储器中的磁性开关效应研究》(项目批准号:11574071,80万,2016.1-2019.12)。在国内外重要学术期刊发表论文90余篇,申请发明专利5项。目前研究的磁性RRAM存储器方向的研究成果发表在Journal of Materials Chemistry C,Applied Physics Letters,Journal of Applied Physics等国际重要学术期刊上。


就业情况:已毕业博士生均在高校任教,已毕业全日制硕士毕业生中, 1人考取博士研究生,6人进入外企或省直单位,2人在中学任教,其余全部进入高校工作。

发表文章:发表论文 90 余篇, SCI 收录 70余篇。


1.  Electric Field Control of Magnetism in Ti/ZnO/Pt and Ti/ZnO/SRO Devices, Shu-xia Ren,Li-yong Zhang, Jing-yu Dong, Yan-fang Huang, Jia-jun Guo,  Li Zhang,  Jing Zhao, Xu Zhao, and Wei Chen*, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3(2015), 4077-4080. (JCR 1区,IF:6.629)

2.  Study on the Oxygen Vacancy Redistribution and the Mechanism of Electrical Manipulation of Ferromagnetism in Diluted Magnetic Oxides, Shuxia Ren, Jingyu Dong, Wei Chen*, Liyong Zhang, Jiajun Guo, Li Zhang, Jing Zhao, and Xu Zhao, J. Appl. Phys., 118, 233902 (2015) (JCR 3区,IF:2.183)

3.  Electric field-induced magnetic switching in Mn:ZnO film, S. X. Ren, G. W. Sun, J. Zhao, J. Y. Dong, Y. Wei, Z. C. Ma, X. Zhao, and W. Chen*. Applied Physics Letters 104, 232406 (2014); (JCR 2区,IF:3.515)

4.  First-principles study of the formation and electronic structure of conductive filament in ZnO-based resistive random access memory, Zhao Jing, Dong Jing-Yu, Ren Shu-Xia, Zhang Li-Yong, Zhao Xu, and Chen Wei*, Chin. Phys. B Vol. 23, No. 12 (2014) 127301

5.   Role of Oxygen Vacancy Arrangement on the Formation of a Conductive

Filament in a ZnO Thin Film, ZHAO Jing, DONG Jing-Yu, ZHAO Xu, CHEN Wei*, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 31, No. 5 (2014) 057307

6.    Electric field induced simultaneous change of resistance and magnetization in an Ag/Ti/Fe3O4/Pt device, Shu-xia Ren, Xu-tao Song,Guo-wei Sun,Xu Zhao,Hui-fang Yang, and Wei Chen*, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1, 7879 (JCR 1区,IF:6.629)

7.    Ti/Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/Pt异质结电致电阻效应的改善,王仲伟,张建,李红维,董春颖,赵晶,赵旭,陈伟*, Acta Physica Sinica,2011,  60(11):117306

8.   Effective Anisotropy in Magnetically Nd2Fe144B / α-Fe Nanocomposite,  Guo Jia-Jun, Chen Lei, Zhao Xu, Fan Su-Li and Chen Wei*, Chin. Phys. Lett., 27(2010) 057502

9.    One-step synthesis and structural quantitative analysis of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3/La1.4Sr1.6Mn2O7 composite, ZHAO Xu, CHEN Wei*, ZONG Yun, DONG Yanhui, GUO Jiajun, FAN Suli, JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, 28(4), 2010, 606

10.   Structure, magnetic and magnetiocaloric properties in La1.4Sr1.6−xCaxMn2O7 perovskite compounds, X. Zhao, W. Chen*, Y. Zong, S.L. Diao, X.J. Yan, M.G. Zhu, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 469(1-2) 2009, 61-65

11.   Struactral, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of La-deficient La0.77-xSrxCa0.2MnO3 perovskite, Zhao Xu, Chen Wei*, Li Aijun, Ma Limei, Zong Yun, Chin. Phys. Lett., 26 (2009) 087401

12.   A Mössbauer study of the chemical stability of iron oxide nanoparticles in PMMA and PVB beads,Wei Chen, Steen Mørup, Mikkel F. Hansen, Tobias Banert, and Urs A. Peuker, J.Magn.Magn.Mater., 320,(2008)2099

13.    Crystallographic Texture and Domain Structure of Nd3:8Dy0:7Pr3:5Fe86Nb1B5 Nanocomposite Prepared by Direct Rapid Solidification, Shu-lin Diao, Wei Chen*, Xu Zhao, Xiu-jun Yan,CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, VOLUME 20, 2007, pp.748-752

14.    Effect of Mn-site vacancies on the magnetic entropy change and the Curie temperature of La0.67Ca0.33Mn1-xO3, W. Chen*, L.Y. Nie, X. Zhao, W. Zhong, G.D. Tang, A.J. Li, J.J. Hu, Y. Tian,Solid State Communications 138(2006)165-168

15.  Refinement of the microstructure and enhancement of the magnetic properties in <alpha>-Fe/(Nd,Dy)2Fe14B nanocomposite using the two-step annealing technique,  W. Chen*, X. Zhao, J .J.Hu, A.J.Li, G.D.Tang, R.W.Gao, M.G.Zhu, X.M.Li, W.Li,J.Magn. Magn. Mater. 306(2006),51-54

16.    Magnetocaloric effect in Nd doped perovskite La0.7-xNdxBa0.3MnO3polycrystalline near room temperature, W. Chen*, L. Y. Nie, W. Zhong, Y. J. Shi, J. J. Hu, A. J. Li, Y.W. Du, J. Alloys & Compounds, 395 (1-2), 2005, pp.23-25, 31