发布时间:2017-11-08   浏览次数:0

张波,男,1957年3月出生,1980 年1月重庆师范学院物理系毕业, 1984 年 9 月考取全球信誉最好的网投平台物理系硕士研究生,1987年7月毕业。1987年开始在全球信誉最好的网投平台物理系任教。理论物理专业博士研究生导师,校学术带头人,一档教授,理论物理研究所所长。中科院国家天文台博士生导师,中国天文学会理事,国际天文联合会(IAU)会员,中国高等科技中心协联成员。































[1] A model for calculating the abundances of neutron -capture elements in metal-poor stars


The Astrophysical Journal, 1999, 513: 910-918


Zhang Bo, Li Ji, Zhang Caixia, Liang Yanchun, Peng Qiuhe


[2] Neutron Capture Elements in the s- and r-Process-Rich Stars: Constraints on Neutron-Capture Nucleosynthesis Processes


The Astrophysical Journal2006,642:1075-1081


Zhang Bo, Ma Kun, Zhou Guide


[3] Investigation for the Puzzling Abundance Pattern of the Neutron-Capture Elements in the Ultra Metal-Poor Star: CS 30322-023


The Astrophysical Journal, 2007, 657:1037-1041


Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo, Ma Kun, Zhang Lu


[4] Investigation for the Enrichment Pattern of the Elements Abundances in r+s Star HE 0338-3945: A Special r-II Star


The Astrophysical Journal, 2010, 708: 51-57


Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Jiang, Zhu Zizhong, Zhang Bo


[5] The oxygen abundance calibrations and N/O abundance ratios of 40000 SDSS star-forming galaxies


The Astrophysical Journal, 2006, 652:257-269


Liang Yanchun, Yin ShaoyingF.Hammer, Deng LicaiH.Flores, Zhang Bo


[6]  The heavy-element abundances of AGB Stars and the angular conservation model of wind accretion for barium stars


Astronomy and Astrophysics,2000363: 555-567


Liang Yanchun, Zhao Gang, Zhang Bo


[7]  Orbital elements of barium stars formed through a wind accretion scenario.


Astronomy and Astrophysics,2000363: 660-666


Liu Junhong, Zhang Bo, Liang Yanchun, Peng Qiuhe


[8]  Chemical compositions of four barium stars.


Astronomy and Astrophysics,2003397: 257-265


Liang Yanchun, Zhao Gang ,Chen Yuqin, Qiu Hong-mei, Zhang Bo


[9] Empirical strong-line oxygen abundance calibrations from galaxies with electron-temperature measurements


Astronomy and Astrophysics,2007, 462: 535-546


Yin Shaoying, Liang YanchunF.Hammer,J.Brinchmann, Zhang Bo, Deng LicaiH.Flores


[10] The origin of the lead-rich stars in the Galactic Halo: investigation of the model parameters for the s-process .


Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2006,368:305-309


Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo


[11] Investigation of the single neutron exposure model for the s-process: the primary nature of the neutron source.


Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2007, 375:1418-1422


Ma Kun, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo


[12] Study of Isotopic Fractions and Abundances of the Neutron-capture Elements in HD175305


Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2009, in press


Zhang Jiang, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo


[13] Evolution of the distribution of neutron exposures in the Galaxy disc: an analytical model


Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2007, 28:1-12


Cui Wenyuan, Zhang WeijuanZhang Bo


[14]Two r-process components in ultra-metal-poor stars:the neutron-capture element distribution of CS 22892-052.


Astrophysics and Space Science, 2002, 280:325-336.


Zhang Bo, Li Ji, Wang Yuexiang, Zhang Yanxia, Liu Junhong, Peng Qiuhe


[15] The yields of r- process elements and chemical evolution of the Galaxy.


Astrophysics and Space Science, 2006, 306:33-39


Chen ZheZhang JiangChen YanpingCui WenyuanZhang Bo


[16] Orbital elements of the mild and strong barium stars formed through a wind accretion scenario


Astrophysics and Space Science, 2008, 314: 351-359


Cui WenyuanZhang Bo, Quan Yamin, Zhou Guide, Chen Yanping


[17] Abundances of heavy elements in ultra-metal poor star CS22892-52


= 极贫金属星CS 22892-052的重元素丰度研究.


Science in ChinaA,1999,42:401-406.=中国科学(A), 1998, 28:1102-1106.


Zhang Bo,Zhang Caixia, Li Ji, Liang Yanchun, Peng Qiuhe


[18] Correlativity of nucleosynthesis in low-mass AGB stars


= 低质量 AGB 星核合成事件的相关性研究


Science in ChinaA, 1996,39:1112-1120.=中国科学(A), 1996,26: 1050-1156.


Liu YongxinZhang Bo,, Peng Qiuhe


[19] Inverse Correlation of abundances in AGB Stars.


Chinese Physics Letters, 1998, 15: 76-78.


Zhang Bo,Liu Junhong, Liang Yanchun, Peng Qiuhe


[20] Abundances of elements in metal-poor star HD 126238.


Chinese Physics Letters, 1999, 16.619-621.


Li Ji, Zhang Bo, Wei Guoqiang,Zhang Liping,, Peng Qiuhe


[21] Abundances distribution of slow-process main heavy elements in AGB stars.  


Chinese Physics Letters 2003, 20.962-964.


Zhang Miaojing, Zhang Bo,Li Guanglie


[22] R-Process Nucleosynthesis and Galactic Chemical Evolution of the Ba Peak Elements.


Chinese Physics Letters, 2003,202084-2087.


Song Hanfeng, Zhang Bo, Zhang Jiang, Wu Haibin, Peng Qiuhe


[23] Neutron Capture Elements in the Double Enhenced Star HE1305-0007: a new s- and r-Process Paradigm.


Chinese Physics Letters, 2007,241417-1420.


Cui Wenyuan, Cui Dongnuan, Du Yunshuang, Zhang Bo


[24] Mass Fraction of 13C-Pocket in Metal-Poor AGB Stars and the Primary Nature of Neutron Source


Chinese Physics Letters, 2009,26039701, 1-4


Cui Dongnuan, Geng Yuanyuan, Cui Wenyuan, Zhang Bo


[25] Galactic chemical evolution of the lighter neutron capture elements Sr,Y,Zr.


Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics,2003,5:431-442.


Du Cui-huaZhang Bo, Song Hanfeng, Peng Qiuhe


[26]New variable stars discovered as by-product of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory Supernova survey


Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics,2002,2:463-473.


Kong MinzhiQiu YuleiShen Chuanjian,Deng Jinsong,Zhang Bo


[27] A statistical model for predicting the average abundances patterns of the heavy elements in metal-poor-stars


Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics,2002,2:429-440


Zhang Bo, Zhang Yan-xia,Li Ji, Peng Qiuhe


[28] The Distributions of Neutron Exposures in AGB stars and the Galaxy


Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics,2007,7:224-233




[29] Model of wind accretion in extrinsic AGB stars under conservation of total angular momentum


= 外赋AGB星星风吸积的角动量守恒模型.


Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics,1999,23:189-194=天文学报,1998,39:424-429.


Zhang Bo, Liu Junhong, Liang Yanchun, Peng Qiuhe


[30] A methed of evaluating abundances of heavy elements in metal-poor stars


= 一种研究贫金属星重元素丰度分布的方法.


Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2000,24:88-94=天文学报,1999,40:256-262.


Zhang Bo,Li Ji, Zhang Caixia, Liang Yanchun, Peng Qiuhe


[31] The abundance distribution of Neutron-capture elements in metal Poor stars


= 贫金属星中子俘获元素丰度分布


Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2001,25:298-304=天文学报,2001,42:22-28.


Zhang Bo, Zhang Yanxia, Liu Junhong, Li Ji, Peng Qiuhe


[32] The nucleosynthesis of elements in low-mass AGB stars= 低质量 AGB 星重元素的核合成.


Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics,1997,21:59-69=天文学报,1996,37:243-253.


Wang Xinge, Zhang Bo, Peng Qiuhe


[33] Monte Carlo simulations of the orbital elements and abundances of Barium stars


= 钡星系统轨道根数及丰度分布的Monte-Carlo模拟计算.


Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics,2003,27:292-302=天文学报200344:116-125.


Shi Weibin, Niu Ping, Zhang Bo, Liu Junhong, Peng Qiuhe


[34] Evolution of the s-element abundances of 3M asymptotic giant branch stars


= 3 MAGB 星表面重元素丰度的演化.


Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1998,22:49-55.=天文学报, 1997,38:232-238.


Zhang Bo, Chang Ruixiang, Peng Qiuhe


[35] A new formula for computing mean neutron exposure = 计算平均中子辐照量的新公式


Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2008, 32:369-379.=天文学报, 2008, 49: 133-143


Zhang Fenghua, Zhou Guide, Zhang Bo


[36] The color-magnitude relation of disk galaxies= 盘状星系的颜色星等关系


Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2007, 31:236-243 =天文学报, 2007, 48: 11-17


Wu Haibin, Liu Chengze, Zhang Bo, Chang Ruixiang


[37] The overbundance of s-process elements in Ba stars through wind accretion


= 星风吸积引起的钡星重元素超丰.


Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1997,21:453-460=天体物理学报,1997,17:284-290.


Chang Ruixiang, Zhang Bo,  Peng Qiuhe


[38]The average abundance of heavy elements in metal poor stars in different metallicity ranges




Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2001,25:187-193=天体物理学报,2000,20:277-284.


Zhang Yanxia, Zhang Bo, Li Ji, Liu Junhong, Peng Qiuhe


[39] Period variation of x-ray pulsars and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the accretion disk boundary


= X-射线脉冲星周期的变化与吸积盘的K-H不稳定性.


Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics,1989,13:366-372=天体物理学报,1989,9:244-250.


Zhang Bo, Ge Yunzao


[40] Nucleosynthesis of fluorine in low-mass AGB stars during the thermal pulse phase


= 小质量AGB星热脉冲阶段氟的核合成.


Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics,1996,20:231-238=天体物理学报,1996,16:58-64


Liu Yongxing, Zhang Bo, Peng Qiuhe


[41] Ba星星风吸积机制的再研究. 天体物理学报,1999,19:213-219. 梁艳春, 张波,彭秋和






[44]贫金属星的中子俘获元素. 高能物理与核物理,20042830-36.张妙静,张波,厉光烈


[45] AGB星演化过程中的核合成.  原子核物理评论,2002,13321-328. 张妙静,张波,厉光烈


[46] AGB 星核合成理论的研究进展. 天文学进展,1996,14:275-285.  张波,常瑞香,彭秋和


[47]贫金属星中子俘获元素丰度. 天文学进展.2000,18:238-248.  张波,李冀,张彦霞,彭秋和


[48] AGB s-过程核合成相关问题的研究进展. 天文学进展 2006,24:54-61.张波,崔文元